Random Facts and Confessions: Part 5

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I just sent an email and realised as I was typing that I was trying to *insert interference smileys* as I went . . . actually typed : doh : and wondered why > :doh : didn't show up

:crack :
:lol :

:lmao: I do this too in texts, facebook, emails. :wink: Interfernece smilies shold be everywhere in life. :drool:

study apathy :love :

( sometimes I wish I was back amidst the hustle and excitement of learning . . . but then I realise that I can't remember 4 items on a shopping list let alone grapple with the concept of actually retaining anything of worth :doh : :lol : )

I sometimes think about going back to studying then remember my last year of my A levels i used to either go into town and look round the shops or go to the pub during certain classes i didn't like. I had no motivation for them. In hindsight i should have repeated the year and found classes i enjoyed instead. :wink: Hindsight is a wonderful thing. Getting glandular fever towards the end of my first year i missed loads of classes, after that i just could not be bothered. I do regret it but what can you do. :shrug:

I really can't drink like I did last night anymore, I'm too old for it.

I'm getting like that aswell. :angry::hug:

This Easter I've got a lot of work, a lot of catching up to do and a lot of revision. But I don't intend on doing any of it. My French oral exam is next month (I'm screwed), my A Levels are in two months... but who cares? I really, really don't. And that worries me very much!

I hated oral exam for German in GCSE's. :angry: You're so near to your exams though no point in wasting all your hard work. Study your arse off, you won't regret it. You can do your choice of Uni then or whatever else you want to do. I regret screwing up my A-Levels. :( I could have done so much better. :fail:

Good luck. :hug:
The boys sound like arses, quite ready to cause all this shit not just by telling everyone about someones sex life - but stirring up arguments between the girls too.[/RIGHT]
Get rid :up :

I agree with this.

Education isn't the answer, abstinence is. :yes :

Well, it sounds like that guy could use a fine punch in the face. I know I'd have given him that if he dared to talk that shit about me.

And this. ^
GG. :lmao:

Oh i just wrote a literary paper on Teen Pregnancy and Prevention. I believe absence is the key. (just not for me)

But yeah everyone thinks he's a god... it's like no he isn't. Oh well i left the party before he came! Had a wayyy better night ;)

Well done on the avoiding, who needs idiots like that in their lives. :wink: You will look back on gossips like that and think, what a loser.

^ abscence of a partner :confused : :lol :

My confession is my ex is moving to Australia on Thuesday next week. I can not comprehend how he can leave his kids behind ( they're about 8 and 9
years old ) while he jets off to a new life with his new wife. :huh::down:

ETA i should not post when drumk. :lmao:
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My confession is my ex is moving to Australia on Thuesday next week. I can not comprehend how he can leave his kids behind ( they're about 8 and 9
years old ) while he jets off to a new life with his new wife. :huh::down:

ETA i should not post when drumk. :lmao:

You just invented a new day of the week :lol: :up:

I have no idea how anyone can do that either - no idea at all, as much as my kids make me nutty, I feel like a bit of my heart is missing when they're not around for too long

Posting when drunk is a hoot the next day :yes: :D

I bought some Easter eggs to take to work for all the gals but I've eaten nearly all of them. Whoops :D

Just think of all the calories you've saved them . . .so really you're being kind :wink:
I hated oral exam for German in GCSE's. :angry: You're so near to your exams though no point in wasting all your hard work. Study your arse off, you won't regret it. You can do your choice of Uni then or whatever else you want to do. I regret screwing up my A-Levels. :( I could have done so much better. :fail:

The good thing about the oral exam is that you can, apart from the roleplay (but you can always guess what situations will come up), memorise all your answers.

I had to take oral exams for the first time this week. Personally, it was much stressful more having to prepare the class for them than doing them at A-level. I have never worried about an exam so much.
I've downloaded many cheesy pop songs onto my iPod since taking poledancing classes.

It's what we dance to, I can't help it, they stick in my head :shrug: :uhoh:
My confession is my ex is moving to Australia on Thuesday next week. I can not comprehend how he can leave his kids behind ( they're about 8 and 9
years old ) while he jets off to a new life with his new wife. :huh::down:

:yes: One of our family friends, they have four kids, one day the wife decides she wants to become a cop, so she tells him one night on a whim she's doing it, ups and leaves her husband to look after the four kids

she hasn't even remained in contact with them :|
^ :sad: that's awful - for all of them - I hope at some stage they can at least reconcile to the point where questions can be asked and answered and those kids at least can have some kind of relationship with their mum . .. it'll be a mighty hard road for all of them but I hope they get there :hug:
I've been in such an inexplicably bad mood all day. I hope tomorrow changes that, else I fear I'll be like this for another two bloody weeks :grumpy:
Yesterday at work I saw a kid who looked just like:

Chocolate all over the face and everything.
Emma i think it's going around:down:
I'm the happiest i've been in months and now i just feel like complete trash

^i watched willie wonka and the chocolate factory Friday night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:hyper:

:yes: It's all ups and downs at the moment, and everyone seems to be like it *sigh*

But I had an amazing day so... hello good mood :D
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