SOE 16: Protect This House

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This is actually the first time they've sent a mass email regarding renewals, by my count. I went back to check, and the previous renewal emails were individual emails sent 30 days and 7 days out to your expiration date.

These individual emails always said "when the band releases new tour dates," so that line has always been there in one way or another.

Telling us that 2017 will be busy and to stay tuned over the next couple of weeks, though, certainly soundsike they're ready to get the machine cranked up again.
This is actually the first time they've sent a mass email regarding renewals, by my count. I went back to check, and the previous renewal emails were individual emails sent 30 days and 7 days out to your expiration date.

These individual emails always said "when the band releases new tour dates," so that line has always been there in one way or another.

Telling us that 2017 will be busy and to stay tuned over the next couple of weeks, though, certainly soundsike they're ready to get the machine cranked up again.

Or as mikal posted.....get ready for the best holiday instagram photos we've ever seen!!!
Part of me is skeptical about being so sure about 2017 - even down to the next few weeks - and feels it's just a ploy to get fans to renew, whilst hoping these promises all turn out to be true.

I suppose i find it odd that (of all places) is the one to kind of tease/confirm something significant happening in the next month or two. Then again, apparently the band wanted a traditional, low-key release this time, rather than a surprise 'event', so maybe this hint from their website isn't so odd after all.

Does anyone know if this has happened before - has ever hinted at an album announcement before it happened? Because it kind of seems like official semi-confirmation of an impending announcement, but... that seems way too good to be true.
They've hinted at things before, but they haven't necessarily always been album releases. They had that Pride remix fiasco one time.

But specifically saying to pay attention to the coming weeks in the busy 2017 certainly means that something is coming.

Maybe it's an album, maybe it's just a one off song, maybe it's some other garbage that they're going to release in hopes of distracting us from having no album.

But they wouldn't say that for nothing.
This is actually the first time they've sent a mass email regarding renewals, by my count. I went back to check, and the previous renewal emails were individual emails sent 30 days and 7 days out to your expiration date.

These individual emails always said "when the band releases new tour dates," so that line has always been there in one way or another.

Telling us that 2017 will be busy and to stay tuned over the next couple of weeks, though, certainly soundsike they're ready to get the machine cranked up again.

Didn't they also send a mass email last year when they extended everybody's subscription to the end of next January?
And come to think of it, doesn't just about everybody renew at the same time now as a result, thus making the mass email logical?

And I'm sure they'll announce tour presales in February, so we all have to renew first.
They've hinted at things before, but they haven't necessarily always been album releases. They had that Pride remix fiasco one time.

But specifically saying to pay attention to the coming weeks in the busy 2017 certainly means that something is coming.

Maybe it's an album, maybe it's just a one off song, maybe it's some other garbage that they're going to release in hopes of distracting us from having no album.

But they wouldn't say that for nothing.

Ahh yeah, I remember the Tiesto Pride remix (and the accompanying disappointment).

The two statements (2017 being busy, and staying tunes over the next weeks) seem tied in to each other, so tbh I can't think of anything more appropriate than a full-on album announcement.

Back when we realised a 2016 album wasn't happening, and Adam mentioned march/april, I figured we might see a NLOTH-esque timeline of events, and in particular, an announcement in december/january. So, maybe the album really did only need polishing, and maybe that is what this is.

Or yeah, maybe it's another Tiesto remix. Knowing, that's equally likely.
I'd expect the U2 organization to go into Christmas break for the final 2 weeks of the year, as well as the first week of January. So we won't hear anything until at least the 2nd week of January.

Somebody get down to Grafton Street on Christmas Eve and ask Bono what's going on!

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Don't you get tired when you're busy?

Not doing anything makes me very tired.

Also, I find it very funny that everyone thinks they're super calculated and are picking their words like a legal document because they're secretly not going to tour. They probably have zero realization that some 20-30 posters on interference are putting these words under a microscope.
Not doing anything makes me very tired.

Also, I find it very funny that everyone thinks they're super calculated and are picking their words like a legal document because they're secretly not going to tour. They probably have zero realization that some 20-30 posters on interference are putting these words under a microscope.

We do tend to pour over every word & picture and look for hidden meanings, don't we?

What is the symbolism of Adam's 3rd pink bass pick being slightly turned counter clock wise in this photo? Is he alluding to the not yet finished album or is it referring to Larry's birthday cake? Why is Edge fascinated with pickles? Is that he name of the new single? What is Morleigh's cat trying to tell us? Anyone have an "cat to english" translation handy?
Adam's castle is rumoured to be the final resting place of the original Joshua tree

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They've hinted at things before, but they haven't necessarily always been album releases. They had that Pride remix fiasco one time.

But specifically saying to pay attention to the coming weeks in the busy 2017 certainly means that something is coming.

Maybe it's an album, maybe it's just a one off song, maybe it's some other garbage that they're going to release in hopes of distracting us from having no album.

But they wouldn't say that for nothing.

It could also be that they come back in a few weeks and tell us what the amazing subscription gift is!!
I'd be alright with that. Even more if they did a compilation of different songs recorded throughout the entire 2015 tour, ala U22/ Edge's picks. Imagine having official recordings of Crystal Ballroom & Lucifer's Hands live :drool:

I was at one of the shows where they did Lucifer's Hands. I was not impressed and no one else was either.

Crystal Ballroom on the other hand, that is a beautiful song...wish they played that instead.
I was at one of the shows where they did Lucifer's Hands. I was not impressed and no one else was either.

Crystal Ballroom on the other hand, that is a beautiful song...wish they played that instead.

I was at Chicago 3 (see profile pic ;-) )and thought Lucifers Hands was pretty good. Just saying it's nice to get a recorded live version of those rare ones.
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So whats new with U2? Did Adam turn over anymore of his guitar pics? Anymore Bambi instagram videos from Bono?

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