SURVIVOR: Winner of Zooropa and start of POP!

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Blue Crack Addict
Aug 16, 2002
the killerwhaletank
After much deliberation, I've decided to add Passengers to the Miscellaneous section, since a lot of people really haven't heard all of the album and also they really aren't full U2-songs. However, to give them a fighting chance they'll still be included.

The last round went both ways many times, until the loser pulled out the last 6 or 7 votes in a row. This made the winner for Zooropa...


10. Lemon
9. Zooropa
8. Stay (Faraway, So Close!)
7. Numb
6. Dirty Day
5. The First Time
4. The Wanderer
3. Babyface
2. Daddy's Gonna Pay for Your Crashed Car
1. Some Days are Better Than Others

The Winners Thus Far
Boy: Out of Control
October: Tomorrow
War: New Year's Day
The Unforgettable Fire: A Sort of Homecoming
The Joshua Tree: Where the Streets Have No Name
Rattle and Hum: All I Want is You
Achtung Baby: One
Zooropa: Lemon
All That You Can't Leave Behind:
New Album (?):
Grand Champion:

The votes broke down as follows:
Zooropa - 30
Lemon - 23
TOTAL: 53 votes

And now for the start of POP!

Please vote for one of the following:
1. Discotheque
2. Do You Feel Loved?
3. Mofo
4. If God Will Send His Angels
5. Staring at the Sun
6. Last Night on Earth
7. Gone
8. Miami
9. The Playboy Mansion
10. If You Wear That Velvet Dress
11. Please
12. Wake Up Dead Man

I vote for The Playboy Mansion.
Miami is my obvious first choice. After that, I'm not sure.

This album will be hard for me, considering that it's the U2 album I am most personally attached to. It's not my favorite album, but it just has a place in my heart.
Miami :shrug: If You Wear That Velvet Dress

If You Were That Velvet Dress :macdevil:
(sorry MVD! :eek: )
Good for Lemon! I love that song

Hmm...this first vote is a tossup between the Mansiona and Do You Feel Loved?

Ima have to go with Do You Feel Loved
cant believe people are voting for if god will send his angels!!

if you wear that velvet dress
Miami. It's easily the worst U2 song ever and I HATE it. Why they ever put that on the CD is beyond me. It's raw crap and sometimes ruins Pop for me. I love the run of 1-7 and 10-12, but I hate having to get up and skip Miami (and The Playboy Mansion, because it's the most boring, bland U2 song).
Miami makes me groove. Velvet Dress makes me yawn.

I vote for...

If You Wear That Velvet Dress
The Playboy Mansion

This will be hard to do I don?t have a personal fave on this album! Maybe something between Staring at the Sun, Last Night on Earth, Please or Wake Up Dead Man or Do You Feel Loved or Mofo or...

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