RED (WIRE) - Video clip of a new Christmas U2 song (11/30/08)

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Really? How dare he! :madwife:

No, he's senile. Only explanation, other than
If I had to hazard a guess, I would assume it's going to be out on Wednesday.
Actually, looking around the site, there seem to already be more videos than there were a couple hours ago. I wonder if it might not premiere sometime today :hmm:
A cover for Christmas. Bring on these "strained" vocals on the next album :hyper:

And is that eyeliner, Bono ?
I'm digging this & want to hear the rest. :up:

It of course would've been nice for U2 to write their own kick-ass Christmas song, but I'm happy with a cover of a good one. :yes:

Of course, it would've been awesome if they'd cover the Kinks' Father Christmas song:

The Kinks

When I was small I believed in Santa Clause
Though I knew it was my dad
And I would hang up my stocking at Christmas
Open my presents and I'd be glad

But the last time I played Father Christmas
I stood outside a department store
A gang of kids came over and mugged me
And knocked my reindeer to the floor

They said:
"Father Christmas, give us some money
Don't mess around with those silly toys.
We'll beat you up if you don't hand it over
We want your bread so don't make us annoyed
Give all the toys to the little rich boys

"Don't give my brother a real trashy outfit
Don't give my sister a cuddly toy
We don't want a jigsaw or monopoly money
We only want the real McCoy

"Father Christmas, give us some money
We'll beat you up if you make us annoyed
Father Christmas, give us some money
Don't mess around with those silly toys

"But give my daddy a job 'cause he needs one
He's got lots of mouths to feed
But if you've got one, I'll have a machine gun
So I can scare all the kids down the street

"Father Christmas, give us some money
We got no time for your silly toys
We'll beat you up if you don't hand it over
Give all the toys to the little rich boys

Have yourself a merry merry Christmas
Have yourself a good time
But remember the kids who got nothin'
While you're drinkin' down your wine

"Father Christmas, give us some money
We got no time for your silly toys
We'll beat you up if you don't hand it over
We want your bread, so don't make us annoyed

"Father Christmas, give us some money
We got no time for your silly toys
We'll beat you up if you don't hand it over
Give all the toys to the little rich boys."

Not to be a scrooge, but another U2 Christmas song is the last thing I need.

Well, it was doubtful that the band was going to provide a girlfriend, so this was their next option.

Not to be a scrooge, but another U2 Christmas song is the last thing I need.

Not to defend U2, but it's not as if they've done many. Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) is the only one credited to the full band.
I don't know how much "voice power" he used to sing this but it doesn't matter 'cause this sounds amazing. The guitar play sounds incredible as well, it has got this kind of "Where The Streets Have No Name" sound which I really love.

Hype for next album = Up to the skies
Today, World AIDS Day, MSN is celebrating the launch of (RED)WIRE, (RED)'s new digital music magazine designed to help eliminate AIDS in Africa. Some of the greatest artists on earth have contributed amazing songs to (RED)WIRE. Enjoy these world premieres throughout the day and sign up for (RED)WIRE for so much more.

The Killers/Elton John Christmas song seems to be the newest one (I don't know if I like it yet, heard it about five times last night). I'm sure that U2's will premiere at some point today now.
Heaven. Simply one of the best xmas songs ever written. And U2 doing it..just when i need it. Single light in the dark. Happy Advent.
I've always really liked this song, I think it's a good choice for a cover. And the band sounds pretty good for a 20 second clip. There's no doubt that when the full version gets released I will be blasting it on a nearly endless loop for at least a couple of days.

God bless us everyone!

I tried to sign up but all I have had is a confirmation email advising they would be in touch today - nothing so far Mike
If you check a few pages back there's a Youtube link provided and also if you check the first page of the thread.
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