What would you do for a lifetime pass?

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Mar 29, 2005
Outside Providence
I figure I'd make it to somewhere between 300-1000 games over the rest of my life if I had such a pass.

So that's 1-3 games for each day of captivity. Not worth it for me. But it's nice that MLB did something to help these guys recover from the ordeal.
Excellent article.

I doubt I would voluntarily go through something like that for a lifetime pass. Not only does it effect you, but it effects your family and friends, and I wouldn't put anything like that on them.
Some article.
The lifetime pass is a nice gesture by MLB, though I'm sure each and every one of them would have preferred not to endure their captivity and would gladly trade the pass for not having to go through it. I remember the hostage crisis, can't imagine what the ordeal must have been like. But the thought of Ronny Ray-Gun taking office got them released immediately.

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