The Songs YOU Want To Hear On The Next Tour!

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Rock n' Roll Doggie ALL ACCESS
Jul 12, 2002
Well, it's been months since the polls first opened, but now here's the entire results of Interference fan voting.

Classic Songs Played Four Times Or Fewer On The 360 Tour:

- 106 voters

- Ballot required exactly 25 selections per user

1. A Sort of Homecoming - 80 votes

2. Acrobat - 77

3. Mofo - 73

4. Please - 70

5. Gone - 64

6. Lemon - 59
6. Love Is Blindness - 59

8. Exit - 58

9. 11 O'Clock Tick Tock - 53

10. One Tree Hill - 50

11. Kite - 48

12. Invisible - 47

13. God Part II - 46
13. Heartland - 46

15. Gloria - 45
15. In God's Country - 45

17. Discotheque - 44

18. The Electric Co. - 41
18. Running To Stand Still - 41

20. Dirty Day - 40

21. Two Hearts Beat As One - 39

22. Drowning Man - 37
22. When I Look At The World - 37
22. Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses - 37

25. Out of Control - 36


26. Last Night On Earth - 35
26. Wire - 35

28. Hawkmoon 269 - 34

29. Do You Feel Loved - 32

30. Like A Song... - 31
30. Red Hill Mining Town - 31

32. Electrical Storm - 29
32. Zoo Station - 29

34. The Ground Beneath Her Feet - 27
34. Lady With The Spinning Head - 27
34. Seconds - 27

37. Bullet The Blue Sky - 26

38. Another Time, Another Place - 25

39. Tomorrow - 24

40. Fez - Being Born - 23
40. Tryin' To Throw Your Arms Around The World - 23

42. October - 22
42. So Cruel - 22

44. 40 - 21
44. Ordinary Love - 21

46. A Day Without Me - 20
46. Surrender - 20

47. I Threw A Brick Through A Window - 19
47. Twilight - 19
47. Wake Up Dead Man - 19

50. If You Wear That Velvet Dress - 18

Promenade - 17
Spanish Eyes - 17

If God Will Send His Angels - 16
Love Comes Tumbling - 16
North and South of the River - 16
Sweetest Thing - 16

Staring At The Sun - 15
Stories For Boys - 15

Daddy's Gonna Pay For Your Crashed Car - 14
Miracle Drug - 14
Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own - 14

An Cat Dubh/Into The Heart - 13
New York - 13
Numb - 13
Original of the Species - 13
Trip Through Your Wires - 13
Van Diemen's Land - 13

A Man And A Woman - 12
Indian Summer Sky - 12
Mothers of the Disappeared - 12

Dancing Barefoot - 11
Luminous Times (Hold On To Love) - 11
Rejoice - 11
Silver and Gold - 11
The Wanderer - 11
Window in the Skies - 11

A Celebration - 10
Night and Day - 10

Crumbs From Your Table - 9
The First Time - 9
Love Rescue Me - 9

Babyface - 8
Love and Peace or Else - 8
White As Snow - 8
Winter - 8

Fast Cars - 7
Salome - 7
She's A Mystery To Me - 7
Stateless - 7
Trash, Trampoline and the Party Girl - 7
Walk To The Water - 7
With A Shout - 7

Holy Joe - 6
I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight (Original Version) - 6
I Fall Down - 6
Miami - 6
Stranger In A Strange Land - 6
The Three Sunrises - 6
Two Shots of Happy, One Shot of Sad - 6
When Love Comes To Town - 6

All Because of You - 5
Elvis Presley and America - 5
Fire - 5
Disappearing Act - 5
The Playboy Mansion - 5
One Step Closer - 5
Satellite of Love - 5
Slow Dancing - 5
Some Days Are Better Than Others - 5
Unchained Melody - 5
Wave of Sorrow (Birdland) - 5
Yahweh - 5

Cedars of Lebanon - 4
Hallelujah (Here She Comes) - 4
Instant Karma! - 4
Levitate - 4
Peace on Earth - 4
The Refugee - 4
Springhill Mining Disaster - 4
Treasure (Whatever Happened To Pete The Chop) - 4

Always - 3
Beat on the Brat - 3
Boomerang II - 3
Boy/Girl - 3
Everlasting Love - 3
Helter Skelter - 3
The Ocean - 3
Paint It Black - 3
Red Light - 3
Shadows and Tall Trees - 3
Yoshino Blossom - 3

