Weigh in - here---------->

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sorry, i miss monday, here it is

June 7 = 172.6

June 14 = 169.0

June 21 = 167.0

June 27 = 165.0

July 4 = 163

July 11 = 161.4

July 18 = 160

July 25 = 158

:up: to all

i am just eating around 1200-1400 calories a day

too lazy, to exercise very much
Well, I am 138 today. I have broken the 140 barrier!!! :dancing:

I could not be more surprised though, considering what I ate with a whole month's worth of house guests (frightening amounts of fattening food...at least 2,500+ cals per day) but I guess it's just down to the cycling.

I'm wondering if there will be a delayed reaction and I will pay for this in a couple of weeks! :uhoh:

My next goal is to be 135 or less by my Dr. physical on Sept 13.
Mrs. Edge said:
Well, I am 138 today. I have broken the 140 barrier!!! :dancing:

My next goal is to be 135 or less by my Dr. physical on Sept 13.

you can do it

for sure :up:

June 7 = 172.6

June 14 = 169.0

June 21 = 167.0

June 27 = 165.0

July 4 = 163

July 11 = 161.4

July 18 = 160

July 25 = 158

Aug 1 = 157.4

I think I may be plateauing
6'2 165

I'd like to game some muscle

Db9 and I are gonna rumble...and though speed endurance and flexibility are on my side....I'd like to give him a very convincing ass whupping
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130 lbs

just started going to gym again (man i hurt today) in an attempt to counteract all the pizza, doritos and beer i consume on weekends!
and because i'm starting to look chunky in photos :reject:

its London i tell you - happens to everyone who comes here. call it the Heathrow injection - as soon as you land at Heathrow airport you gain like 5 lbs instantly!
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Im terrified of the scale. It can do me no good really.
I dont over eat. I eat healthy foods and good portions so if the scale says that Im fat then theres not a whole hell of a lot I can do about it until I get into an exercising routine
And if it says that Im getting thinner then it will just encourage me to go back to my days of rarely eating :rolleyes:
So funny I was just looking at before and after pics of myself and then I saw this thread!!

I gained 22 pounds since Sept to May (damn school) but I have llost 10 lbs of that!

I weigh 155 :) 4 Years ago I was 119 pounds heavier! :no: :scream: :down: :tsk: :yikes: It took me 1 1/2 years to lose 119 pounds and have maintained it for 4 years so I'm proud of myself! :) To all who are trying to lose weight, hang in there and be dedicated and you will achieve results! :) For those who have a lot of weight to lose believe you can achieve your goal or get close to it like me! :D When I'm done with school I will reach my dream goal of 125! ! :)

Also, CONGRATS to all who are loseing weight! KEEP IT UP FOLKS!
I was 165 at the beginning of June, then 175 at the end of June. Actually, I gained more weight than that due to stress. :reject: But I lost some of it.

I weighed myself a few days ago. I'm down to 160! :shocked: :dancing:
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Doozer61 said:
three weeks on south beach. and i am still loving fruit!!!

weigh in will be this friday, before vacation. :yikes:

I've tried a crapload of diets throughout my time on this planet. Unfortunately weight has always been an issue, it took a long time to just accept who I was.

The South Beach Diet is the only one that's worked where I wasn't constantly obsessing over food and feeling hungry and having dreams where I'm stuffing my piehole with ice cream (anybody ever have eating dreams like that when they're on a diet? I know I can't be the only one. ;) )

I'm at the point in my life where it's not so much how I look, although that's a nice side effect, it's how I feel and I feel better now than I have in years.

I never stepped on a scale because... well, because I think scales are evil, dammit! heh. So I don't know how much I lost. But I've gone from a 16 to an 8 and am still losing.

On the other page I read that you lost 10 pounds so far and it's so encouraging and such an inspiration to read this and everyone else's testimonials! :)
Bono's American Wife said:
Late April = 178

Mid May = 173

Early June 166

Today = 157


155 :D

And I got my Weight Watchers keychain for being within 10 pounds of goal :applaud:

Mr. BAW got a special award too but I'll let him post about it :silent:
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