RIP Daniel Patrick Moynihan

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Headache in a Suitcase

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Staff member
Jul 16, 2000
With the other morally corrupt bootlicking rubes.
A great New Yorker, great American, and more over, a great man passed away today. Senator Moynihan served his country both in the Navy and as a Senator from New York. He was a Democrat, and despite the fact that he did lend his support to that carpet baggin' Hillary Clinton (sorry... i couldn't resist) more often than not voted with his heart rather than his political affiliation. Here's hoping they erect some sort of statue to Moynihan in the new Penn Station once it's completed, for it was Moynihan who lobied for the majority of the funds for the new building. Rest in peace.
This is a great loss

Thanks for starting this thread, Headache In A Suitcase. It was an honor to have a man of Senator Moynihan's intelligence representing the state of New York. His newsletters to his constituents were well-written history lessons, in which he'd tie these long-ago events in with current events. They made you feel smarter just for having read them.

By the end of this decade, there should be a new railway station for Long Island Rail Road, New Jersey Transit and Amtrak riders, a train station that will be far more pleasant to use than the current, somewhat architecturally dull station. Moynihan pushed for this station, and it supposedly will be named after him now.

Senator Moynihan was less a politician than a teacher, and we all were better for the lessons he taught during his years in public service.
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