u2 slovenski feni--pisite,kdaj,s kom...

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Marusa said:
super je blo na dunaju!!! ej matej a je bla tista, ki jo je Bono potegnil na oder, Slovenka?

pojma nimam kaj je bla (vprasanje ce sploh iz nasega planeta, glede nato kako sreco je mela:eyebrow: ), ker ona je bla bol na zunaji strani, mi pa na notranji. Jaz sem sam povedal ob kerem Bstageu smo bli, nismo pa bli tak blizu oni:wink:
bit torrent made easy

What is bit-torrent? Bit torrent is a file sharing system developed to spread large files quickly and easily. The best part about bit torrent is the ability for webmasters to spread content without using a lot of bandwidth as the bandwidth is shared by each individual downloader and uploader. It's very easy to install and implement bit torrent on your machine.

Step 1

The first thing you need to implement bit torrent on your machine is a form of client software. Client software is almost entirely 100% freeware and is of relatively small size. There are dozens of clients being developed constantly but there are only a few right now that people consider "the best". Examples of bit-torrent client software include Bit Tornado (http://www.bittornado.com), Azureus and the original Bit Torrent client. Download one of your choice and install it. Feel free to try as many as you want to find the one that works best for you.

Step 2

Download a torrent. Torrent files are the files hosted in the torrent threads in our Soapbox forum and the tracker page, and are seen via your computer with the extension. These small files point the bit torrent client to the seeders of the particular media you are trying to download. Once you download the torrent file, open it! This will engage the client and your download will begin.

Step 3

Wait. It is perfectly normal for a file(s) being downloaded by a torrent client to be terribly slow, even as slow as 2 kb/s. Fear not. You have to remember that you are in essence queueing for the file(s). Once you are in the queue speed will gradually increase sometimes to exponentially fast speeds. Please be aware that if you jumped on a torrent very early in its seeding process your download will remain slow for almost the entire time of the download. That's why we suggest waiting to hit a torrent until it has been seeded a few times.

Step 4

Keep your windows open! Once your download has finished it is a essential part of the community to share and help spread the media. Leave your window open for other people that are joining in on the torrent. We do not expect you to do this constantly but a good sharer will upload the size of the media once before he closes, making sure there are some seeds left so the download doesnt die. There's nothing more that a torrent user hates than being on a torrent and losing all seeds before he/she gets a chance to finish the download. Keep in mind that this tracker has a ratio system, so if you decide to just finish your download and run off you may find your download privelage suspended and you will be forced to wait to download any new material.

Tracker and Torrent FAQ and Troubleshooting

What is a seeder? A seeder is the host of the full file. This is the person that has made the media available for you to download. As other users complete the download they become a seeder.

What is a leecher? In the case of a bit torrent user, a leecher can have two meanings. One derogatory and one common. The common meaning of leecher in relation to bit torrent is the downloader, if you are downloading a file that hasnt been completed you're a leecher as opposed to the seeder. The derogatory meaning is more widespread and can be applied to just about any P2P (peer to peer) software. A leecher in the derogatory sense is a user who downloads but doesnt share the wealth and hops off the software as soon as their download is complete.

Help! My torrent is fucking blue and it wont change! This is entirely normal. There are certain modes in bit torrent (check the in depth thread in the torrent forum for further details) that keep the torrent blue because of the mode they are seeding in. This is called Super Seed mode. Another reason may be that the seeder had to restart their PC or don't have internet access at that time for whatever reason and are not seeding the torrent but the torrent is still alive. Check the torrents thread in the forum and see if they have mentioned they are going to be away or if they have cancelled seeding.

Help! My torrent is fucking yellow and it wont change!This is not normal but it does happen. More than likely you have a router. Consult www.portforward.com and check the ports for bit torrent and forward the ports via the admin panel. If you do not have a router your bit torrent client software may not be configured properly. Keep in mind that it may take a little while before the status changes due to network traffic or other reasons.

Help! My torrent is fucking red and it wont change! Unfortunately the torrent you are likely on is old and is no longer being seeded, check the date of the original post if its a couple weeks or months old its likely dead, considering the finicky nature of Oasis fans it may only be a few days old. Go to the Requests sub forum in the Torrents forum and politely request a reseed or find the original thread for the torrent and ask politely for a window to be open thus bumping the thread to the top. If the source file is still available on someones computer likely they will open a window for you. If the torrent is dead though, you may be out of luck. Another option is to PM the original seeder and ask them politely on a personal level. Yet another option is to request a trade or B&P via the trade subforum.

