Video Game thread XIII: Knights of the Bro Republic

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Ouch. I was really looking forward to it...

Considering the cost of games, that actually is enough to make me pass (and school, of course).
RE has been known to misstep in some areas, but it's hard to believe that this installment is that bad. Maybe worth renting . . . 4.5 vs. 7.9 is a big discrepancy, so maybe opinions will vary greatly.
4.5 vs. 7.9 shows some bias on either end.

Edge 6/10
Eurogamer 6/10
Famitsu 39/40
G4 2.5/5
Game Informer 8.75/10
GameSpot 4.5/10
GameTrailers 8.8/10
IGN 7.9/10
Official Xbox Magazine 8/10
PSM 9/10
Destructoid 3/10

I'm more inclined to believe the general 7-8 range is where the critics score it. Metacritic with a 67/77/100. It's gonna have to wait though...
Yeah, I don't think that the RE franchise has been the go-to series for scares for a long time, but at least they seem pretty good at making a quality product.
Yeah, even 5 was kinda like that (although 4 was no scares, 5 was just weak scares).

I still loved 5 though. It still had the Resident Evil feel, even if it was weak. They need to go back to that puzzle/mystery/horror style game.
For me, nothing beat that first one. It was just so different, and the technology to make that immersive and suspenseful a game was pretty darned new at the time (although I remember being spooked by the original Alone in the Dark as well).
I'm sorry, there were no scares in 4? I must be the world's biggest pansy.
4 felt like a straight up first person shooter, action game. Perhaps it was the Wii component that made me hate it so much.
Holy fuck, what? The control scheme for Resident Evil 4 on the Wii was the one and only time I ever truly felt that the Wiimote was used to its fullest potential.
Yeah, 1-3 and even Code Veronica had more scares than 4 and 5, I really like 4 and 5 but they're not very scary...

If you what to be scared pick up the first Silent Hill game on the PSN. The graphics are horribly dated but god damn is it ever creepy. The sequels on the PS2 were very good as well.
Res 4 was a brilliant game, 5 so-so, 6 sounds like they have no idea what they are aiming for, throwing in every element of the current gen third person shooters in some sort of hodge podge. Basically the way I have been reading it is Leon's campaign is good the rest in ever decreasing quality, with a big drop off on Wesker's son campaign.
bono_212 said:
Holy fuck, what? The control scheme for Resident Evil 4 on the Wii was the one and only time I ever truly felt that the Wiimote was used to its fullest potential.

Oh I wasn't a fan at all. It was very "un-Resident Evil" of them to do. Such a step away from the series.
I'm with Bonoz2012 on this one. The only game on Wii I ever felt like it was worth playing with motion controls.

I picked up my RE6 preorder since I'd already paid it off, and had nothing else I wanted to put the money towards that wasn't also already paid off. Probably won't get to it for a while, but I'm still looking forward to checking it out for myself.
I bought Silent Hill about a month ago and played it for 5 minutes. Just never had a chance to go back.
Does anyone want a free copy of Civ 5 on Steam? Already have it but got a free copy to gift with my X-Com pre-order.
I was pretty enamored from the get go, I just didn't have time to go back and then forgot I'd bought it :lol:
Dishonored is coming out this weekend. :hyper:

I've been seeing ads for it on every piece of public transport on town for the past week or so, and had somehow passed it off as some sixth-party Darksiders ripoff shovelware purely based on what seemed to be a kind of cliche looking protagonist. But wow, it's getting some pretty killer reviews and looks real different to what I was expecting.

Can't wait for this semester to end - got Sleeping Dogs, Borderlands 2, AC3 and now Dishono(u)red to look forward to. Haven't new-gamed at all other than a few bursts of Guild Wars 2 for a few months, so it should be swell times.
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