Shuttlecock XXVIII: Presents Boner's 100% Natural Good-Time Family Band Solution

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Had Bono finally fallen off the mic tonight to have it captured forever on video, I would have laughed.

I still love the guy, but I would have laughed pretty hard.

Unless he got hurt. Then I'd laugh, but then gasp and feel terrible.
I'd laugh if some kid ran up and socked him in the nuts, too. It's like U2's Funniest Home Videos!

Okay, I think the YouTube site has finally frozen for good. It's been stuck buffering for 2 minutes. Oh well. G'night, all!
This was such a strange experience watching this thing, I don't know what to say.
Wow. That was amazing to watch it in such high quality online. First the Phoenix show, then Vegas, then this to end a magnificent week. I still love this band so much. :heart:
The show tonight was a bit weird. WAY better in person.

Oh, and I'm totally going to the July 6th show in Chicago next year. And I'm gonna do GA this time. I want to jump around and be a crazy U2 fan for 2 hours in the designated "jump around and be a crazy U2 fan for 2 hours" area. Haven't done GA at either of the two shows I've seen.

I am eggscited.
I missed everything it seems and they are not replaying the concert on youtube yet :waiting:

Those complaining about the sound and lack of wide shots - I am guessing they will probably re-edit the show if they do release it for DVD/Blu-Ray and of course it will sound better.

Toronto July 3rd :drool: looks like I'm going to have to renew my membership early...
Well, they're not coming here apparently, so who wants me to come ruin their home town show?

wait, they're not coming here. :depressed: i'm not sure what concert(s) i'll see now. i'm optimistic they'll add a st. louis date and i'd see that for sure. especially since i've been in busch stadium, so i know where the good seats are.

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