The most rude-odd-funny thing someone you know said about U2 or any band member

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Oct 8, 2001
Another Time, Another Place, in The Electric Co. ;
My Mom:
Bono is gay
Larry is gay
Edge is gay
Oh yeah: Adam is gay too!

My man:
That's all you wanted to show me? I thought it was a big one...

(About the Elevated Bono Thread)

My sis:

That man is HOT ! (About Mr. Mullen)

I've got no hope in this world...
Just you...
and you are not mine...

[This message has been edited by Ana (edited 10-23-2001).]
My boyfriend calls U2:

U-SPEW. Isn't he sweet? Then again, he likes Ethel Merman and he's not gay, so I tease him and call him a closet homo.

Sidenote: for those of you who don't know who Ethel Merman is: she was a 1930's singer on Broadway with a VERY powerful voice. She was one of the few who could carry on whole stage performances without a mic. Her voice is very warbly and LOUD. Ethel Merman, Judy Garland, and Liza Minelli memorabilia is avidly collected by the gay community.


If you ask me, I think it's all about drums.
Tonight the moon has drawn its curtains
It's a private show no one else going to know
I'm wanting
(If You Wear That Velvet Dress)
Hit Gurl
aside from the ubiquitous mispronounciation of Bono as BONE-O, I think I recall someone asking, "is that Ledge?" (or Hedge or Wedge or something) when they saw all the pics of Edge I had at work.

A female co-worker asked: "So, which one is the hottie??" (meaning Larry)

Another coworker said "those OLD guys? You like them?"
*why I oughtta...*
LMAO ... Ledge. That is the funniest thing I've read all morning!

I can't say anyone's said anything terribly rude to me ... sarcastic comments, yes ... but nothing too rude.

Originally posted by Discoteque:
"is that Ledge?" (or Hedge or Wedge or something) when they saw all the pics of Edge I had at work.


"Rock and roll doggie"

"I'm very secure with the fact that I'm not black. I'm white, pink and rosy. But I've got soul."

My dad calls Bono-Bone-OHHHHHHHHH (with emphasis on the OHHHHHHHH part)

He also walked by when I was watching my Zoo tv vid and he stoped and looked down at the screen and said "Honey, Why is Bono the devil?" LMAO I thought that was sooooooooooo adorable

My mom calls Larry her "son in law"
and whenever I find a new Larry pic I tell my mom "look mom it's larry isn't he hot??" and she'll be like "of course he is honey"

The U2 revolution has been reinstated.

THE Larry Mullen Jr. Page

"I am a sexy mofo, what can I say?" --What Larry really says to himself when he looks into the mirror every morning
*rolls up (bono) sleeves*

My mom said Larry was "crass" looking.

She doesn't understand why I should see the "same concert" more than once. Or listen to the "same song" more than once.

Coworkers: "Bone-o".

Coworkers: "Bono is old and NOT attractive" (this was after our Dave Matthews argument- she loves him I do NOT, and thinks Dave is more attractive than Bono!! blargh!!)

Coworkers: "They were the best 80s band" as if they are not around right now.

Sister's friend told my sister: "I don't like U2 b/c I was at (or listening to? I dont remember) their concert and Bono didn't even thank the fans" (WHAT? lol musta gotten confused w/ madonna or someone- sorry madonna fans but its true)

Idiot up the hall: "With Or Without You is so sappy"

None of my friends dare say anything negative to me about them. I've even made my mother stop saying "Bone-o" which is no small feat in itself!

Girl comes up to me says Hey Bono,
I want to play with your band, Sweet Jane...

* U2TakeMeHigher *
My dad is STRONGLY convinced that all rock stars are into drugs and alcohol and the such. So one day we were driving somewhere, or I was watching something with U2, I don't really remember, and my father stated something about U2 was in fact on drugs. And I said, "No, no, no DAD...please, it was ONLY Adam Clayton who got in any trouble with drugs and alcohol." My brother always busts into my room singing U2 songs wrong. One of my favorites it for "All I Want Is You": "I'm as horny as you" In civics class, I had a Bono picture hanging up over my desk, and through out class I would lovingly stare at it and sigh, and some kids (the only kids I would talk to in that class, cause the rest of the class was just umm, dumb I guess) would call him Bono, as in Sonny Bono. And finally, my beautiful Bono pic that was hanging up for months had to be taken down, cause some mean kids in another class didn't like it! I was was my teacher.


"AHH...this is civics in action!"
--Mr. Campbell and me at a U2 concert, 6/21/01

"I simulate love making by beating a piece of wood with a metal wire on which it vibrates."
-Adam, when asked, 'If a martian landed and was introduced to you and asked what you do, what would you say?'
my hubby: u2 are old, middle-aged drug-addicts, who permanately cheat on their wifes and have NOtalent!!!

my hubby: Adam looks awful!!!

my hubby: a woman your age should be into pop-groups any more!!! (about me)

tough life!!!!!!! *sniff

"The bass player's got it. The bass player's fucking got it." Bono, Boston 6-9-01

[This message has been edited by AM (edited 10-24-2001).]
One day a couple of years ago my dad was in my room while I was playing a U2 CD and he said..."It's Bono! The Bon-ster! The BONER!" Needless to see he trailed off awkwardly and went back downstairs. I think we were both slighly embarassed but it was amusing nonetheless

"And when it's raining,
raining hard, that's when the rain will break my heart."
Originally posted by U2morrow:
One day a couple of years ago my dad was in my room while I was playing a U2 CD and he said..."It's Bono! The Bon-ster! The BONER!"


