Things I Hate Part 'Why The Feck Do We Hate So Much Stuff?'

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It is boy related, but it's not his fault. It's my own emotions that are fucking me up right now. Because I just don't know how to deal with 'em.

:grumpy: stooopid boys :hug: and stooooopid emotions :hug: . . . but I am serious, you have to remember your general fabulousness and awesomeness even amongst all the confusion . . . some things aren't meant to make sense and they're generally the things that whack us around the most . . . you will get through it . . . cuz you are the GG :hug:

/takes off boring mummy hat
oh, so much THIS :crack: :hug: . . . fresh air, a brisk walk, good food, no caffiene or preservatives, doing something zen for yourself everyday all helps . . . I know you know this but the Mummy in me can't help herself :) . . . failing that, reading a really really really boring book sometimes does the trick . . . I hope the cycle passes :hug: :hug: :hug:

Thanks :hug:. It has to do with a lot of things and I'm trying to get rid of them, and things are starting to look up. Walking and taking pictures of nature seem to help, so I'll stick to that. :)
Hugs for everyone here. :hug:

Something my mom used to tell me when I was younger: "And this, too, shall pass." (Wish I had her here to tell me that these days, too! :sad:)

And another thing to always remember: As a friend of mine says, at least once a day, "Men are idiots."
I still like your friend. Very wise person indeed. Though I can't really blame the guy this time.

still in a meh mood, couldn't bloody stop thinking about the situation and now I got the flu too. Blegh. Hate hormones and viruses!
Snow, and that's it hampering my ability to get out to an event I've been excited about for a long time. I'm trying to get a ride with some friends who live a bit further east than me, and are also going to the event. However, that's iffy too, as they live at a higher elevation and probably have more snow than I do. Why can't this winter weather just go away already?! :scream:
Got the cold shoulder again today. Apparently I did somethign wrong without even knowing. :| I thought only girls were like this.
I didn't expect it to affect me this much. I sent him a message asking if i did or said anything wrong,... sent that over two hours ago... no response sofar. :sigh: Why can't these things ever go easy for me for a change?

You sent him a message, so you have reached out. It is hard waiting, I know!:hug:
Well I tried today. He was sitting in the lounge when I came in with a friend, we were going to play on the gamecube. I asked him if he wanted to join, he joined for one game and then mumbled he was going elsewhere and just left like that. :huh: No more joking, no more poking/touching, no more talking... wtf?

:crack: I can't stand waiting, especially because you never know when they read it and when they decide to reply.
He just responded, said it's not me but that he's really busy with school and sports and stuff and didn't intend to be rude. And that he wants to be friends with me...

I guess it's a good thing that I didn't do anything.. but it doesn't clear me any confusion :crack: Bugger. Now I just made an ass out of myself.
I'm sure you really didn't GG; often we are so caught up in how we think things might be that it all becomes bigger in our minds than it really is . . . anyhooooo, methinks it's time for one of these :grouphug: . . . but in your case I think you'd prefer . . .


:D . . . have a gorgeous day lovely . . . toodles :hug:
:love: Omg it has a white patch on its head! That's so cute!


:hug: Thanks Purple and Amy, you both always know how to make my day suck a little less
I'm glad you heard back GG! You have been here for me as well! That is what friends do!:hug::hug::hug:
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