Shuttlecock XVI - Cobbler's Revenge

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
And your shitting on almost every other running gag as unfunny is definitely rich for one of the key proponents of the most immature running gag on this forum. You seriously can't bag out other people enjoying a running gag when you're still Shuttlecocking stuff almost a decade later and giggling about wangs.

There's enough old schoolers who still enjoy the diversion, I don't feel too embarrassed about it.
There are still 'Cockified titles that I use with regularity. This Is Where You Can Reach Me Now will always and forever be Reach Around. I would probably call it that even to someone who has never heard of the song and has no frame of reference for the joke.

I also occasionally let Magnificock slip out. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Because it's the last show of the leg they're going to play ASOH and Bad right?
There are still 'Cockified titles that I use with regularity. This Is Where You Can Reach Me Now will always and forever be Reach Around. I would probably call it that even to someone who has never heard of the song and has no frame of reference for the joke.

This is the only one I'll pay.

Also, cori, you're one of the best Interferencers, but Bob's Burgers is distinctly bland.
Describing modern-day Simpsons as "bland" is being way too polite.
OK, modern day Simpsons is the equivalent of the gruel the Movementarians used to break down people's resistance.
True story: my friend used to be an animator on The Simpsons, and some years back the production company had an in-house contest to develop a new show. I helped him finish a few mini episodes to pitch (I mainly did coloring and edited the earlier pencil tests, I know nothing about animation) of what I thought was a pretty funny idea.

We were one of a few finalists, but the winner was Bob's Burgers. I still haven't seen an episode.
That was great. Not perfect, but pretty fucking great.

- Bad should be in the encore. It was the first time I saw Bad live and the expectations coupled with the placement in the set made it a slight disappointment. I still really liked it though.
- Pride just isn't very good live.
- Streets didn't have quite the impact it should have for several reasons: it was still light outside which lessens the effect of the red screen and house lights. I also thought the band sounded a bit off during the first half of the song. It seemed like the band wasn't in sync with Larry but that could just be because of the sound in the stadium which wasn't always perfect. I've never been the biggest Streets fan so it's also never been the pinnacle of their live show for me (it got closest on i+e) which lessened my disappointment.
- Exit was really badass but not as great as expected. I think a second guitar is needed.
- Ultraviolet is a great song but it sounded kind of weak. It was better when Bono shouted the second verse on 360.

Positived which far outweigh the negatives:
- The opening duo is great. They should always play the 'Gold' verse of NYD. It was the first time I got NYD since 2005 and I was 10 at the time so I was really looking forward to it and it didn't disappoint. The crowd was also really into the first two songs.
- I got to see Bad for the first time!
- It was the best rendition of With Or Without You I've seen.
- Bullet the Blue Sky was a highlight. One of their best live songs. I thought it rocked way harder than Exit.
- Running To Stand Still was another highlight.The crowd kept quiet and Bono's voice was really lovely. I liked how subdued it sounded.
- In God's Country was a lot of fun. I expected the band to play it too slow but they didn't.
- The band seemed to be really enjoying themselves during Trip. You could see them all laughing (Larry probably didn't of course). I also loved Bono randomly shouting 'Isn't Edge a sexy man?'.
- If I was U2 I'd play Elevation-Vertigo at every gig. They're both just great stadium songs, especially the former. Elevation is also just a very good song. The bass is brutal and Edge's small solo is always great.
- Similarly to WOWY, it was the best rendition of One I've ever seen. I got really into it: I closed my eyes during the whole song (which really is the best way to enjoy a live show for me, even with the awesome production U2 has). I remember thinking that it should be in my top 10 U2 songs. I'd say it was the second highlight after Bullet-RTSS.
- I Will Follow is a great way to close the show.

TL;DR: U2 is awesome.
:up: you're a bit of a weirdass (you don't like Streets or All My Friends which is real suss) but some great thoughts there. RTSS I'll take with me to the grave, that's the song I flew overseas for. I totally agree with you on One, although the WOWY I saw in 2006 (with Joy Division and INXS snippets) was better.

I was on a One kick for the next few days. Really reinspired my love for the song.

Also: I'm with Ax on this one, I've never found Bob's Burgers even remotely interesting.
I've watched a couple episodes of Archer and they were fine. I'd pursue that show further but between GoT, Twin Peaks, Rick and Morty and catching up on The Leftovers and Preacher idk man. Just not enough hours in the day.
:up: you're a bit of a weirdass (you don't like Streets or All My Friends which is real suss) but some great thoughts there. RTSS I'll take with me to the grave, that's the song I flew overseas for.

Not only did we get lucky w having ASOH and Bad later in the same set, but seeing RTSS dedicated to Chris Cornell brought out extra emotion from Bono that made this one of my all-time great concert moments.

There's not a single other show on this tour I would have rather been at. Seattle got IWF and the new song and all three TUF tracks as we did but their Bad was too early in the set, and what tips it in our favor is that I doubt RTSS was as powerful.
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