Your dad does that too??? *lmao*

"I don't know you,
But you don't know the half of it..."
Funny how he seemed to almost KNOW the "Bono Elevated" thread would appear in future years

"And when it's raining,
raining hard, that's when the rain will break my heart."
My mom, at first, didn't understand the whole nickname thing for bono and edge. So she called bono 'sonny', like in sonny bono, and she called edge 'rim'. I have to admit, it stuck because sometimes I call out "Oh, sonny and the rim are on tv"
My sister says Adam is an old, ugly, englishman with bad teeth, a bad accent, and nothing going for him.
but whatever, because I still like the boys.
I hear a lot that "those guys are old" shit too. Really pisses me off!!

*One of my roommates thought Bono was gay.
*My mom says "Bone-O" to piss me off.
*Mom also wonders why I feel the need to see so many of their shows
*Mom's boyfriend calls me a U2 groupie (funny)

At a wedding reception the other weekend, dad was telling everyone about me seeing them
on Monday (after seeing them in south bend too--dad likes them). His cousin's wife started talking to me about them and said that I must have a thing for Bono. I told her no, I've had a thing for the drummer for a long which she replied--well, drummers are GREAT in bed!!! LOL! Hmm...wonder how she knows....

Ready for the Laughing Gas
My brother has been telling me for years how Bono became fat in the 90's. He recently said in the hearing of my parents that Bono weighed 300 pounds and for a moment my dad believed him.

I'm also guilty of that Bone-oh thing, it's just that I'm used to it and it sounds better to me than Bon-oh.

Love is the heartbeat of the universe
Some losers in my residence insist on calling Bono, Boner. I wrote the "work like you don't need the money" quote on my door and they kept changing Bono's name to Bono.

My friends (some)--"You like those guys? They're soooo old! You should be into hip hop and N'Sync instead!"
My sister says they are all ugly and greasy. My dad actually likes them but calls Bono Boneo to really piss me off.
Some of my friends couldn't understand why we had to sit outside the venue all day, the day of the U2 concert. They said "Can't believe you are gonna sit outside and waste(!) a whole day just to be at the front. Does it really matter? You can hear the music wherever you are in the building and at least at the back you can't see how wrinkly and ugly they all look"

There is no hope for some people
I feel your pain guys!
I get this a lot too.
Most recent insult came from my dear mother,

*on walking into the lounge where I was watching the Stuck in a moment Video on VH1, she declared-
'ooh, isnt that that old Backstreet Boys video!?'*

I was not impressed.

(yes my mother is in fact a boyband fan *sigh* some people have no class
Ever since the elevated Bono thread was started, When someonw calls him BONE-O or Boner, I can't help but having lewd thoughts.


"Rock and roll doggie"

"I'm very secure with the fact that I'm not black. I'm white, pink and rosy. But I've got soul."

if there were EVER a reason to get a divorce...

*smacks AM's hubbie upside the head for all of Pleba*


Originally posted by AM:
my hubby: u2 are old, middle-aged drug-addicts, who permanately cheat on their wifes and have NOtalent!!!

my hubby: Adam looks awful!!!

my hubby: a woman your age should be into pop-groups any more!!! (about me)

tough life!!!!!!! *sniff

Okay, here's mine...

Coworker: Who's your favorite member of U2?
J-Tree: Adam Clayton.
Coworker: Who's that?
J-Tree: Their ultra-cool bassist.

Coworker: Oh hiiiiiiimmmm! That guy is such an idiot! I saw an interview with him once on tv and he's so rude! He acts as if he's all that and can't be bothered to answer the interviewer's questions. He'd rather start talking about couches rather than answer the question.
J-Tree <offended>: I highly doubt that. He's actually pretty smart. Besides, Adam doesn't like doing interviews anyways.
Coworker: But still, he's not smart. He should've answered the question.
J-Tree <pissed off>: You know what?! He doesn't have to answer anything he doesn't want to! If you think the way someone conducts themselves during an interview is indicative of their intelligence, then you're the one that's stupid!

Needless to say, he ruined my day quite sufficiently. I've never met anyone so narrowminded in my life. I also don't work with him anymore!

Hip Pontiff of Sparkyism

"There's no room for spiritual constitpation here!" - Ian Astbury, The Cult

SlipStream Soul

[This message has been edited by J-Tree (edited 10-24-2001).]
Well, when U2 was on the Tribute for Heroe's show, one of my friends called me up to tell me that Bono looked "old and crusty" OH MY GOD was I mad
My dad calls them "faccia brutte" every time I talk about them, which means "ugly faces"
And my hubby, well we just won't get into it, let's just say he gets very annoyed with me freaking out and running around the room when U2 comes on tv, and he calls them all sorts of mean names.
Originally posted by The_Sweetest_Thing:
My friends (some)--"You like those guys? They're soooo old! You should be into hip hop and N'Sync instead!"