Amazing Grace - 2
The Ballad of Ronnie Drew - 2
Bass Trap - 2
Beautiful Ghost/Introduction To Songs of Experience - 2
Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) - 2
Everybody Loves A Winner - 2
Flower Child - 2
Grace - 2
Heaven and Hell - 2
I Believe In Father Christmas - 2
I Remember You - 2
Maggie's Farm - 2
Native Son - 2
Neon Lights - 2
Oh Berlin - 2
Smile - 2
Stand Up Comedy - 2
Street Missions - 2
Summer Rain - 2
Things To Make and Do - 2
Wild Honey - 2

4th of July - 1
Another Day - 1
Are You Gonna Wait Forever? - 1
Big Girls Are Best - 1
Blow Your House Down - 1
Boomerang I - 1
Cartoon World - 1
Desert of our Love - 1
Don't Take Your Guns To Town - 1
Endless Deep - 1
The Fool - 1
Fortunate Son - 1
The Hands That Built America - 1
Happiness Is A Warm Gun - 1
I'm Not Your Baby - 1
Jesus Christ - 1
Pop Muzik - 1
Rise Up - 1
The Saints Are Coming - 1
Sweet Fire of Love - 1
Testimony - 1
Touch - 1
Tower of Song - 1
Viva Davidoff - 1
Where Did It All Go Wrong - 1
Xanax and Wine - 1

No Votes:

All Along The Watchtower
Angels Too Tied To The Ground
Bottoms (Watashitachi No Ookina Yume)
Deep In The Heart
Down All The Days
Drunk Chicken/America
Is That All?
J. Swallo
Love You Like Mad
Near The Island
Race Against Time
A Room At The Heartbreak Hotel
Saturday Night
Speed of Life
Sixty Seconds in Kingdom Come

- Basically every song that fit the criteria and had included the U2 moniker on it was included in this poll. Unfortunately, the Passengers album ended up being mistakenly omitted because of that although I'm doubtful those tracks would have accumulated all that many votes.

- "Out of Control" was mistakenly included in this poll given how many times it was performed on the last tour, but I just let it play out as an option in both this poll and the 360 staples poll.
Songs Performed Five Times Or More On The 360 Tour That Fans Want To Hear Again:

- 44 voters

- No ballot minimum or maximum

1. Bad - 38
1. The Fly - 38

3. Where The Streets Have No Name - 36

4. New Year's Day - 32

5. The Unforgettable Fire - 30

6. Ultraviolet (Light My Way) - 29

7. Until The End Of The World - 27
7. Zooropa - 27

9. Out of Control - 25

10. All I Want Is You - 24
10. Stay (Faraway, So Close) - 24


12. Beautiful Day - 21

13. Even Better Than The Real Thing - 20
13. No Line On The Horizon - 20
13. With or Without You - 20

16. Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me - 19

17. Breathe - 17

18. I Will Follow - 16
18. Vertigo - 16
18. Your Blue Room - 16

21. City of Blinding Lights - 14
21. I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For - 14
21. Sunday Bloody Sunday - 14

24. One - 13

25. Magnificent - 12
25. Mysterious Ways - 12

27. Moment of Surrender - 11
27. Walk On - 11

29. Pride - 9

30. Angel of Harlem - 8
30. Elevation - 8
30. In A Little While - 8
30. Mercy - 8

34. Miss Sarajevo - 6

35. Crazy Tonight (Remix) - 5
35. Desire - 5
35. MLK - 5
35. North Star - 5

39. Unknown Caller - 4

40. Return of the Stingray Guitar - 3

41. Get On Your Boots - 2
41. Scarlet - 2
41. Stuck In A Moment You Can't Get Out Of - 2

44. Glastonbury
Songs of Innocence Poll:

- 43 voters

- No minimum or maximum required

1. Every Breaking Wave - 36 (83.72%)

2. The Crystal Ballroom - 35 (81.40%)

3. The Troubles - 31 (72.09%)

4. Iris (Hold Me Close) - 29 (67.44%)
4. This Is Where You Can Reach Me Now - 29 (67.44%)

6. California (There Is No End To Love) - 27 (62.79%)

7. Cedarwood Road - 26 (60.47%)

8. Volcano - 25 (58.14%)

9. Raised By Wolves - 24 (55.81%)

10. Sleep Like A Baby Tonight - 23 (53.49%)


11. The Miracle (of Joey Ramone) - 19 (44.19%)

12. Song for Someone - 13 (30.23%)

13. Lucifer's Hands - 9 (20.93%)
Setlist With 50% Support In All Three Polls:

Boy (1): Out of Control

War (1): New Year's Day

The Unforgettable Fire (3): A Sort of Homecoming/Bad/The Unforgettable Fire

The Joshua Tree (2): Exit/Where The Streets Have No Name

Rattle and Hum (1): All I Want Is You

Achtung Baby (5): Acrobat/The Fly/Love Is Blindness/Ultraviolet (Light My Way)/Until The End Of The World

