South Sandwich Islands Superthread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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There we go, enchiladas made, now they just need to bake in the oven!

I think I've included too much tomato, but I don't really mind that.
:hug: Ick, hope you feel better, Khan. Have a good one! :wave:

Bonnie, are you watching Top Gear tonight?
Yeah, I am. Just saw an ad for Australian Top Gear - wow, they're real non-entities, aren't they?

That show is going to fail so, so badly. I loved that they played an ad offering the chance to be in the studio audience. Yeah, uh, no thanks.

And WTF, no Good News Week this week. I thought it was meant to be back after the Olympics. Ah well, guess I'll watch South Park and see if it doesn't suck.
Hah, yeah. And I just love how May was introduced.

Are you up to Hammond's segment about the off-roader?
Ick, something associated with Telstra. Keep it away! :wink:

I know, I caved into Telstra, but hey, it seems good, after my trial, if I decide to keep on, its only costing me $20 a month no late fees, no postage costs. In the end because I do hire out a fair few movies it works out to save me money, and fuel.

This is hopefully the only Telstra related thing I do for the rest of my life!
I know, I caved into Telstra, but hey, it seems good, after my trial, if I decide to keep on, its only costing me $20 a month no late fees, no postage costs. In the end because I do hire out a fair few movies it works out to save me money, and fuel.

This is hopefully the only Telstra related thing I do for the rest of my life!


Sounds like not a bad deal, yeah. Not going the torrent route, eh?

And yeah, seems not much of the Aussie crowd's around tonight ... no idea why this thread is particularly dead, though.

Sounds like not a bad deal, yeah. Not going the torrent route, eh?

Not with movies, actually the only DVD's i've ever downloaded were U2 bootlegs, some Muse DVD's and thats about it.

Since I hate watching DVD's at the computer (which may change now with the laptop) I usually like to sit back and chilliax and watch it on a bigger screen. I'm still torrenting all my music, speaking of which, porcupine tree discography must be getting closed to finished!
Not with movies, actually the only DVD's i've ever downloaded were U2 bootlegs, some Muse DVD's and thats about it.

Since I hate watching DVD's at the computer (which may change now with the laptop) I usually like to sit back and chilliax and watch it on a bigger screen. I'm still torrenting all my music, speaking of which, porcupine tree discography must be getting closed to finished!

Ah, yeah, fair enough. I've only ever downloaded U2 bootleg DVDs myself. God, that was a while ago!

Awesome. I'm finally able to listen to music again - it's sounding fairly close to normal today, so I'm quite happy about that.
Ah, yeah, fair enough. I've only ever downloaded U2 bootleg DVDs myself. God, that was a while ago!

Awesome. I'm finally able to listen to music again - it's sounding fairly close to normal today, so I'm quite happy about that.

Isn't it! The last DVD I downloaded would have been the both the South American Shows that were broadcast on the Vertigo Tour. I did get some clips from the second Melbourne gig, But they were hardly work it!

That's awesome! I'm bet your glad you don't have to go in for an operation or anything.
Bonnie, I've never even watched The Mighty Boosh, but the ads look pretty dodgy. Then again, most comedy at the moment is pretty dodgy, no matter where it comes from.

Isn't it! The last DVD I downloaded would have been the both the South American Shows that were broadcast on the Vertigo Tour. I did get some clips from the second Melbourne gig, But they were hardly work it!

That's awesome! I'm bet your glad you don't have to go in for an operation or anything.

I pretty much stopped trading mid-2005. I don't think I've downloaded any video footage since then, and little audio. I'm just not interested any more. Too much other music out there.

Better not speak too soon! I think I've escaped an operation but that's still not 100% certain until I see the doctor tomorrow. There's definitely still something wrong, but I'm hopeful another round of medicine will knock that on the head.
I pretty much stopped trading mid-2005. I don't think I've downloaded any video footage since then, and little audio. I'm just not interested any more. Too much other music out there.

Better not speak too soon! I think I've escaped an operation but that's still not 100% certain until I see the doctor tomorrow. There's definitely still something wrong, but I'm hopeful another round of medicine will knock that on the head.

I stopped trading in 2004 I reckon, The last bunch of DVD's I received were from you when I got back from America. I'm lost interest in collecting the audio probably when the tour was delayed in 2006.

Well it sounds like its working, which is good. Good luck at the doctors tomorrow :up:
I stopped trading in 2004 I reckon, The last bunch of DVD's I received were from you when I got back from America. I'm lost interest in collecting the audio probably when the tour was delayed in 2006.

Well it sounds like its working, which is good. Good luck at the doctors tomorrow :up:

The last serious trades I did were around March/April 2005. Then I went to the US, and ever since I came back, I've dropped out of the trading loop. Both because I really don't need more shows and because the politics irritates me. I've got better things to do than argue over hoarding and the 2 week rule and shit like that.

Thanks. I'm now mildly regretting agreeing to a 9:30am appointment, but maybe I'll go to sleep soon anyway ...
The last serious trades I did were around March/April 2005. Then I went to the US, and ever since I came back, I've dropped out of the trading loop. Both because I really don't need more shows and because the politics irritates me. I've got better things to do than argue over hoarding and the 2 week rule and shit like that.

Thanks. I'm now mildly regretting agreeing to a 9:30am appointment, but maybe I'll go to sleep soon anyway ...

Yeah the whole political U2 trading crap, God it pissed me off. Remember I was going to go round Australia and record the aussie shows with some IEM equipment, and then suddenly they didn't want my services.


And you asleep early?, what is this 2005?
Have a good one, Bonnie! :wave:

Yeah the whole political U2 trading crap, God it pissed me off. Remember I was going to go round Australia and record the aussie shows with some IEM equipment, and then suddenly they didn't want my services.


And you asleep early?, what is this 2005?

WTF was with that falling through? God, I just don't get some of the elitism and snobbery. Does it really make some people feel better to have rare shit and know that serious fans who'd love to hear shows they attended can't?

Heh, I'm just feeling pretty tired and a bit miserable this evening for no readily apparent reason, so I'm thinking I'll turn in early. Especially with not much happening here.
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