Things I Hate Part 'Why The Feck Do We Hate So Much Stuff?'

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When you've been talking to someone often and then all of a sudden they just sort of... disappear...

and part of you figures they're just really busy or don't really have any news or anything. But there's this annoying part of you that wonders, "Was it something I said?"

:hug: . . . I have sat (am sitting) on both sides of that fence and either ways it bites . . . :angry:

:hug: my friend!

:) ta muchly

We've all been there zuropa. Hopefully it's nothing and life is just getting in the way. Hope everything works out :hug:
BTW, did you get my texts? :shifty:

Oops, I forgot to multiquote.

:hug: and :pray: for your friend, Purple. Hope she pulls through.

:cute: wise chick this one . . . and thanks . . . got a couple of 'still tired but feeling better' text messages through the week :up: . . . catching up with her tonight and can't wait :)
You hated too early. It was played. :wink: Bono just forgot the lyrics.

:lol: . . . cuz the lyrics, well there are just too damn many of those . . . am I right :p

. . . eyes pinging open at 1.27am thinking about fecking work and the basquillion things that need to be squeezed out of this week, and, some 90 minutes later, am still thinking . . . where is the off switch :scream: . . . lotto ball, lotto ball, where for art thou, lotto ball :sigh:
I hate when you think you have moved on, and then something happens to remind you that you haven't.:crack:
Not hearing from a friend for months on end that lives right next to you, and that you've been friends with for years, until she wants something from you.

And dumbass drivers, I'm sure that rant has been made billions of times but around here I think people get their licenses from cereal boxes... :crack:
^^ flybabe I'm with you ~ stoooooopid drivers who believe we are all psychic drive me demented :rant:

^ yeah, sadly some people don't have a 'manners' filter on their mouths :sigh:

< having to bring work home because, apparently, I make things look so easy that certain colleagues at work either don't realize, or don't care, just how much is involved in 'tweaking' things a little right before a printing deadline :gah: :grumpy:
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