Zooropa (3): Lemon/Stay (Faraway, So Close)/Zooropa

Pop (3): Gone/Mofo/Please

Songs of Innocence (9): California (There Is No End To Love)/Cedarwood Road/Every Breaking Wave/Iris (Hold Me Close)/Raised By Wolves/Sleep Like A Baby Tonight/This Is Where You Can Reach Me Now/The Troubles/Volcano

Non-Album (2): 11 O'Clock Tick Tock/The Crystal Ballroom

It's like 2000 to 2013 never happened! :lol:
still disappointed Passengers was missed out, given some of the stuff that was in there.

interesting top 25 though! some very good choices there
I love Glastonbury getting nothing in the "performed five times or more on 360" poll.
Invisible at no.12 is insane. But that top 10 is pretty good.
1. A Sort of Homecoming - 80 votes

2. Acrobat - 77

3. Mofo - 73

4. Please - 70

5. Gone - 64

6. Lemon - 59
6. Love Is Blindness - 59

8. Exit - 58

9. 11 O'Clock Tick Tock - 53

10. One Tree Hill - 50[/SIZE][/B]

11. Kite - 48

12. Invisible - 47

13. God Part II - 46
13. Heartland - 46

15. Gloria - 45
15. In God's Country - 45

17. Discotheque - 44

18. The Electric Co. - 41
18. Running To Stand Still - 41

20. Dirty Day - 40

21. Two Hearts Beat As One - 39

22. Drowning Man - 37
22. When I Look At The World - 37
22. Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses - 37

25. Out of Control - 36

I'd pay a fair amount to see that setlist
Acrobat/Love Is Blindness would make a great closing duo for one of the nights.

11 O'Clock Tick Tock/A Sort of Homecoming would make a great opening duo for the other night.

It would make most sense to just chuck the 80s songs into the Innocence night and the 90s songs in the Experience night. Then sort the 21st century songs into either night based on lyrical content. The 80s/90s divide would be a much more obvious thematic line than trying to merely go through the catalog and choose based on the lyrical content.

Night One ("Innocence") - 6 SOI-era tracks, "Invisible"/"11 O'Clock Tick Tock"/"Exit"/"A Sort of Homecoming"/"One Tree Hill", 5 tracks from ATYCLB-NLOTH-era + 8 80's War Horses

Night Two ("Experience") - 6 SOI-era tracks, "Ordinary Love"/"Mofo"/"Gone"/"Please"/"Acrobat"/"Love Is Blindness"/"Lemon", 3 tracks from ATYCLB-NLOTH-era + 8 90's War Horses

Just throwing it out there. Lyrical content would also be an interesting divider for classic tracks. "Streets" is naive, "With or Without You" is a painful experience, etc. It also might make more sense to simply have an 80's night and a 90's/00s night as the 90's alone doesn't have enough non-Achtung Baby standards for them to really play.
Innocence Night (80's):

11 O'Clock Tick Tock
I Will Follow
Out of Control
New Year's Day
Sunday Bloody Sunday
A Sort of Homecoming
The Unforgettable Fire
Where The Streets Have No Name
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
With Or Without You
In God's Country
One Tree Hill
All I Want Is You
God Part II

The Miracle (of Joey Ramone)
Cedarwood Road
Iris (Hold Me Close)
Raised By Wolves

Just an example...a half dozen new tracks mixed in with the most sought after 80s rarities and regulars.
Experience Night (90s/00s):

Even Better Than The Real Thing
Until The End Of The World
The Fly
Ultraviolet (Light My Way)
Love Is Blindness
Stay (Faraway, So Close)
Dirty Day
Beautiful Day
No Line On The Horizon

Ordinary Love
California (There Is No End To Love)
Every Breaking Wave
Sleep Like A Baby Tonight
This Is Where You Can Reach Me Now
The Troubles
The Crystal Ballroom
Yep. I expect to hear "One" and "Elevation" and "Pride" at both of the back-to-back nights I attend and about a difference of 2-3 songs between one night and the next.

They'll probably just rearrange the order of most of their songs just so the setlists seem different.
I would be very annoyed if I somehow managed to finagle a ticket to one of the two shows here and only got to hear 80s stuff or 90s-00s stuff and not both.

Actually, I would leave the arena feeling quite ripped off.
I would be very annoyed if I somehow managed to finagle a ticket to one of the two shows here and only got to hear 80s stuff or 90s-00s stuff and not both.

Actually, I would leave the arena feeling quite ripped off.

Yeah, it's a horrific idea...

Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
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