The meaning of One

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MacPhisto's serving wench
Jun 6, 2001
Inside a bubble
I read on U2mol that it's about the breakdown of the Berlin wall. But it's also about a relationship.
SO what do you think? Is the couple Bono sings about broken up already? Are they still together? Would you consider it a hopeful song?
If you read "U2: At the end of the world", it sounds like Bono writes the chorus on the spot. Do you think the fall of the Berlin wall was the first thought on his mind as he wrote it?
Any interpretations?
I've always heard One was about a son telling his father that he has AIDS, and that it was written and recorded around the time of the collapse of the Wall.

The lovely and beautiful thing about One is that it fits so many scenarios. You can really make it your own.
For me it's a brutally beautiful love song in where Bono is looking for his identity and struggling to save a relationship. It's an amazing song, a wave of deep emotions and feelings.

Like they say..."We were going to break up, then came One".

"Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, live like there is no tomorrow, dance like no one is watching." --Bono

"The only limits are the limits of our imagination. Dream up the kind of world you want to live in. Dream out loud. At high VOLUME".
I've read somwhere the band were about to break up while they were recording Actung Baby.Then they came up with One and the rest is history.
Originally posted by HelloAngel:

The lovely and beautiful thing about One is that it fits so many scenarios. You can really make it your own.

Wow-that's exactly how I feel about that song. And now to see it at the shows w/ the names of all those we lost on Sept. 11th-'we get to carry each other' takes on such a special meaning.
I think it is open to various a lot of U2 songs...personally, I think it's a spiritual struggle...especially because of the added verse when played live..."do you hear me comin' lord? do you hear me call? do you hear me knockin, knocking at your door?...."

The numeral 7

[This message has been edited by Se7en (edited 11-05-2001).]
My interpretation of One revolves around the band's relationship with each other...the song brought them back together after a period of turmoil...they've resolved their issues and now they "carry each other"...I'd be more detailed in my description but I'm goddamned lazy--HA!

And if you dance then dance with me...
Originally posted by Se7en:
.especially because of the added verse when played live..."do you hear me comin' lord? do you hear me call? do you hear me knockin, knocking at your door?...."

I LOVE that part--espcially when they sing it with Pavarotti on the Miss Sarajevo B-Side (full orchestra) SO moving, so powerful

[This message has been edited by The_Sweetest_Thing (edited 11-05-2001).]
One is def. open to interpretation, but I think it's all about tolerance -- appreciating differences...well that's what Bono said

In religion class we played it as part of a presentation on social justice -- just about finding humanity in others. *too much thinkin*
Love that song. Some days it makes me cry.

a little girl With Spanish eyes
Love me, Give me Soul

Magic Magic Magic
Joe Houdini
Originally posted by tretarka:
I've read somwhere the band were about to break up while they were recording Actung Baby.Then they came up with One and the rest is history.
OMG!! Thank goodness for "One." I was 6 or 7 at the time of AB. Who knows where I'd be without them?

a little girl With Spanish eyes

Love me, Give me Soul

Magic Magic Magic Joe Houdini
Damn you're a young 'un!

And if you dance then dance with me...
Maybe it wasn't their intention, but the lyrics could easily be applied to the situation in Northern Ireland, where Catholics are fighting Presbyterians. All Christians are supposed to be "One" in the body of Christ and love one another, instead they are hurting one another because of what happened in the past.
Bono has always dodged questions as to the meaning of this song saying it is about "relationships"

You Just Can't Get Enough Of That Lovey Dovey Stuff...
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