Songs of Ascent: the lost album

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Well, that's bad news (not because of the tour delay, but because the B-man is hurting). The silver lining is that Bono could potentially use this experience for some unique, introspective song-writing.

That's true. Maybe if he isn't well enough to go on tour in the near future he could work on new stuff with the band in the meantime. It's really a shame, but hopefully the surgery will be a long-term fix so Bono won't have problems so much anymore, especially if he's been having back pain since 2003. Poor B, it must be hard for such an energetic guy like him to have to go through this. :sad:
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In the new edition of Q magazine Adam is quoted saying "We're working on some new material and the songs excite me, they're better than anything we've done before. It's too early to say what they're like, but it's a sign of creative life and that's exciting ".
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In the new edition of Q magazine Adam is quoted saying "We're working on some new material and the songs excite me, they're better than anything we've done before. It's too early to say what they're like, but it's a sign of creative life and that's exciting ".

Aww Adam is helping out Bono for a while. :cute:
Well at least it's Adam saying that. I have more confidence in him than in Bono.
I really wish U2 would tone down the big album hype, ie, our best ever album, amazing solo, Larry is been inspired by Mitch Mitchell and drumming in a new incredible way, etc etc,

I know this is Adam and deffo a more reliable, reserved and properer opinion, compared to Bono, who over hypes everything, U2 don't need to hype their releases if they just announced were happy with it and its released on..... etc..... it would be better IMO,

I'm really sick of this oh are stage has never been done before its a feet of engineering genius are album has our fastest ever tempo for us, etc...... I know I'm really going OTT on this, and its not really Adam's comment getting to me, no doubt the big hullabaloo with take off when Bono gets back on his feet and the album gets closer to release,

I ain't bitching here, I just think it would be better if they just released it, and said here it is, and let the fans go OH WOW!!!! instead of all the pre album release hype, oh Unknown Caller has Edge's biggest solo, Breathe has an epic drum intro, etc, I hope they tone it down for this release whenever it gets released.
I really wish U2 would tone down the big album hype, ie, our best ever album, amazing solo, Larry is been inspired by Mitch Mitchell and drumming in a new incredible way, etc etc,

I know this is Adam and deffo a more reliable, reserved and properer opinion, compared to Bono, who over hypes everything, U2 don't need to hype their releases if they just announced were happy with it and its released on..... etc..... it would be better IMO,

I'm really sick of this oh are stage has never been done before its a feet of engineering genius are album has our fastest ever tempo for us, etc...... I know I'm really going OTT on this, and its not really Adam's comment getting to me, no doubt the big hullabaloo with take off when Bono gets back on his feet and the album gets closer to release,

I ain't bitching here, I just think it would be better if they just released it, and said here it is, and let the fans go OH WOW!!!! instead of all the pre album release hype, oh Unknown Caller has Edge's biggest solo, Breathe has an epic drum intro, etc, I hope they tone it down for this release whenever it gets released.

That's what they did with Achtung Baby. The album was out and for a while they didn't do interviews or anything, they just waited to see what the world thought!
I really wish U2 would tone down the big album hype, ie, our best ever album, amazing solo, Larry is been inspired by Mitch Mitchell and drumming in a new incredible way, etc etc,

I know this is Adam and deffo a more reliable, reserved and properer opinion, compared to Bono, who over hypes everything, U2 don't need to hype their releases if they just announced were happy with it and its released on..... etc..... it would be better IMO,

I'm really sick of this oh are stage has never been done before its a feet of engineering genius are album has our fastest ever tempo for us, etc...... I know I'm really going OTT on this, and its not really Adam's comment getting to me, no doubt the big hullabaloo with take off when Bono gets back on his feet and the album gets closer to release,

I ain't bitching here, I just think it would be better if they just released it, and said here it is, and let the fans go OH WOW!!!! instead of all the pre album release hype, oh Unknown Caller has Edge's biggest solo, Breathe has an epic drum intro, etc, I hope they tone it down for this release whenever it gets released.

Really? Adam hardly said anything. We are the ones making the hype up through speculation.
Really? Adam hardly said anything. We are the ones making the hype up through speculation.


Adam is quoted saying "We're working on some new material and the songs excite me, they're better than anything we've done before. It's too early to say what they're like, but it's a sign of creative life and that's exciting ".
they're always working on new material and it's always better than anything that've ever done before. because they're working on songs doesn't mean we're close to getting a release. as you all know, the songs have to first go through 300 rewrites, 3 different producers, and 3 shelved albums before we finally see the new album in the year 2012, which better be the latest considering the world may be ending.
an artist has to believe their current work is their best, what's the point otherwise?
an artist has to believe their current work is their best, what's the point otherwise?

Ideally, this would be awesome. In reality, this is not always the case. Not pointing the finger at U2, just saying that in general. And I don't believe for a second they think they're making their best music ever, considering they're always referring to JT and AB as their greatest albums. Being psyched about new material is one thing. And obviously hype plays a huge part in the promotional department.
You mean best like SUC?

