RTÉ 2XM played the NLOTH B-Side Today (Discussion Only)

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I liked so much this version :sad: and now i strongly believe that i'm not going to dig the album version based on the clip. I like the pulsating drums, the crude guitar. I think the album version is going to be too "ambiental".

First of all, if you like this version shouldn't you just be happy about that? Seems like that should be enough.

Second of all, holy shit, get it together. Take a xanax (and wine) or something.
The alt. version is great.

Just keeps growing on me. Better than anything on Bomb in my opinion.

The band just has a great groove going on and it just sounds inspired. Great vocal delivery by Bono too. The mix is very AB-esque but modernized.

I liked so much this version :sad: and now i strongly believe that i'm not going to dig the album version based on the clip. I like the pulsating drums, the crude guitar. I think the album version is going to be too "ambiental".

And you get to have both! :)

You can even make a playlist where this replaces the other, if you want!
The song's not horrible it just sounds pretty meh

But I've only heard it in a noisy study hall, I can give a better impression later
don't say that... someone will yell at you like they did to me last night for making the same comparison.

Nobody yelled at you. We all just disagreed.

Ok, so that was the GOYB boots single version, NLOTH2, correct? Seemed to have a much different sound that the two sets of clips we've heard so far.

EDIT: Ok, seems to be the consensus. Good.

So it definitely IS the second version? So was Q mag correct when they thought this was the better song?

I fear that the album version is not going to be as good...

Is there anything you don't fear?

Yep, that's this song's closest living relative!

I love the killers, but this sound has its precedence in U2's discography!!!

Me too. That's kind of what I was saying yesterday.
I really don't understand some "fan's" attitudes ??:ohmy:

What exactly is so horrible about this song. Can you be more specific than just saying, I don't like it , or it sounds like shit ??

Do you not like something in the music, the vocals, the lyrics, what exactly bothers you?

Just a little curious because a "different" U2 is all we have been waiting for for 4.5 years and now that you hear it, you don't like it ??

I for one love this song, whether its the single version or the album version. this is vastly different that anythng U2 has done in the last 8+ years, so Rock On :up:

Initial thoughts:

Murky-sounding mix, like Achtung Baby. Drumming's very WOWY. Edge is doing some crazy things, as is Adam. Bono's vocals need to be remixed, he's peaking on the highs.

Strong push by the the rhythm section. The song doesn't really go anywhere or build up, unfortunately, but upon further reflection that's not necessarily a bad thing. It's a new sonic direction, all right.

That wasn't really like anything U2 have ever done before - and when you're saying this about U2, then it's something pretty different.

This song needs a lot more than one listen to get the true scope of it.

The only issue I have with it so far is the vocal mix. Now, initially I thought it was poor because of the feed, but having listened to three more songs on the same channel with the same headphones, I suspect it might be the song itself. I'll have to get a copy myself and see.
Woah, I'm so excited, because judging by this version and the two clips we've heard of the album version I can proudly say that I enjoy both versions. I'm really excited that there are two different versions of that song.
I jumped online halfway into the song, about 2 minutes after the hour and when I heard the song playing, I thought 'well, doesn't sound like U2's on yet, I'll go to the other room and come right back to hear it from the beginning...then I think I recognized the Edge and Bono's vocals 'No...........Line...........On the Horizon'. It didn't immediately register as a U2 song. BTW I didn't listen to ANY previews or beach clips for this reason. Not sure what to think right now, but always glad to hear new U2 :up:
The alt. version sounds great,the song has a great vibe and bono is imo, in top form (esp in the bridge section)...with any luck the album version will be on par or better! This is excellent, the excitement and hype surrounding the album is reaching truly epic proportions! :hyper:
first listen was like :-O I didnt expect this version at all after 30 sec clip.... but after a 3 or 4 listens I really like this version too!! :hyper:
I quite like the song however it is very different to anything U2 has done in fact you wouldn't really know that it was U2 if you heard it. The vocals don't sound like Bono at all. Well it is nearly half past one in the morning here so I better go and get some shut eye. Bit of a pain that RTE is playing a whole hour of U2 I would have liked to listen
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