We didnt start the fire.

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War Child
Apr 15, 2002
New Jersey
--If you thought this was a Billy Joel post you were wrong--

There is woods right down the street from me and kids are known to go back there to have paintball wars and ride their dirtbikes and stuff back there. Anyways, the place is also known for party goers, kids go back there and start bonfires and dont put them out, fire trucks have been out there 8 times in the past year to put something out. Well it happened again this morning, and the neighbors always blame us for it when its really the people who live on the otherside of the woods that start it. They should also know by now we only go back there during the day to watch the paintball war, to look around, or go to the "conrete pit" which is just concrete we found and ramps for skateboards[haha yes I do skateboard.] We even have back up, we know one kid that lets us use his backyard as a short cut out of there[cause sometimes an old guy with what looks like a gun but is really a water gun chases you out.]

Ugh. :coocoo:
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