Poowong, Victoria Superthread

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Turns out today was hyper and sugary. I've had worse Mondays!

Daniel... I need to work out how to get my Melb ticket off you. *L* When were you going to get to the gig? Alternatively, how long does it take to drive to Shepp from C'maine?

Aaand it might cost from $450 to $700 to fix my dented boot, depending on whether I want it to be the same colour as the rest of my car. I know it shouldn't matter, but I don't want one of those cars that's two different colours. :reject:

My poor shiny only-four-years-old car... :(

Am thinking I'll just bite the bullet and claim it on insurance.
Around here a deductible is like $500, is it worth it to go through the insurance paperwork?
So I'm drinking rum and it's not hideous like I remember from being 13.
Oh come on I'm drunk and you people aren't here?

I mean I haven't been here the last couple of days but COME ON let me be a hypocrite.
Pink Floyd, Split Enz, The Chills, and we even gave Nocturnal Projections a go. Good times!

But we're off to bed now. :wave:
We have six inches of snow.

We're expecting eight more along with single-digit temperatures.

I'm thisclose to saying, "Screw you guys, I'm going to Oakland."

It's warm, I sort of know my way around, it's East Bay Punk mecca, and pot's legal within the city limits with Humboldt county right next door. I'm totally there.
Around here a deductible is like $500, is it worth it to go through the insurance paperwork?

Yeah, I meant to dig all that out last night, but got distracted by TV and cheesecake. I have a feeling my excess is about the same... If I do claim, I just hope my premium wouldn't go up much from losing the no-claim discount.
Daniel... I need to work out how to get my Melb ticket off you. *L* When were you going to get to the gig? Alternatively, how long does it take to drive to Shepp from C'maine?

Ah! was just about to see with you and danny how this would work. I was gonna try give you guys your tickets this weekend in Melb....but are you up in C'maine?

*google maps it*

Eh, its a lazy 2 hour drive! Although, the i30 could probably do it in less :wink: I could possibly run it by on my way home from Melb's on sunday.
Haha, I thought you'd approve, Daniel.

I feel so sorry for Charlotte. We went to bed after midnight and she had to get up for work at 5am! We were planning on going to bed at 9pm, but then we started drinking ... and kept drinking ...
By that standard, my downloading makes me the worst music fan ever!
...WTF? I have five copies of my favourite album... :shifty: I'm not obsessed with Green Day!

...raise your hand if you believe that one. :reject:

The snow hasn't started falling yet. But it will. I think I'll stand outside with my hair dryer and melt it as it falls. :angry:
Please send snow here. It's starting to get hot and summery and this makes me an unhappy Axver.
Yay summer! :hyper:


Daniel, I had a feeling something like this would happen... *L* I was thinking of driving to Shepp myself, I guess it depends where you'll be this weekend! If you are in Melbourne, I dunno if you could catch up with Ax or someone and give him/them the ticket? And I should give you your Brisbane ticket, although I can do that when we fly up... argh. :lol:

Anyway, send me a text or email or something if you need to, I probably shouldn't be worklurking today. :reject:
I just got a phone call from the British High Commission - they've got my citizenship certificate! :hyper: It's all gone through okay, and they'll send the paperwork down to the consulate in Melbourne... and I'll have to do a citizenship ceremony some time before February (for a fee, of course).

But Yay!! :yippie: I was expecting that to take a lot longer, I guess when they tell people it could take six months, it's a pleasant surprise when it's quicker.


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