Regrouping and the Future

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Sherry Darling

New Yorker
Sep 5, 2001
WHAT is this defeatism and retreat I hear and sense from some of my fellow progressives?? This was one election! And Bush's victory was no landslide! Nearly 1/2 the nation voted for Kerry. Listen to me, this is a democracy and that means losing sometimes. But the role of the opposition is CRITICAL, and never more so than now!

Where do we even start, you say?

1. Organize Locally! Are you involved in a grassroots progressive group? Why not? Or better yet, start one! :yes: We have to understand, a sea change like the one that's necessary does not happen in 4 years. Do we have the sustained energy? The focus? Most of the real change we need is never going to happen at the federal level, and that's probably a good thing in a nation this size. Also, personal, local connections are how you build a real revolution! It will show up at the polls if every progressive in the nation commits to this! That is finally how we're going to get living wages, humane prisons, sufficent protection of workers, minorities, etc. Bottom up, not top down . Let's all tatto this on our foreheads.

2. Remember (and righties, this goes for you too) our next election IS NOT 2008! It's 2005! Unless folks start showing up like we did yesterday for local and state elections, we can continue to expect to have to choose between Tweedledumb and Tweedledumber.

Sherry Darling said:
WHAT is this defeatism and retreat I hear and sense from some of my fellow progressives?? This was one election! And Bush's victory was no landslide! Nearly 1/2 the nation voted for Kerry. Listen to me, this is a democracy and that means losing sometimes. But the role of the opposition is CRITICAL, and never more so than now!

Where do we even start, you say?

1. Organize Locally! Are you involved in a grassroots progressive group? Why not? Or better yet, start one! :yes: We have to understand, a sea change like the one that's necessary does not happen in 4 years. Do we have the sustained energy? The focus? Most of the real change we need is never going to happen at the federal level, and that's probably a good thing in a nation this size. Also, personal, local connections are how you build a real revolution! It will show up at the polls if every progressive in the nation commits to this! That is finally how we're going to get living wages, humane prisons, sufficent protection of workers, minorities, etc. Bottom up, not top down . Let's all tatto this on our foreheads.

2. Remember (and righties, this goes for you too) our next election IS NOT 2008! It's 2005! Unless folks start showing up like we did yesterday for local and state elections, we can continue to expect to have to choose between Tweedledumb and Tweedledumber.


This country as a whole is becoming more right. Therefore you will have to have more conservative democrats in the future to win.
Sherry thanks for posting your words of encouragment.
People still have the power to change the ways things are here, people not presidents built our country and its still a pretty good one.

Its still a team effort

SHerry 's post is a nice refreshment

its better than bitchin and blaming and whining and getting mad and name calling
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I needed to read these responses, guys. We HAVE to hold each other accountable, and encourage one another.

:hug: and respects back!

Let's remember, our voices of opposition have NEVER been more necessary!

Yeah, Virginia's governors race is starting up for Nov. 2005. I'll actually be able to vote in that one, and I've met both candidates. The democrat, Lt. Gov. Tim Kaine, is an AMAZING man and I'll spend the next year working for his campaign. After that we have the midterms (come on people we need a balance of power this republican control is frightening), and then the Pres election will kick off. There's plenty to keep us busy helping the democrats in the next 4 years.

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