TEEN PLEBA GIRLS: Bringing in the New Year Under a Blood Red Sky

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iloveedge said:

Exactly! :crazy:

Once I was just playing in the send with my little tractors :giggle: and I walked in front of their nest and the da flew over my head...later when he did it again, he hit my head! It did hurt! :ohmy:

:yikes: He hit you! Mum got hit in the head once- wasn't very pretty at all!
It didn't make a scar or anything...the bird is so tiny! But, it's the fact that he did hit him! :lol:
Acrobat Angel said:
Nothing unusual :wink: We used to have a dog and a bird...
Do you have any pets?

A fish :uhoh:

I had a dwarf hamster. So cute!! Look it up on google. But very viscious! :ohmy: And then I got a teddy bear hamster.
I know!! :lol: The one I had, had an excess of fur on his little but! I had to trim some off from time to time!

It did not look like that though! :lmao:
:lol: Reminds me of the puppy my friend got a couple of weeks ago... It looks like the top of a mop but its black, so :cute: , even fits into the palms of your hands! He's funny when he tries to run around!
iloveedge said:
OMG! In the plam of your hand!! :cute: A mop :lmao: What kind is it?

I think it's a poodle crossed with something else, can't remember, so much hair though!... We saw her out walking him last night- it's one of those dogs you giggle at cos they're so :cute:
I'm not a fan of small dogs...I'm actualy scared of them...but some of them are so cute! :cute:

I'm googleing pics right now!

ok... :lol:

Ooh!! A Russian hockey team are touring the Juniors hockey league and they're stoping in town friday!! :hyper:

I had to let that out :)
Acrobat Angel said:
Random- they've already started selling easter eggs and hot-crossed buns in some places here :| Xmas was last week for godssake!

I hate it when they do that :|
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