I like Stand Up Comedy. U2 liked it. That's obvious as they put it on the album instead of some other track. You didn't like it though if I could ever sniff out sarcasm. But what's your point? U2 should not put out work you do not like?

I remember Larry saying POP was their best work. It's not their best work (my favorite work BTW, but that's irrelevant.) Sure, now they look back and see it had flaws but hindsight is 20/20. I see nothing wrong with an artist believing in themselves. I happen to like Adam's enthusiasm. It's good spirit.

Putting a lot of expectations on a new album by picking apart balderdash...well that's your fault.
I like Stand Up Comedy. U2 liked it. That's obvious as they put it on the album instead of some other track. You didn't like it though if I could ever sniff out sarcasm. But what's your point? U2 should not put out work you do not like?

I remember Larry saying POP was their best work. It's not their best work (my favorite work BTW, but that's irrelevant.) Sure, now they look back and see it had flaws but hindsight is 20/20. I see nothing wrong with an artist believing in themselves. I happen to like Adam's enthusiasm. It's good spirit.

Putting a lot of expectations on a new album by picking apart balderdash...well that's your fault.

These days I don't put any expectations on a new album, especially a new U2 album. I learned that the hard way with HTDAAB, expecting a dark, angry guitar rocking album, and instead getting...well you catch my drift. That's the point i was trying to get across, to realize that they ALWAYS hype a new album up as their greatest, or at least one of their greatest, and the key is to not get your hopes up based on routine hype.

As for SUC, yea, I was just joshing around. I mean, I think it's the lamest they ever got, but if others like it, coolness.

And the whole positive spirit thing...I guess it's good that they're feeling optimistic, but it doesn't make me at all optimistic about anything they might release in the future. I'll believe it when I hear it.
And the whole positive spirit thing...I guess it's good that they're feeling optimistic, but it doesn't make me at all optimistic about anything they might release in the future. I'll believe it when I hear it.

I understand your dislike of SUC, I'm right there with you, and I once was there with you on the dislike of their optimism, I used to drown myself with sad and melancoly songs. But one day I grew past that, I didn't need it anymore. I think it comes with where you are in life.

IMO :shrug:
I understand your dislike of SUC, I'm right there with you, and I once was there with you on the dislike of their optimism, I used to drown myself with sad and melancoly songs. But one day I grew past that, I didn't need it anymore. I think it comes with where you are in life.

IMO :shrug:

No no totally misunderstood, haha.

I wasn't talking about optimistic songs. I was referencing what Moser was saying in a previous post, about the band having a good spirit and being optimistic about what they're creating. What I meant was...if U2 are optimistic, then that's all well and good for them, but for me personally it doesn't do a thing. To say it again, I'll believe it when I hear it.

Got nothing against optimistic music. Hell, I was blasting George Michael in the car today! (blasting his music, i mean)
Yeah, but you've blasted their optimism(songs) before, and asked that they return to the "darker" U2 haven't you?

I don't care what they do, as long as they do it well. Optimistic, dark, experimental, simple, pop, abstract, direct...whatever. Never said that they should return to the "darker" sound. I did say, however, that they've been laying the optimism on a bit thick. Why does a song like "I Still Haven't Found" sound hopeful and soulful despite its lyrics? Because the music is selling the optimism. That's what I wish they would get back to. Let the music provide the feeling, not Bono's recent motivational speech lyrical style. But this is just what I think. I liked their "optimistic" songs when they weren't so condescending. I don't need to be coddled.
They always say they are working on their best work...otherwise, why would they work on songs they don't find their best? I don't understand why people think "OMGZ OVERHYPEZ!!!#@!"

NLOTH has some of their best work. So does HTDAAB. What's not to believe about SOA?

I was just responding to you sayin that adam 'hardly said anything'. Saying it is the bands best work is saying a fair bit
I don't care what they do, as long as they do it well. Optimistic, dark, experimental, simple, pop, abstract, direct...whatever. Never said that they should return to the "darker" sound. I did say, however, that they've been laying the optimism on a bit thick. Why does a song like "I Still Haven't Found" sound hopeful and soulful despite its lyrics? Because the music is selling the optimism. That's what I wish they would get back to. Let the music provide the feeling, not Bono's recent motivational speech lyrical style. But this is just what I think. I liked their "optimistic" songs when they weren't so condescending. I don't need to be coddled.

Agree. :up:
I see Bono says they wrote a song especially for Glastonbury, so at least there's something new happening, whether or not it sees the light of day of course is another matter...
Posted on

In the new edition of Q magazine Adam is quoted saying "We're working on some new material and the songs excite me, they're better than anything we've done before. It's too early to say what they're like, but it's a sign of creative life and that's exciting ".

Adam is, by far, the most rational, calm, objective member of U2.

i believe Adam! :up:
I just can't see Adam saying that. I wonder if they got a quote from Bono and decided to just put Adam's name on it instead :)

You know what would be see these kind of quotes on Or maybe, just maybe, give us fans some tidbits on a more frequent basis.

To me, it sounds like we're still years away from hearing new music.
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