PLEBAn Girls Party: We'll Go Crazy if We Don't Have Chicken Tonight!

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Just been to Gossip Girl thread. No wonder i could not find episode online, they repeated an old one last night. New episode is not until NEXT monday. :doh: Good job elfa posted that or I'd have been looking for ages. :lol: Just seen the trailer though and OMFGG!!! :hyper::love::drool::drama:
Ali, congrats on the new place! We have to wait 20-40 days to hear from the seller's bank (long story) to see if our offer's been accepted. :rolleyes:

Have fun with the new bed, GG :wink:

Gem, have fun with Craig :wink:
:lol: I wouldn't. :wink: Just wanted you to have somewhere to sleep tonight. I like that idea though, get your Dad to do it. :lmao:

Ofcourse, he's very useful for that kinda stuff. :wink:

I has a bed! :D It's really nice, and I have so much space here!

:shifty: Have fun with Craig. Or should that be have Craic? :wink:
Why does it take so long Zu?

Well, the guy who owns he house can't make the payments anymore (happening a lot here in the US) and he can't sell the house for what he owes the bank because the housing market is so bad right now. So we made an offer and the bank that holds his loan has to decide whether it's enough to make it worth their while.
Well, the guy who owns he house can't make the payments anymore (happening a lot here in the US) and he can't sell the house for what he owes the bank because the housing market is so bad right now. So we made an offer and the bank that holds his loan has to decide whether it's enough to make it worth their while.

:rolleyes: Thanks Former President Bush! :happy:

But good luck, Zooey. Hopefully it'll go your way.
This turning out to be a good night. Although it is snowing, I just caught U2's performance at the SuperBowl on NFL network. They are reairing the game and then showed the halftime.
:rolleyes: Thanks Former President Bush! :happy:

But good luck, Zooey. Hopefully it'll go your way.

Thanks. Mr.Z almost gave me a heart attack today when he called. I was in the car and he says, "Good news, they accepted the offer." I thought he meant the bank. What he meant was that our offer is the one the seller decided to present to the bank. I scolded him and told him to choose his words better!
You would think - considering the market - that the bank would see any money as better than no money... but then, this is also the country that showed us Enron, etc., so who knows ;)
You would think - considering the market - that the bank would see any money as better than no money... but then, this is also the country that showed us Enron, etc., so who knows ;)

Yeah. supposedly they told his agent "We won't take less than $xxxxxx" and that's what we offered. So :shrug: I just keep saying to myself, if it's meant to be, it's meant to be. Meanwhile, Mr.Z is mentally decorating the place already!
Well, the guy who owns he house can't make the payments anymore (happening a lot here in the US) and he can't sell the house for what he owes the bank because the housing market is so bad right now. So we made an offer and the bank that holds his loan has to decide whether it's enough to make it worth their while.

Damn thats shitty. I hope the bank accepts it!
Yea but don't count on me to be awake. :yawn: I think I have a deficit of some vitamin or iron or sugar or salt or whatever the fuck it is. Again I nearly fell asleep in class, I could barely stop it. It's not tiredness, it was different. It feels forced on me by my body. I tried eating salty today, didn't work in waking me up... ate a spoon of sugar(blegh), didn't work..
Ate dinner, usually works but now it didn't.

Ate a piece of dark chocolate.

:drool: I feel awake a bit at last!
I liked the house, everyone else liked it, so the agent told us we'd been approved. So we gave 28 days notice to our current agents today, and we'll be moving in a few weeks.
It better not be this hot when we do! The rest of the week is forecast to be 40C or hotter (104F) .... Blah.

I had a good weekend at least!

good luck ali!!!

glad you had a good weekend. :hug:

RBF- Ouchies, too. :hug:

ZU-- I hope it goes the best for you, however that is. :hug:

gg2 -- :hmm:.... more protein for breafast maybe? Plus some complex carbs at breafast, too.... whole grains, oats.... won't give you a sugar crash.

and bring smelling salts 4 class until you figure it out. :wink:

Really, tho, good luck.

When I took a mandated Art History in first year of Art College--- it was ? Mon morning at 9 AM-- BIG :yawn: :yawn:

AND since i usually got there a bit late or under the wire-- the place i usually got stuck sitting in was a high stool w often a person (sometimes a freind) sitting below ? on the floor.
OMG! several times I almost fell off on top of them because i was noddong off! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I'll be around till 7:30PM but I'm working on my art so I'll be here & there & other threads WTAHAN. :wave:
zomg you guys!! My computer crashed and it's been with the Geek Squad for the last 2 weeks. So I totally missed out on ALL the big U2 happenings lately...the inaguration stuff, the new song being released, everything! HOLY MOTHER of all bad times to be offline! anyway, I'm back now! :hyper:
Molly! :hug: I was wondering why I hadn't seen you comment on the song yet on Rav *g* Welcome back :D

(Btw, my new avi will make it *very* easy for you to know it's me, even without looking at the name :lol: GG2 made it for me :D)
oh, Molly!! :hug: Glad you're back. Let us know what you think of the song once you hear it.

I found out tonight that, for the house, we beat out the next highest bidder by, get this, FORTY dollars!
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