Springsteen V ~ Super Bowl Party

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I somehow missed that, seriously, or I forgot, and didn't realize at the time how cool that is.

I'm listening now.

Sweet. Let me know what you think please. I just listened to Tomorrow Never Knows and it was the sweetest, prettiest song that my ears have ever heard (excited exaggeration but I actually really did love it) so I'm going to step outside for a minute so that my head doesn't implode.
Last Carnival :sad:

This album kicks ass. I'm thinking someone should give Bruce a nickname. Ya know, like something short and to the point that everyone will call him that lets you know how fucking cool and in charge he is. :hmm:
Uh oh, you didn't like? I'm about to go for full listen #2.

It's not his worst album?

I'm going to have to give it a few more listens, yes, but I didn't hear anything I liked better than Life Itself.

But not tonight, I'm tired and going to bed :wink:
I gotta say the album didnt grab me straight away, Its got a few really nice songs but a few seem v boring a plain, defo not a Springsteen classic! how do you think this album will sound live? seems to me to be mostly mellow and pop orientated, no big rockers like "Radio Nowhere" & "Gypsy Biker",

My Fav's: The Last Carnival
Good Eye
Queen of the Supermarket
Tomorrow Never Knows
I gotta think he's not going to put a lot of emphasis on the album this tour. Not sure of course, I just get the feeling.
He was born a little baby on the Appalachian Trail
At six months old he'd done three months in jail
He robbed a bank in his diapers and his little bare baby feet
All he said was "Folks, my name is Outlaw Pete..."

I'm not really feeling "Outlaw Pete" tbh GAF, its pretty good some parts are great, but overall I think its too long, could easily be 4 min imo, the chorus is a bit weak but no doubt it will be mind blowing live! just really the start of the track I dont like,

Anyone else feel the E Street Band are barely been used on this album, sounds like a solo Springsteen album to me, all Max's drum lines are v basic and standard, Only 1 sax sax solo from BIG MAN CLARENCE CLEMONS! (that is right yeah?) I think the rushed album is a sign of THE BIG MANS touring and recording days coming to an end, :sad:, also Nils seems v restrained, no big solo's or classic licks, sounds to me like Bruuuce & Steve done most of the guitar playing, perhaps Nils was outta action with his hips. :hmm:

Alas I can see this album been a real grower!
I remember at least two sax solos. One in My Lucky Day, and the other in This Life.
Anyone else feel the E Street Band are barely been used on this album, sounds like a solo Springsteen album to me, all Max's drum lines are v basic and standard, Only 1 sax sax solo from BIG MAN CLARENCE CLEMONS! (that is right yeah?) I think the rushed album is a sign of THE BIG MANS touring and recording days coming to an end, :sad:, also Nils seems v restrained, no big solo's or classic licks, sounds to me like Bruuuce & Steve done most of the guitar playing, perhaps Nils was outta action with his hips. :hmm:

Alas I can see this album been a real grower!

In the studio, the core of the band has always been Bruce, Max, Garry, and Roy. The others come in to record certain parts, but that's pretty much it.

And while this album's release is certain hot on the heels of the last one, I don't get the whole rushed wording. Springsteen himself said they recorded some of the songs at the end of the Magic sessions, others during the tour, and essentially finished it up at the end of 2008. He already had quite a bit recorded, so while this is a quick release by his standards, I don't think it's rushed.
Well, I've listened to this thing a few times today, and it's unfortunately a mixed bag. There are some great things on here, but there's also some things that are just, well, dull.

I love the opening double shot of Outlaw Pete and My Lucky Day. Outlaw Pete is fantastic. And the title track actually works well where it is placed, making it a bit better to my ears.

I thought I would hate Queen Of The Supermarket based on the title, but it's actually very good. I was pleased. After that, however, things tend to go down hill a bit. What Love Can Do is ok, but it sounds like a throwaway from the Magic sessions instead of being the starting point to something new. It's not terrible, but there's nothing memorable about it, either. This Life was worse.

If you don't like the bullet mic, you won't care for Good Eye, which is not bad, but Jersey Devil was better, more fun for that sort of vocal.

Tomorrow Never Knows I liked. A short, country-induced bouncing song but quite pleasant. I thought it was cool.

We've heard Life Itself already, which isn't too bad, but then, still nothing truly great.

Kingdom Of Days I thought was alright. You see the trend here. Most of these songs are decent but don't really stand out too much or take you anywhere.

