So who wants to see Sicy and daafish dancing Salsa

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Sizzlin' Sicilian
Staff member
Jan 15, 2001
Bay Area, CA
Ok so I have a short video of me and daafish dancing a salsa if anyone wants to see! :D

fyi - the sound is bad.. you have to turn the volume up all the way


You can right click the link and save it or just click it to stream it.

Its also on my ftp in the VIDEO folder called : SICY DANCING SALSA

If you're using a browser to connect, I suggest manually typing the address in the address bar. The password is mofo. If you're using IE and it doesnt work, try netscape. If you're at work.. well most work computers have firewalls and wont let you in.

For ftp users:

user: u2
password: mofo
port: 21000

:der: :dance:
I dont like to hear this

That's really weird. You download from me all the time.

I just restarted the ftp, I dunno maybe it will work for you later.
I didn't have any problems gettin' took like 15 minutes for me to get the entire file. It looked good too, and I could hear the music all right!
The video quality isn't the greatest, but it's still nice to see! Here's a video capture, just to prove that I did actually get the file all right! ;)

Yeah better quality would have made the file like 10 times as big.
It's still plenty good though!

I'm going to upload it to my webspace I have at's about halfway done...I'll post the link then. Perhaps doing a right-click on the link and saving it will work better for some of you than the FTP.
Sicy you and Daafishy are great! My mom and sis watched too and they told me you were excellent:up:
BChick's link worked..:up:
-nice synchronicity:angry:
-good chemistry:angry:

J-Lo and Ricky Martin have nothing on you kids..:)

thank u-

Thanks you guys!! I'm glad I could finally share since I talk about it so much. :laugh:

Its soooooooooo much fun. I :heart: it.
Sicy said:

Why? Its like 3 minutes long, and looked like you downloaded the whole thing.

I was having problems with my media player.

Bonochick's site worked great.

Looks like you guys have a lot of "good clean fun"
in public.:wink:
Ooooo salsa :up:
gah, I miss ballroom... mayhap I'll brave the weirdos and re-join next semester :mad:
I still hold out that the most fun dance is the polka :D
Wow, that was definitely worth the download wait!! You guys look awesome, I am so jealous! I absolutely cannot dance :(
Looks like alot of fun though :)
Salsa is the best dance!!!

Thanks everyone! Although, we'll probably do another one in the future cause there's some moves I forgot to do which are pretty cool.

And look how good Sicy is!!! She's been dancing less then a year and she can handle multiple turns with no problems! :yes:

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