Shuttlecock XXX: Now With More Labor Inducing Sex Talk

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I call you Peefer Sutherland, so you could post a picture of Kiefer if you so desired. Preferably this one:
If I looked like him, I'd probably have to do it, even though no one would get it. But I look so much different that everyone not on the Interland would be wondering what the hell I was doing.

I never realized so many people were told they looked like celebrities.

I used to get Linda McCartney and Princess Di in college a lot but I never understood it. They're both dead now so using their pictures would be a very bad omen, I suspect, and doubly so since I look nothing like them.
Joyful, does it snow much in Taos in mid-April?

I wouldn't think so. If it did, it would be mostly gone by the afternoon. Not counting the freak spring blizzard which...could happen. Unlikely, though.
i have no idea what celebrity i look like.

I don't want to know anymore. It was fun in college...but now that I'm older, the odds are I'd be horrified. In fact...just remembering I was horrified last summer. Not saying who it was.
We had really awful news at work today - one of our key contacts at our benefits administration vendor died over the weekend.

We've worked with him for years, and I talked to him almost every day. Just the nicest guy, awesome at his job (I swear, sometimes he knew more about our benefit programs than we did), and far too young to die. It sounds silly, but we think of some of our contacts at our vendors as family (well, that work kind of family) - we've worked so closely with them for a long time.

I'm trying not to think about it too much tonight. When we found out this afternoon, I just went numb and then there were a few of us crying.

I just feel so awful about it - I don't know much about him but knew he was single. All we know is that he died over the weekend and he was found sometime today. I can't stop wondering how he died, if he was scared, and that he must have been alone, and it just breaks my heart.

Dear Mark in Texas, I'm going to miss you.
Pfft. We don't get that day off. We don't get MLK Day off, either. Sometimes working for a retail-based company sucks. :down:

I need to learn to loosen up with my vacation - we get our new allotment in October with the start of the fiscal year, and I'm always skittish about using it too soon, so I end up hoarding it and taking most of it in the summer.

I'll have to get over that and use a day here or there to break up the shitty monotony of the time between the New Year holiday and Memorial Day.
I'm snowed in again. When I was driving home from work an hour ago, the guy behind me blew his horn because I was apparently going too slow for him. The road was treacherous and everyone was going like 5 mph and leaving lots of room between drivers - you know, like how normal people drive in snow - except this asshole who was on my tail. Moments later I saw him swerving all over the road and he almost hit a few people before regaining control of the car. I snickered and muttered "serves you right, you asshole." Was that wrong?

we got 3-4 inches of snow last weekend. we got 4 beautiful inches last night.

we're getting a foot on Friday night! :hyper: this means we'll do our traditional snow walk around the city where we inevitably wind up in a bar.

we've had more snow in DC than they've had in Boston, which never happens. i'm loving it.

for now. when March rolls around, i want my damn cherry blossoms.
The little path I cleared for my Chihuahua now has about 2-3 inches on it. We've gotten more snow this year than I remember ever having since I've lived here. It's not been a whole lot at one time, it's just been non-stop for weeks.

I want some damn plums on that tree this year. :grumpy:
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