With or without you

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lady luck

Rock n' Roll Doggie
Sep 13, 2004
Great song, I know we all like it!
This morning I was going to get the bus to come to work and all the song was broadcasted on the radio.

Then, at lunch time, I got an email from a friend, who sent me some phrases connected to love.

Reading it, I came to a particular one of a latin author called M. Valerius Martialis, whose translation is:

"You're easy and diffucult at the same time, a pain and a pleasure: I can't live with or without you"


I love this kinf od small coincidences!

Wonder if Bono ever read this author...
M. Valerius Martialis? He's better known as Martial.

Was there a citation on this? I'll look it up at school - I take Latin, and we have a nice classics library.
WalkOn21 said:
I've always wondered why the English(-speaking) classicists feel the need to use English translations for Latin/Greek names. :|

I think it is something they did in almost all languages

In Italian, we used to translated everything!

For instance: Thomas Moore becomes Tommaso Moro or Kalvin becomes Calvino...

Thank God, we gave up this some time ago!

M. Valerius Martialis? He's better known as Martial.

Was there a citation on this? I'll look it up at school - I take Latin, and we have a nice classics library.

Unfortunately I can't say where it comes from..
Hope you'll find it and post it here!!
lady luck said:

I think it is something they did in almost all languages

In Italian, we used to translated everything!

For instance: Thomas Moore becomes Tommaso Moro or Kalvin becomes Calvino...

Thank God, we gave up this some time ago!
My native language is Dutch, and as far as I know names were never translated. But then, I'm not an expert in ancient Dutch.
Probably your people does not feel it is necessary to translate nouns...
I love that song, it is so powerful and romantic:heart:
Bono voice is so :drool: I love the way he whispers at the begining and by the end of the song he is shouting out those OHHHOHHhOHHH's
Adam's bass vibrates
Larry's drums beats into your heart
and the Edge's guitar is like nothing I have ever heard, truly amazing song.
lady luck said:
Great song, I know we all like it!
This morning I was going to get the bus to come to work and all the song was broadcasted on the radio.

Then, at lunch time, I got an email from a friend, who sent me some phrases connected to love.

Reading it, I came to a particular one of a latin author called M. Valerius Martialis, whose translation is:

"You're easy and diffucult at the same time, a pain and a pleasure: I can't live with or without you"


I love this kinf od small coincidences!

Wonder if Bono ever read this author...

I had to study this last year for my AS Level Latin. It has much better form in the original but obviously the meaning remains the same.
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