Random Bit Torrent error messages. At times you may run into errors using a bit torrent client that have various different meanings. A lot of times these have nothing to do with the tracker but something is up with either your PC, network or client software. A good way to troubleshoot this is simply close the software and try the torrent again, a lot of times this fixes things right up. If you run into a unexplained error message, check the torrents thread to see if others are having the same problem. If not a easy way to find the answer to your problem is by literally typing the error message into Google, I have found the answers to my errors simply by doing this. If this doesnt solve your problem, try another client software and see how other P2P software is working on your system, if that is unusually slow or acting weird its likely a network problem. Another remedy is to uninstall/reinstall the client software and checking your settings. If you've messed with the bit torrent settings without the knowledge to do so, please mention this if you decide to post a help thread in the torrent forum.


- Do not mess with the bit torrent settings unless you know what you are doing. If you have a problem that is not addressed via this FAQ or mentioned in the specific torrent thread that you are downloading refer to the FAQ or forum for the client software you are using conversely ask a computer nerd on the Soapbox forum.

-Wait a while to download a torrent. If a torrent has 1 seeder and 40 leechers the download will be slow, slow, slow. Wait a day to download the media and then jump on, the speeds will be dramatically different.

-If you are on dialup it is not advantageous for you to be using bit-torrent. However, there will be occasions when theres very popular torrents that stay alive for days or even weeks. You are welcome to download but be advised it will take a long time to finish a download, especially of some of the DVDs and lossless audio gigs that we host.
ja da bi letalo, kr na štadion spustli....samo, not pa lahko prinese vsak glih kar hoče, to je pa res!
mislim, da se še oni zavedajo, da je Bono predobra dušica:|
pa zaj mamo tak vsi eno leto spet mir:shrug:
A ste videli na U2 Slovenija, da Larry pravi, da spet pridejo v Evropo drugo leto?


Nekdo je napisal, da pozna nekoga pri Kompasu in da se dela na tem, da bi U2 drugo leto prišli v Slovenijo.

(to že malo dvomim)

:| Ja, to je res grozno z bombami. Me kar mine, da bi kdaj šla na koncert.
ne,ne, mislim, da ni sans,da pride u2 v SLO, sori
Ceprav bi blo ql, ampak to je malo verjetno..
So me pa Depeche Mode ZELO prijetno presenetl, da pridejo u LJUBLJANO marca!!!!!to pa je the best!
sranje tole z bombami ja! Sploh ker so naslednji koncerti v Italiji, ki je baje naslednja tarca (upam, da ne na u2 koncertih!).Mislm pa, da bi jih odpovedal, ce bi blo tako tveganje?!
Se tut jest bojim, da smo premajhen trg.

(po drugi strani pa: če grejo res še enkrat po Evropi, upam da ne bojo ravno po istih državah igrali in bojo kaj bolj na vzhod zavili...a niso bile neke govorice, da bojo v Budimpešti igrali?)

Ja, sigurno bi odpovedali - sploh je pa trenutno najbrž varnost toliko povečana, da bi moralo biti vse v redu.
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bi blo fino ane...da bi malo bolj na vzhod zavili namrec hmmmm a bi ble karte kaj cenejse?!?!

cena karte na poljskem (katowice) je bila 150 zlotov,kar pomeni sam okol 9000sit! v sloveniji bi bla verjetn nad 12000sit.
mislim, da ste vsi prevec optimisticni...A res mislte,da bi se v sloveniji naslo vsaj 30 000 ljudi, ki bi odstelo za koncert nad 12-15 jurjou??? Hm, mislm da ne...Sej nas je kr dost fenov, sam to je se vseen komaj enih par tisoc...To je samo moje mnenje..

jaz lahko recem, da dosti boljse kot v dublinu!!!!!!Folk je bil cist nor, res so ga trgal non-stop, pa tud ure pred koncertom je bil dost vecji zur. Ko sva prslakakih 12:50 pred stadion, je bil ze cel plac zunaj nabito poln, sonce pa pripekalo ko hudir!!!In ko so zamujal z odprtjem vrat, je bil folk ze tolk nestrpen, da so zacele skupno,zbrano in simultano leteti znane zmerljivke in psovke ter gesta s sredincem....

P.S.: po koncertu totalna stala! nobenga busa nikjer!! tisoci ljudi na ulicah, tratah, cestah, blokada ceste, nezadovoljstvo mnozice ljudi! Pes si moral it kakih 5 km do centra (po ze itak 12 urah garanja..),tako da edino to je slabost

Sicer pa svaka cast italijanom, ker so se izkazal za zelo predane fene (kot po navadi..)

Lahko noc
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