Random Facts and Confessions: Part 5

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I confess that I shoulda moved faster and done a something certain sooner, and I mean where I had PLENTY of time (but would have felt very guilty) to do it, now its prob too late - in fact it will be - it will be my fault but prob a lesson handed to me that expecting it is wrong when you are being wrong. ya know?

that happens to me all the time, lol.

some days i forget to play beautiful by christina auguielreairia in the mornings and it just throws me off for the whole day...

Randon fact that I'm afraid of bees. Don't know why but when I see one I run in the other direction.
that happens to me all the time, lol.

some days i forget to play beautiful by christina aguilera in the mornings and it just throws me off for the whole day...


:ohmy: I love that song!!

Though it's the only one of hers I do. :wink:

Odd that people get stung by bees so often. :hmm: We barely have that here, bees die when they sting, though wasps are a whole different story. :scream:
My wife is terrified of them as well... She has never been stung (that she knows of) which I keep telling her is dangerous in case she has an allergy...

I think I was stung when I was younger, so I know I'm not allergic. I'm afraid of getting stung
bee :nerd: alert . . . for most people you need to be stung once in order for the allergy to be 'activated' . . . its a good idea to be tested once you have been stung as reactions become more severe the more times you are stung :nerd: see ya :wave:

pst . . . I'm terrified of them too :yikes: although have enormous respect for them as no bees = sure death of the ecosystem and our world as we know it
My wife is terrified of them as well... She has never been stung (that she knows of) which I keep telling her is dangerous in case she has an allergy...
we were riding down the river once, and one of my mates got dared to pick up a stick and go and aggravate a massive hive of bees. they all chased him, and he got stung like 30 times on the back. we were all pissing ourselves laughing, but then he said he wasn't sure if he was allergic or not..

i got stung twice as a kid, but both times it was by a bee that was dying i think. i put my hand on one in a sandbox and stepped on one, but nothing happened.
:ohmy: I love that song!!

Though it's the only one of hers I do. :wink:

Odd that people get stung by bees so often. :hmm: We barely have that here, bees die when they sting, though wasps are a whole different story. :scream:
kind of like our bees and wasps :hmm:
kind of like our bees and wasps :hmm:

Oh very funny smartass. :angry:

I more meant that I've rarely heard of bees stinging people here. And since it's just a last defense mechanism for them it sounds odd that they sting a lot. Wasps sting much faster since it doesn't kill them. :wink:
my mum is allergic, my sister isn't. i figure it can go bof ways for me, but i'd rather not know.

i've been stung by hornets (a whole nest of them stung me at my birthday party once :grumpy:) and a wasp. i don't know if i've ever been stung by a plain old bee :lol:
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