Things I Hate Part 'Why The Feck Do We Hate So Much Stuff?'

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I hate that today is so meh! I feel sick, I don't know what to do about a personal situation, and life today is just craptastic. :|

// end rant
:hug:If you need advice you know where to find me.

Thanks GG. What I need is for you to be on facebook!:wink::hug:

Things are working themselves out. I have a great hubby that is always supportive as well.

Lila, big :hug:'s for you.

Khanada, so sorry about your grandma!:hug:

PR, I'll send prayers your friend's way!
GG :( . . . but you'll bounce back lovey and kick it to the kerb next time . . . rawr :hug:
thanks Amy . . . this sounds really selfish, but I think it hurts a little more because I can see myself in her . . . she is the same age as me, has the same outlook on life, giggles at all the silly stuff, has three gorgeous kids like me and well . . . I guess I get a little cross at myself for even thinking negative thoughts but it really does not look good at the moment :( stage 4 and now using trial therapies because nothing else is working . . . there are not many instances where I am happy to be proven wrong, but this, well I would be delighted to say the least

< working with f*cknuckles . . . seriously; spend less time worrying about morning tea, lunch and where the hell your hand cream is and a little more time actually doing your freaking job and we'd be sweet :madspit:
not quoting, but :hug: to anyone who needed them in a while!

how he seemed fascinated by seeing someone in kitchen today, and it wasn't me :( (or maybe he was just surprised seeing her in the kitchen as she almost never goes there... :hmm:)
on the merrier note - i didn't feel numb (hah, me and real emotions lately have seemed to part ways, so i'm glad when i actually feel something...)
When you've been talking to someone often and then all of a sudden they just sort of... disappear...

and part of you figures they're just really busy or don't really have any news or anything. But there's this annoying part of you that wonders, "Was it something I said?"
I have to give a powerpoint presentation tomorrow on a 23 page chapter.

I have two sentences. And cannot focus. I just cannot get myself to work on it. Or read the chapter, for that matter.

WTF is wrong with my goddamn brain????? :scream:
GG :( . . . but you'll bounce back lovey and kick it to the kerb next time . . . rawr :hug:
thanks Amy . . . this sounds really selfish, but I think it hurts a little more because I can see myself in her . . . she is the same age as me, has the same outlook on life, giggles at all the silly stuff, has three gorgeous kids like me and well . . . I guess I get a little cross at myself for even thinking negative thoughts but it really does not look good at the moment :( stage 4 and now using trial therapies because nothing else is working . . . there are not many instances where I am happy to be proven wrong, but this, well I would be delighted to say the least

< working with f*cknuckles . . . seriously; spend less time worrying about morning tea, lunch and where the hell your hand cream is and a little more time actually doing your freaking job and we'd be sweet :madspit:

:hug: my friend!
When you've been talking to someone often and then all of a sudden they just sort of... disappear...

and part of you figures they're just really busy or don't really have any news or anything. But there's this annoying part of you that wonders, "Was it something I said?"

We've all been there zuropa. Hopefully it's nothing and life is just getting in the way. Hope everything works out :hug:
BTW, did you get my texts? :shifty:

Oops, I forgot to multiquote.

:hug: and :pray: for your friend, Purple. Hope she pulls through.
When you've been talking to someone often and then all of a sudden they just sort of... disappear...

and part of you figures they're just really busy or don't really have any news or anything. But there's this annoying part of you that wonders, "Was it something I said?"

As Lila said, I think most of us have experienced this, myself included. I hope things work out! :hug:
Car troubles. The problems were so damn expensive to fix that I've had to back out of a trip I was planning on and REALLY looking forward to in April in order to help pay for the repairs. :sigh: Stupid bloody car. :angry:

Anyone got a money tree that I can pick a good amount of dollarz off of? It's going to take me a while to fully pay off the repair bill. :sad:
Oh that stinks :hug: Car is like a money-eating vortex indeed.

It really is! If public transportation were actually decent in my area, I would be more than happy to use that all the time. It's funny - people are always harping on and on about how we need to use that more and drive less. Well, if they would actually bother to take a look at the transit system, they'd see that that isn't an option for the suburbs around me. :angry:

:lol: I'm obviously in need of a weekend...
i still love my phone to pieces but i'm not loving that every so often i need to really mash a key on the keyboard for it to take. i always find out after i've typed lots more afterwards too. boooo
I hate when people take advantage of my pleasant disposition.

I hate when people I should trust do things that make me not trust them.

Yeah, Lila, I got your texts/pics. It's been crazy around here, as you know, and I just haven't been feeling really social lately. Sorry. :hug:
I hate that I just heard that someone I knew at college, more than an acquaintance, though not a close friend was hit by a train a couple of days ago. I just got back from an evening celebrating dissertation hand-in and even smashed I think it's so fucked up.

As an aside, she was the only person my age I knew who loved U2 as much as I did. I feel awful. Everyone loves you when you're dead, but I am genuinely shocked. What the fuck. I also hate that I am too drunk to process this properly.
I hate that I just heard that someone I knew at college, more than an acquaintance, though not a close friend was hit by a train a couple of days ago. I just got back from an evening celebrating dissertation hand-in and even smashed I think it's so fucked up.

As an aside, she was the only person my age I knew who loved U2 as much as I did. I feel awful. Everyone loves you when you're dead, but I am genuinely shocked. What the fuck. I also hate that I am too drunk to process this properly.

So sorry to hear that! :sad: :hug:
I hate when people take advantage of my pleasant disposition.

I hate when people I should trust do things that make me not trust them.

Yeah, Lila, I got your texts/pics. It's been crazy around here, as you know, and I just haven't been feeling really social lately. Sorry. :hug:

:hug: :hug: :hug:
It really is! If public transportation were actually decent in my area, I would be more than happy to use that all the time.

Yeah, public transport is pretty hopeless around where I live too. It takes me 10-15 minutes to get to my work by car, but if I wanted to use the train I'd have to travel to the station way out to exchange the lines and then come back pretty much the same way to reach work.

I hate that I just heard that someone I knew at college, more than an acquaintance, though not a close friend was hit by a train a couple of days ago.

That's terrible :(
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