I still contend that Surprise, Surprise is an excellent pop song despite the repeatedness of the lyrics. One of the better songs on here.

Aside from the opening tracks, the highlight of this disc is easily The Last Carnival. What a gorgeous song.

The Wrestler is tacked on at the end as a bonus, which is great, but I'm pissed that the outro is cut off here. The long version that's been up on youtube and other places, with the extended outro, is just beautiful. I have no idea why it isn't included here, but I'm very disappointed it's missing.

So overall, you know, the album is still good. It is Bruce, after all. But Magic blows it away, and The Rising is superior as well.
Anyone knows where to find this?

It was late, and I went to bed... when I got back to YouTube today it was gone :sad:
I was listening early this morning before work and then at work for a bit and during This Life all I could picture was

Good Eye makes me wish for a blues album/CD...............just like Jersey Devil did

*according to my mother I was a David Cassidy freak, I mean fan (I don't remember that).............I guess it must be true since I rather enjoy this song :reject:
Tomorrow Never Knows might be my favorite song on the album. I love it so very much. It puts a big, fat smile on my face and I'm always tempted to play it again right after it ends.
Started to listen to it a few minutes ago.
Outlaw Pete - beautiful

EDIT: So far I'm really enjoying it... but Outlaw Pete still is the best song on the album. Listening to Good Eye now

EDIT II: Finished it. It's a good album, but it seems to get kinda lost after Good Eye. I need to hear it again to make a decent judgement. Anyway, Outlaw Pete is The Boss' best original song sice Into the Fire from The Rising. Some songs could be longer maybe. I don't know, I'll listen to it again today in the afternoon, cause after all, it's almost 6:00 AM here and I wanna go to bed.

I'm going to listen to it again this afternoon or tomorrow before I go ahead and give a more detailed view.
meh... it's good and all, but i agree with phanan. there's some good stuff and some very meh stuff. not as good as magic or the rising.

honestly the wrestler's my favorite song on the album, and it's not even technicaly on the album.

i hate queen of the supermarket. just wanted to get that out there.

frankly it's what i feared... it sounds like they put together some left overs from the Magic sessions and rushed to get them out. If they needed to do that in order to justify touring this summer well then it's all good... but i'm not feeling it at all.
Hmmm...I'm on my second listen and now I can give a more detailed opinion:

I don't know if it's cause I'm excited about being a new song and all, but I'm pretty sure that "Outlaw Pete" is my favorite song from The Boss. It's beautiful, and it wouldn't feel so damn good if it weren't 8 min long, that's for sure. The album keeps doing a nice job with "My Lucky Day", another beautiful uplifting song. "Working on a Dream", "What Love Can Do", "Queen of the Supermarket" and "This Life" are all Boss at its best keeping the good work done on Magic. "Good Eye" is the low point in the album and ends up dragging the short and cute "Tomorrow Never Knows" with it. The latter, a semi-country song, would benefit from another spot in the album. The album manages to get back in its feet with "Life Itself" and "Kingdom of Days", but still being inferior to its first half. "Surprise, Suprise" is a nice little song that seems to be put there to make the album's end a little more cheerful. And it works. The "almost" closer, "The Last Carnival" benefits from not being actual the closer cause maybe it's not a song in Bruce's standards. "The Wrestler" the actual closer is, as you all know, an amazing acoustic ballad, that deserved the Golden Globe it won. Again, The Boss at its best and the album benefits from it gaining a proper closer. Nice.
Except from "Good Eye" and "The Last Carnival" the album has no bad songs, and most of those are great songs, so Working on a Dream ends up being a very good album that could have been great, and I dare to say, maybe a classic with a rearranging in the tracklisting cause 6 of the strongest 7 tracks ended up all in the first half. I wonder how it would be if "The Wrestler" was the opener and "Outlaw Pete" the closer. :hmm:
Anyway, to me it's a very good album that probably will be one of the best of 2009. Ah, is it better than Magic? I can't compare those two, cause Magic is completely different from Working on a Dream, but if I had to, I'd say that Magic is a better listen. Cause maybe Dream's problem is, to quote Bono: "...as an album, the whole isn't greater than the sum of its parts..."
Rating: 8.5/10

That's it.
It took me about three listens, but last night I noticed that Bruce drops a big ol' F-Bomb in Queen of the Supermarket. Awesome. And very unexpected. Is this the first "fuck" to appear in a Bruce song?
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