Well, if you want....

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Jun 29, 2007
Well, check this out....

Since others thought I was doing it for "self-promotion" (which is far from the truth, I am doing this purely for your entertainment. I am a huge U2 fan and just want to spread the love of the music. If you want, I have a link in my signature to U2 concert.

I hope this doesnt break the rules. If it does, tell me how I can restate it so it fits the criteria b/c this is not self-promotion. Those websites are not even sites that you can do anything with.

Anyone else think U2 is the best modern act live in the business?
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Well, Bono acoustic is always great. Is that him playing the guitar?
So question for U2aholics: What exactly does Bono do w/ his guitar. Is he like a Lennon, who just kind of plucked at his guitar? Or does he actually have some skills?
Mountain Dew Ma said:
plucks alot

but on certain songs
he does do his fair share

i guess it helps having the best guitarist in the industry next to him:laugh: . he can strum his guitar and be zoned out by edge.
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