The Bono/Jools Holland version of Velvet Dress is...

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Rock n' Roll Doggie ALL ACCESS
Jun 8, 2004
...simply spectacular. If you didn't hear it, get it (didn't find it on YouTube). Bono gives a great performance and the swing feel of it absolutely fits the song.

In general, one of the most underrated songs in the U2 catalogue. Both the album version (try to listen to this in complete darkness, except for a bit of moonlight) and the live version (some great Edge guitar work here) are amazing as well.

That is all.
I much prefer the haunting album version. Edge's guitar is sublime. The Jools version is a little too Tom Jones does Vegas while on Viagra for my taste.
I think the two versions are way too different to truly compare. The Jools Holland version is fun in it’s own brash way (+ I love Jools Holland, and his show, wish U2 would go on there, would give them the opportunity to showcase something other than the same old bombastic/big songs they always roll out for TV), and I think the original is absolutely beautiful. Edge is stellar on that.
I actually do not like the Jools version better than both the album and the live version. I simply enjoy how left-field it is. And it is easily one of Bono's better performances in the 2000s.
I've always loved this song...POP is a highly underrated album. Velvet Dress makes me shiver in the very best of ways...I prefer the album version, but the Jools Holland version is cool too...and Bono's voice is AMAZING on it!! :drool:
The Jools Holland strips the song of all its ambiguity and subtlety- it's like Velvet Dress put through a HTDAAB machine.
maybe i'm crazy, but i don't like the jools holland version.

Well, we all know you are crazy (and she will go crazy if she doesn't go crazy...).

Sorry, couldn't resist. :sexywink:

I'm not a big fan of the album version. I felt it was another attempt at "Love Is Blindness" but it just didn't work.

However, the Holland version seems to be the way the song was meant to be performed. It is more "night club" in style, but I've always felt the song was that way. As a result of this version, I've gained a new respect and appreciation for the song.
I appreciate being able to understand the words on the Jools Holland one, but that's all I like better about it.
The two versions are complete opposites, so it's nice to have them both around I suppose.
Yeah I like that we have them both too, but if I had to choose only one that I could ever listen to again, it would be the album version for sure.
Both versions are good. I like the music on the album version better but the vocals are superior on the Jools Holland jazzy version.
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