Shag Point, New Zealand Superthread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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That's the one viable option, as there's a Video Ezy within walking distance of me, but that still costs a fair bit of money sometimes (I was honestly impressed at how cheap movies are over your way), and I admit I find video shops kind of daunting. Video, music, and book shops, all for the same reason: I can only see one or two rows with any comparative ease and find the rest extremely difficult to read. FAR is obsessive with movies and will sprawl out on the floor to read the bottom shelf and pull out every single case so she can read what it is, but that's not so much for me. If I go in with a clear idea of what I want to see, then I'm alright, but casually browsing isn't too much fun. Yet from experience with doing that in bookshops (where I'll sometimes just deal, due to my love of books), that's how you stumble across half of the interesting stuff in the first place ...

Oh, okay. That makes a lot of sense then. If you want any suggestions, you know you could ask us here or go to to check shit out. That could make things a little bit easier.
Fuck you.

And yes, I will fuck off and watch the movie now.


OK, so I'm really just cranking The Verve's Come On and I thought I should share Richard Ashcroft's lyrics with you.
I believe it more if it's set in a different world. I struggle to believe Batman or Spiderman actually are hanging around in my universe.

They're not though. There's still that fantastic quality attached to it, no matter how realistic it tries to be. Nolan's Batman series is the closest it's been, I think, but there's still that detachment from reality that makes it enjoyable, for me at least.

Some docu-drama that doesn't get something right, or is complete Hollywood bastardization, like Crash or American Gangster, pisses me off, but that's about it.
I haven't been in a video store in years. Since they actually had videos, I think. Netflix still makes money off of me, though, because I'll go through periods where I watch lots of movies, then I'll keep the same two for months.
Oh, okay. That makes a lot of sense then. If you want any suggestions, you know you could ask us here or go to to check shit out. That could make things a little bit easier.

Yeah, I've thought about it. Some of the movies you guys have spoken about sound like they'd be pretty interesting.
I haven't been in a video store in years. Since they actually had videos, I think. Netflix still makes money off of me, though, because I'll go through periods where I watch lots of movies, then I'll keep the same two for months.

:lol: I'm still not used to the idea of video stores not having videos. It was a bit of a mindfuck in the US in 2005 walking into stores that just had DVDs, though I think by now most places here are now just DVDs too.

Up until 2004, I would make a point of every year going to the video store and renting The Great Escape to watch on my birthday. I couldn't find a video copy to buy, and I didn't have access to a DVD player at home until late 2003. Didn't have my own stand-alone DVD player until 2007! I like my video player.
Truthfully, I probably wouldn't have a DVD player now, except that my last boyfriend bought me one as a Valentine's Day gift awhile back.
Truthfully, I probably wouldn't have a DVD player now, except that my last boyfriend bought me one as a Valentine's Day gift awhile back.

Yeah, my stand-alone player was a Christmas present. I've been able to play DVDs on my computer since late 2003, and also from that point to late 2006, I lived with first my mother's partner and then my flatmate at UQ and they both had stand-alone players I could borrow, but that wasn't as appealling as getting a video and putting it on the TV in my room.

By late 2006, though, the wear and tear of videos had become enough that upgrading to DVDs seemed to be a worthwhile investment and one of my relatives said they'd give me one for my birthday in January 2007. Now I just want UABRS on DVD since that's the one video I've killed the most, to the point that 11OTT barely plays.
Zoo TV Sydney was the video I missed the most after my VCR died a few years ago. Now that it's out on DVD, I still don't think I've watched the whole thing :lol:
I could not imagine not having a DVD player. Movies are just too near and dear to me. It would be like not having books or music, for me.

Yeah, Ax, if you ever get the itch, there is a good core group of ZS posters that really love film. We do not always agree, which is good, but between the group of us, we can recommend some great stuff.
I've, uh, never owned a legal copy of ZooTV Sydney. :shifty:

... got an unedited DVD though ...
I've briefly checked the Frenz forums for setlists, but never really hung around. I think the only Interferencer I've noticed over there is quadcaster - who I incidentally met at the Brisbane rehearsal in 2006, when we all stood on a hill overlooking ANZ Stadium and watched U2 in a fucking thunderstorm. Good times. He was a cool bloke.
that's not the only interferencer there :mad:
Hey, Khan. :wave:

I love having a VHS/DVD combo drive, for obvious reasons. When I move out and get an HDTV, I'll try and get a Blu Ray player, too.
:wave: hey dr. dré and lumpy

hmmm, blu-ray. i just finally got a proper dvd player (having previously used an xbox and computers to watch movies) so i don't know if i will get one any time soon. plus, i think i've run out of places i can plug things into on my tv. between my receiver, tivo, wii, and dvd/vcr, i don't know if i have any free slots :hmm:
I still haven't upgraded from analogue to digital TV yet, either through buying a new TV or a set-top box. I just don't see the point. Digital doesn't look any better to analogue to me, so I feel no need to fork out money for an upgrade. Plus, I'm not a fan of widescreen TVs, so I'll probably just end up getting a set-top box to with my nice, old analogue TV that has served me well for over a decade.
i probably post there more than you do! :mad:

Honestly, the only times I've been there have been before and after gigs to look at setlists and that's it! So I suppose the reason why I've seen him and not you is that he'd be posting about the Aussie shows I'm interested in.
My TV is ancient. My parents gave it to me when my TV died a few years ago and they were getting an HDTV. I have to unplug my DVD player when I use my Wii.
I enjoy movies, but there books and music take up a lot of my time, and writing...when I'm not being lazy.

Yep, same. I pretty much always have music on, then I go to books whenever I get away from the computer (ah, long tram rides!), writing when I stop being lazy, and movies are at the bottom of the heap.
I still haven't upgraded from analogue to digital TV yet, either through buying a new TV or a set-top box. I just don't see the point. Digital doesn't look any better to analogue to me, so I feel no need to fork out money for an upgrade. Plus, I'm not a fan of widescreen TVs, so I'll probably just end up getting a set-top box to with my nice, old analogue TV that has served me well for over a decade.
ha, you'd be screwed if you lived here! in february, everyone has to go digital or they won't receive channels anymore. we've been digital for maybe 10 years? we had digital cable then switched to satellite. now all our tvs are hd :drool:
Honestly, the only times I've been there have been before and after gigs to look at setlists and that's it! So I suppose the reason why I've seen him and not you is that he'd be posting about the Aussie shows I'm interested in.
:giggle: i'll start doing that now. i'll post something like "i didn't see this show, but i'm sure it was good!" in every concert thread.
Well, Cubs win.

And, I just kinda zoned out there for a while.

So, hello again I guess :huh:
ha, you'd be screwed if you lived here! in february, everyone has to go digital or they won't receive channels anymore. we've been digital for maybe 10 years? we had digital cable then switched to satellite. now all our tvs are hd :drool:

This is true. I wanna say my TV is digital, but I'm not too sure. It has a nice flat-screen, but it's not HD.
I still haven't upgraded from analogue to digital TV yet, either through buying a new TV or a set-top box. I just don't see the point. Digital doesn't look any better to analogue to me, so I feel no need to fork out money for an upgrade. Plus, I'm not a fan of widescreen TVs, so I'll probably just end up getting a set-top box to with my nice, old analogue TV that has served me well for over a decade.

Is Australia going to force you guys to make the shift?
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