U2 in the parking lot!!!!

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Blue Crack Addict
May 22, 2002
hoping for changes
This afternoon I got to a parking lot. I had had a :censored: hassle at the drugstore. *growl* and I was in a crummy mood because I'd just left work. :madspit: I got to the parking lot and "Beautiful Day" came on the radio. A voice inside me said "thou shalt not turn off U2". I just sat there and listened to the whole thing and felt better about my day. Does anyone else do this??:lol: :lol:
Yep. Actually I love it when a song comes on when I'm out shopping, it makes the errands a bit more pleasant. But I'm sure people look at me funny when I'm loudly humming along :D
That's so great! I'm glad to hear ur crummy day was made a lot better by "Beautiful Day". U2 always seems to come at the best times. The other day I was studying in the library, totally stressed out about school and other junk, and I was changing through the radio stations on my walkman and came across "Pride..." I shouted out "Yes!!! Thank you God!"...which wasn't exactly the best thing to do on the 5th floor of that particular library b/c it's an unwritten rule that you can't even breathe loud as to not disturb the heavy duty studiers (is that a word?) on that floor. They gave me the evil eye and they probably all loathe me right now, but it's all good.
I was in the grocery store last night, getting really irritated with all the annoying people. Then When The Stars Go Blue came on the radio and I totally chilled out. I even wandered around a little longer without needing anything else just so I could hear the whole song.
I :heart: it when a U2 song comes on anywhere!!! like for instance for the past week I have seen 5 U2 videos on Vh1 Classic!!and I just happen to change to that channel when they come on lol!! *wonders how much longer that will happen*
my family hates it when we go somewhere and i insist on finishing singing the song that was just playing while walking through the parking lot...

you know that commercial where the guy has to listen to the end of "american pie" before getting out? that's totally me, only i'd gladly turn off "american pie"...

especially the madonna version :yuck:
When I watched four kids all day last summer, we were in the car all the time cus the oldest three had sports camps, so the youngest one, Aubrey, and me would always listen to the radio. By the end of the summer, she could recognize all the U2 songs and tell me lots about Bono, hehe!
IWasBored said:
my family hates it when we go somewhere and i insist on finishing singing the song that was just playing while walking through the parking lot...

you know that commercial where the guy has to listen to the end of "american pie" before getting out? that's totally me, only i'd gladly turn off "american pie"...

especially the madonna version :yuck:

I'm the biggest dork on the planet. :lol: :lol:
I have a rule: When a U2 song comes on the radio, noboby moves, nobody speaks until the song is overwith.

:heart: U2 :heart:

No matter where I am and what I am doing the minute I hear Bono's voice I always feel better. I don't care what he's singing. He could sing the alphabet and I would feel better. I love him :love: oh yah and the other 3, but I'm in a crappy mood right now and it's only Bono's voice that I want........
IWasBored said:
not even...edge's guitar? :shifty:

ok that's a fair question and I figured someone would catch that. No, I am afraid to say that when I am feeling down not even The lovely Edge helps me out....I'm talking about really down. As low as it goes. Like now. Don't know what I'm talking about then read my thread in it's official. Jobless as of tomorrow!!!!.......anyways U2 does it for me all the time no matter what but right now Bono's voice is all I want. All I need. :sad:
Today, I was driving around town with my roommate and a friend and Beautiful Day came on the radio. My roomie (who was driving) reached to change the station and I totally screamed "NO!" and slapped her hand away! :lol: She was totally shocked cuz I never have outbursts like that and was like "oooookay." :angel: Gotta have my U2! :heart:
Bonogirl10 said:
That's so great! I'm glad to hear ur crummy day was made a lot better by "Beautiful Day". U2 always seems to come at the best times. The other day I was studying in the library, totally stressed out about school and other junk, and I was changing through the radio stations on my walkman and came across "Pride..." I shouted out "Yes!!! Thank you God!"...which wasn't exactly the best thing to do on the 5th floor of that particular library b/c it's an unwritten rule that you can't even breathe loud as to not disturb the heavy duty studiers (is that a word?) on that floor. They gave me the evil eye and they probably all loathe me right now, but it's all good.


I love hearing U2 songs at various places, too.

Last Saturday morning, my parents were taking me to the place where I'd be taking my ACT test, and on the way there, "I Will Follow" came on the radio (and the station it was on played U2 a lot, but I'd never heard that song on the station), and I'm freaking out and yelling at my parents to turn up the volume.

Needless to say, it put me in a good mood for the rest of the day (hopefully that was a good omen as to how I'd do on the ACT).

And then there was that day I heard ISHFWILF on the school bus, and I started singing along, and my sister's looking around and she says, "Um, you're singing kinda loud...", and I was like, "I don't care".

And when I got off the bus, the song wasn't quite over, and I just had to finish it out, so I'm walking down the sidewalk of the middle school and singing the rest of the song a capella. :p.

Then at my Sadie Hawkins dance last February, they played "Mysterious Ways" (but that was before I really got into U2).

Now I'm planning on requesting that song at my prom in April-man, if they play that song (or any fast U2 songs), you can bet I will be out on the dance floor going nuts.

And I'll flip to the DMX channels that I know play U2 and sit there and listen to them, flipping back and forth occasionally, until they play U2. Then after I hear U2, I change the channel. :).

arw9797 said:
I don't care what he's singing. He could sing the alphabet and I would feel better. [/B]



:D Now the alphabet song will be in my head all day and I will be grinning like an idiot because I am *hearing* it in Bono's voice. :eeklaugh:
Yes, and I've also had U2 ESP- getting the feeling to switch to a channel all of a sudden, and it's a U2 song!
arw9797 said:
I have a rule: When a U2 song comes on the radio, noboby moves, nobody speaks until the song is overwith.

Me too! The world freezes for me and I just cannot concentrate on anything else. Sometimes it has given me nothing but trouble with my mate because he's talking, then suddenly a U2 song comes out from nowhere (actually the radio stations we love :p) and I just can't help to forget about everything and I enjoy the moment singing along, humming or smiling like an idiot. Like this ------>:D
But who cares? it's U2 for goddamnsakes :love:U2:love:
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