Songs of Experience - Part V

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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I doubt they would join forces with Apple again, which is why I don't believe that Reddit photo at all.
They don't have to join forces. My understanding is that they are stuck in a deal with Apple that is ongoing (probably for SOI + SOE).
They don't have to join forces. My understanding is that they are stuck in a deal with Apple that is ongoing (probably for SOI + SOE).

Stuck in a deal that they can't get out of?

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Adam in particular has been posting more to social media in the last while than i ever remember before. So maybe that's part of the new marketing campaign?
Maybe Bonbo is their tru sauce.

And after a few listens I give Tightrope 5 stares.


Sounds entirely plausible.

Glad you liked it! But tell us more about the VR video. Did you stare at it?

I mean, hot Chilean night auto-download for everyone. "Our drug of choice to be relevant once again."

Looks like Bonbo also revealed there's a song dedicated to Ali on SOE. If for Muhammad or Mrs. Stewart, it is yet to be discovered.
Looks like Bonbo also revealed there's a song dedicated to Ali on SOE. If for Muhammad or Mrs. Stewart, it is yet to be discovered. - Breaking: SOE Delayed as Bono to Rewrite Lyrics of Epic Ballad "Ali" to be About Recently Deceased Prize Fighter Instead of Wife
If U2 is doing something with Apple I'm sure it'll just be a download from Itunes. No way they'll upload the song/album on peoples phones again.

I'll wait to see but at least were getting some kind of rumors :up:
If Apple comes out and in their keynote introduce another fucking U2 song they will get absolutely massacred, no matter how good the song and/or tech is. They're already taking hits for their lack of creativity and innovation over the past few years. I can't possibly believe they are that dumb. This is what is preventing me from believing these rumors.

It could just be a coincidence that the rumored single is coming out at the same time as WWDC, but I can't believe that they're doing it again.

If there remains a relationship it would have to be one with minimal cross promotion at the offset. - Breaking: SOE Delayed as Bono to Rewrite Lyrics of Epic Ballad "Ali" to be About Recently Deceased Prize Fighter Instead of Wife

:lol: :heart:

There's a common thought about 'Ordinary Love' along those lines. With the exception that Madiba was still alive.
I doubt U2's contract went beyond SOI, but I could be wrong.

They wanted to use Apple and an iTunes ad for Get On Your Boots, and it didn't end up working out.

I can't imagine either party would want to go back to the well so soon after the huge hit from SOI.
It would be nice to wake up one morning and see a new album on Spotify. That brings me back to 1991-1997. A man can dream right?
I could see Apple introducing the new VR thingy (which I find to be a level of nerd that I'll never reach) and during the WWDC presentation showing U2's new video and saying something like "Oh yeah, and it's available on iTunes today" and leaving it at that. I don't think they'd get massacred over that.

Plus, being an Apple user and reading their forums during the U2 launch, it was probably the friendliest towards U2 of any community because 1) there are clear Apple sheep out there, and 2) Apple users tend to fit the demographic that listens to U2 a little more.
I worry that the guitar-heavy SOE clip turns into a lame-o song like this

if I heard only first 5 seconds of that song, I'd assume the rest was great
If Apple comes out and in their keynote introduce another fucking U2 song they will get absolutely massacred, no matter how good the song and/or tech is. They're already taking hits for their lack of creativity and innovation over the past few years. I can't possibly believe they are that dumb. This is what is preventing me from believing these rumors.

It could just be a coincidence that the rumored single is coming out at the same time as WWDC, but I can't believe that they're doing it again.

If there remains a relationship it would have to be one with minimal cross promotion at the offset.

I'm an Apple stockholder, and I agree/hope you're right here.

It would be nice to wake up one morning and see a new album on Spotify. That brings me back to 1991-1997.

Were you a time traveler in the 90s?
If Apple comes out and in their keynote introduce another fucking U2 song they will get absolutely massacred, no matter how good the song and/or tech is. They're already taking hits for their lack of creativity and innovation over the past few years. I can't possibly believe they are that dumb. This is what is preventing me from believing these rumors.

It could just be a coincidence that the rumored single is coming out at the same time as WWDC, but I can't believe that they're doing it again.

If there remains a relationship it would have to be one with minimal cross promotion at the offset.

Only way i see Apple being in the mix with U2 again, is if they are also joined by a group of other artists. If they say we are launching our new VR project with selected titles from Beck, Beyonce, Beiber and U2 and a dozen others or something, then I could see that working.

Just a straight U2 thing again. God, i just cant see that happening.
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