Rythm Eterno

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Manu Chao

Jun 12, 2001
Montr?al, Qu?bec, Canada
Up to the tam-tams on the green mountain
35? with a big sun in the sky
I use to dance with you
Making the rythm get inside you
Emilia, where were you while the sun was shinning ?

She will take me in her arms pretty soon
She'll bring me to a new world
Where I wouldn't have to care about making a new country
Pride will stand along my side
Saying soft words to end the swirl

Mi nombre es solamente un nombre entre otros
Mi coraz?n es una isla que se hunde en un oc?ano de rasgones
Mi sangre se ejecuta en mis venas de la desgracia
Podr?a hacerle flujo de mi se?al de socorro
La pregunta ser? suspendida siempre a mis labios

Take me with you
I know you are not as dark as we think
I want to feel you getting to me
You are better than a drug
That buzz already gives me chills

=HJ Clandestino=

Pis si ? moins y'en avait moins de pauv' cr?tins
Pr?ts ? mourir pour la Patrie
Kalishnikov et compagnie
Pour faire rouler l'?conomie
~~Cuba clandestino, Marijuana illegal~~
Take me with you
I know you are not as dark as we think
I want to feel you getting to me
You are better than a drug
That buzz already gives me chills

"and you need her like a drug... "

this poem as a whole, made me think of a people in search of something, and lovers in search of each other
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