OMG I have TONS!
Summer vacation & staying out late playing hide & seek, kick the can....riding bikes with playing cards in the spokes....skateboards, pogo sticks, stilts, making forts, water balloon fights, slurpees from 7-11, climbing trees, skate keys, sneaking into the movie theatre, the DRIVE IN, drive up A&W Root Beer being served & eating in your car! Slip & Slide, family car trips, picnics, reunions, Santa Cruz boardwalk, going to the beach real early to have breakfast, lunch then dinner there, popsicles from the Ice Cream truck, fruit fights in the orchards, riding in the back of the station wagon with the back window down, hula hoops, neighborhood baseball at the end of a dead end street, Sun In to bleach our hair blonde, ice cold kool aid from the big plastic Kool Aid pitcher we got with kool aid points, home made lemonade, watching TV shows as a family, eating dinner together as a family, girl scout meetings and outings, camping, swim meets and swim practices, always running into someone my dad knew no matter where on the globe we visited, trips to the library, sleep overs, bossing my sister & cousins around cuz I was the oldest, the pool, getting to pick out one box of cereal of our choice for helping our mom with grocery shopping, Barbies, board games (Tip It, LIFE, Aggravation, Mousetrap, Operation, Hands Down, Hungry Hungry Hippos, Pick up stix, Monopoly, Battleship, Candyland, Chutes & Ladders), double dutch jumprope, Watching Dark Shadows with our mom & after school snacks, Dad's wacky cooking, horseback riding lessons, Blackberry Farm, San Francisco Wharf, the real Alamo, goign to the zoo in SF & San Diego, Disneyland, Frontierland, Marine World, Sea World, Great America, the Boardwalk & collecting change under the roller coasters, PBJ's squooshed "just so", encouraging notes in our school lunches, OMG.......there's more but this is a LOT! Fun thinking about it all.