The Endless Edge Chat

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Meet and Greet pics from Flickr User U2soul



Finally!! Edge neck bliss. :applaud: I'd like to see more T shirts and button downs, and much, much less polo action.
Jennifer Struss @ Flickr :drool: Thankyou for making these.

Jeevey, this one's for you :sexywink:



Oh my god, he's totally looking right at the photographer in number two. I devoutly hope and trust that she kinda climaxed right then. Those photos are ones for the ages!!
Oh my god, he's totally looking right at the photographer in number two. I devoutly hope and trust that she kinda climaxed right then. Those photos are ones for the ages!!

We know we would. I think she might have been an Edge girl based on her photo's. :lol:
Definitely she is. Very few people give that much love and attention to band members other than Bono, and there's def. love in those photos. Many thanks to Jennifer!!

Here's an Edge T shirt again, from Chicago 5.

This image is a hotlink, because I'm operating on a desktop that goes into grand mal seizures if I attempt to save anything, but I will archive and repost from my own host soon. Yayyyy Edge neck!

Recently on FB I saw a B/E photo with Edge in profile, and his chest hair was large and in charge, standing about an inch away from his skin!! Glad to see the waxing was just a mirage. I will try to track down and post soon. :lol:
I hate the polos, but I think this red leopard print one is actually better.

Onstage tees for Edge NAOW!! :drool:
But, but , the vertigo tour shirts where awesome.

Here's some Les Paul for ya.
Barely, domo darling. :drool: That was night 1 when I was in the stands, and that's the only reason I made it.

There we go again. Jeevey, where you at Boston one? And how can you still be alive after this?:lol:


This also happened at Chicago 1 but I was on the southside catwalk and missed what happened. I saw Edge and then I couldn't find him! It wasn't until the next day when I saw pics. I used to be a huge Kiss fan back in the day and this is totally an Ace Frehley move :love::love::love:

Is there a way to share this on Facebook?
Comet gave us a tutorial in the Pleban thread yesterday but I haven't sussed it out yet.
Thank God he was able to get up! I'm 10 years younger than Edge and if I did that I'd need to be helped up for sure. :lol:

I think its the blackberry yoga :wink:

Barely, domo darling. :drool: That was night 1 when I was in the stands, and that's the only reason I made it.

:lmao: That saved you.
Oh, Dayglo and ARW. I envy you :giggle: If you are seeing him again ask him to do it in amsterdam.
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