Oh, I feel your pain!!!!!

I just hate that people come to me and say "you should be hearing teens music"

Puh-lease. Now I have the proof I needed to say I'm a smart ass!!!

...and I feel
like I'm holding on to nothing...
OMG, all I have to say is.. THATS SO MEAN! How can these people make such judgements.
I say we stick them in a box and make them listen to u2 all day long.

As for me.. I was talking to my best friend on the phone and she told me that Bono is a perv
but in a joking manner. She thinks he's a perv cuz at the concert i took her to he was rolling around on stage with some chick.

But she says Edge is cute! And I should go for him
so that made me happy

(she knows me a little to well!)
Originally posted by ~LadyLemon~:
I hear a lot that "those guys are old" shit too. Really pisses me off!!

*One of my roommates thought Bono was gay.
*My mom says "Bone-O" to piss me off.
*Mom also wonders why I feel the need to see so many of their shows
*Mom's boyfriend calls me a U2 groupie (funny)

Lady Lemon, you reminded me of what my mom put me through in Dublin this summer:

My mom had been hearing for days about what I wanted to do when we got to Dublin (we were on a cruise of the British Isles and Dublin was one of the last stops). I wanted to go to the Clarence Hotel and take pictures of it. I also wanted to go inside and at least take a look around. So, there's my mom, trailing after me, practically muttering to herself about how preposterous this whole "U2" thing is. After getting lost several times, and getting directions with the "she wants to go to the hotel to see U2" comment thrown out at the poor Irish guy who felt sorry for the "lost Americans", we finally found the hotel.

I practically was jumping with glee because as we approached it, we crossed the river Liffey and it was RIGHT THERE. Big as day. I had my camera glued to my face and was snapping away.

Mom: you know, don't you think you're a bit too old for this U2 fascination? (I'm 28.)

Moonie: Mom, it's not a fascination.

Mom: Yes it is. You're a groupie. You're too old to be a groupie.

Moonie: Mom [exasperated sigh], I'm not a GROUPIE! I just happen to think their music is really good <and Larry's really HOT!>.

Mom: Mmm mmm.

I *hate* when my mom does that. It's the "conversation is over, and I still think you're insane" response.

About ten minutes later, as we're walking through the Clarence Hotel, I could feel my mom's impressed with what she sees. She waits patiently (yeah, right, more like tapping her foot) for me to take a look at the circular bar (I really would have LOVED to have a Guiness there, but NOOOO...) and take in the ambience of the place. Everything in the Clarence Hotel was simple: simple lines, simple decorations, very tasteful.

As we walk out of the door and down the street, my mom declares loudly: "Well, THAT wasn't very impressive. You'd think for a hotel that's supposed to be owned by FAMOUS people, it be something to look at."

There I stopped, in the middle of the Irish sidewalk, gaping at her. Wha??? I just seethed to myself all the way back to the stores. She went back to the boat, and I settled my upsetness by shopping.

The last day of our stay in Europe, as we're waiting in line at a grocery store in Gatwick, England, the lady at the checkout asked how we enjoyed our stay. My mother loves to talk to strangers - especially strangers from a different country. Of course, she just HAD to mention that we went to Dublin and that I just HAD to visit some hotel that U2 owned. I felt like I was thirteen years old again. I stood there, embarrassed while the poor lady at the checkout counter looked at me with sympathy, as if to say, "I'm so sorry I asked." The checkout lady wasn't the only one. The poor airline attendant at the airport asked how our stay was. There's my mom, going on and on about how wonderful the cruise was and how we went to Dublin. "Oh? Dublin?" he asks, being polite. I'm sure after her resonse, he was wishing he didn't. My mother, in all her glory, ROLLS her eyes at the guy and says, "oh, yes, *she* loves U2 and we just *had* to see the hotel U2 owns."

GAAA! My mother doesn't understand! I really don't think anyone understands, other than all of you. ::sniff::


If you ask me, I think it's all about drums.
Tonight the moon has drawn its curtains
It's a private show no one else going to know
I'm wanting
(If You Wear That Velvet Dress)
Hit Gurl
My dad (a closet U2 fan) has thanked me on multipul occasions for liking "good music like U2" unlike my "bonehead" sister who likes Backstreet Boys and N*SYNC. He gets tired of hearing his 21 year old daughter squeal when BSB Nick is on the radio.
If he only knew that I do the same thing when Bono is on!
My dad...

"I'm going to get a U2 album one of these days. Then I'll get U3, U4, and U5...."

He is a nerd. Haha, but he came with me to the U2 show so it's all good!
Last weekend I mentioned something about U2 to my sister and she said I needed to "get my head out of U2's ass" and start thinking about something besides them.

I don't feel too bad, though. She's the one who owns a Limp Bizkit album, not me!

[This message has been edited by HeartlandGirl (edited 10-26-2001).]

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