TEEN PLEBA GIRLS: Washed away by a Wave of Sorrow

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yeah same here. It's been raining freaking buckets ugh and the other day it was hailing I was like wtf is that noise :crazy: it turned out to be the hail against the windows omg that was so annoying and it went on for like an hour. lol.
just say miles tells ben he'll tell his boss he is dead if ben pays him 3.2 million dollars
lol dont you venture outside of PLEBA? two fans went over to HQ and recorded U2 playing. its not the best of quality but its something and extremely exciting
EdgeIsTooSexy said:

what is that? :ohmy:

YES Karl! :D

he's a guy I've been talking to on myspace for like two weeks. We've been getting to know each other and stuff. he lives like 15 mins from me and wants to get together next Friday.

He just called me sweetness :ohmy:

EdgeIsTooSexy said:
lol dont you venture outside of PLEBA? two fans went over to HQ and recorded U2 playing. its not the best of quality but its something and extremely exciting

Yes...I just didn't get the time lately...where can I get that?
EYKIW, where the album has no name.

wait ur going to meet that myspace guy?
cool yay

yeah I'm going to meet him. he seems like a nice guy and I checked out his profile it doesn't seem creepy or anything. lol. But i don't know you think it's a bad idea? God when I tell my mom she's going to want to be there. lol. Like tailing us in her car or something. greeaat. :rolleyes:
idk, i mean my friends parents met through an online dating service im not even sure about that.
its up to you in the end.
just im really iffy when it comes to that
yeah I know I'm the same I've always been freaked out by online dating an stuff. But we've been emailing back and forth for almost two weeks. I don't know it's all so hard to decide. Like there is a possibility that he could be some creep lol. But then again what if he's not and I don't go... Ugh I'm just tired of always being too scared to do anything! I guess I'll just have to think about it more...
Idk. if you comfortable then go ahead.

im just seeing it from my perspective and in my opinion its not a way to meet someone...that i mean for myself. i dont know if you like him just be careful thats all.
well right now I don't know how I feel about it. Nervous I guess.

yeah I get that but things are different around here. There is seriously no way to meet people unless you go to a bar or are in college or something. And I guess I like him as much as I can with only talking online. lol. And besides I think we might just end up being friends anyway.
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