What the hell IS this thing?

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PLEBA incarnate

It's drooling... can't you see?!?!
Originally posted by Achtung_Bebe:
PLEBA incarnate

It's drooling... can't you see?!?!

Hey bebe....I like my icon. Can I claim it as mine and have noone use it? I'll have MT write us a contract.



[This message has been edited by TheU2 (edited 11-01-2001).]
Too bad TheU2. The runtish buffoonery of that smilie fits you well.
I love that smilie! I don't really think it looks lilke it's drooling either. It looks like a really surprised person with a straw in his mouth. Like, if someone was drinking a soda and then something really shocking happened, that would be the expression on their face. I think it is destined to become one of my favorites.

Remember the goul.

Shake n' bake
Do whatever it takes
I thought he was a non-animated form of the puking guy.

"Things will not be the same in this city for us." -Bono, Dublin, February 1980
It's a tounge scraping!

"checkin fa to save my save my soul checkin in da places where no flowers grow checkin fa to fill dat Jackie Chan shaped batty mam...mother suckin speed garage and roll " - Ali G "Mofo"
Originally posted by The_Sweetest_Thing:
He looks like he's spitting out rabies foam...(frothing at the mouth)


Well it isnt the original drooling smilie I wanted, I admit. The other one crapped out on me. So you can interpret this smilie however the hell you want!


Zooming In
Zooming Out
Nothing I Can't Do Without
Originally posted by Achtung_Bebe:
PLEBA incarnate

It's drooling... can't you see?!?!

Hmmmmm.. we need an Elevated icon!

[This message has been edited by Bonoforever (edited 11-02-2001).]
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