PLEBA Mansion presents: Cribs

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Sep 15, 2000
San Antonio/Austin, TX
Well I had a horrible day yesterday. I spoke with my mother and she told me that my grandfather is dying :( I almost didn't write this story this morning but I thought I would cos maybe it would cheer me up. So here goes..

*Intro to cribs*

Welcome to MTV Cribs. This episode we will be visiting the home of Irish rockers U2. A hillside home in Dublin Ireland.

Bono: *opens door* Welcome to U2 mansion. Please come in. Well this is our foyer. Decorated by our own Adam Clayton.

Adam: Yes foyers are my speciality. *grins* We have a crystal chandelier made by Waterford Crystal especially for us.

Bono: Adam gives this place the feminine touch since he's so sensitive. Please follow us into the dining room. *walks into dining room*

Adam: This is our beautiful wood dining room. It sits 20 people and we have lots of beautiful china that we have collected over the years. And of course my wonderful spoon collection hanging over here *grins*

Bono: Yes this man loves his spoons! Now let's head to one of my favourite places...the kitchen! *walks into kitchen*

Larry: *eating soup and snarls at the camera*

Bono: This is Larry. Don't mind him he's always this snarly. Let's see *opens the fridge* We have lots of lemons, juice, guinness, champagne and that's about it.

Adam: Yes we do love our lemons

Bono: *points at sign on the door* This is Edge's room. The sign reads "Do Not Enter! Genious at work" This is also his laboratory. *opens door* Let's head down there shall we?

Adam: He doesn't like anybody coming down here but for MTV we'll do anything

Edge: *turns and sees camera and quickly covers his work* Hey what are you doing down here!!!! *blushes*

Bono: It's MTV cribs! We're showing them your room.

Edge: Get out of here! I dont' want anyone seeing my experiments.

Adam: You'll have to excuse him but you would do the same if you were in a room with no windows *laughs*

Edge: *starts crying* PLease get out of my room!

Bono: Ok ok! Let's head up to my bedroom shall we *growls*

*Shows Bono, Adam and Larry walking quickly up the stairs*

Bono: This is where all the magic happens. *claps* I even have the clapper! *grins* *Jumps on bed and accidentally falls off* WOops! *gets up quickly* I love leather. Even my sheets are leather. It does cause a bit of chafing but hey i'm cool! *smiles* Let's head into Adam's room.

Adam: Welcome to my room. I love flowers so I have everything flowery, my wallpaper, my bedsheets. My room is the best smelling room. I love to light candles. Yes that is a mirror on top of my bed *grins*

Larry: *snarls and bootins pops off* This is my room. All Harley Davidson stuff. *notices teddy bear with harley gear on bed and quickly grabs it* Um...*ahem*...I have a gym in my room as well *points* Now get out!

Bono: Well let's go to our rides! *walks down to garage* We got some pimpin wheels with 20s. This is my Mercedes. It comes with a sensor that will automatically hit the brakes when I go on the wrong side of the road. Like I ever need that!

Adam: Over here we've got the lemon coloured Ferarri. This is what I drive *grins* I've got a navigational system so advanced that I don't even need to drive!

Larry: *snarl* These are my babies. I've got 10 Harleys all from different years. This one right here is my favourite. There's only 2 of them in the world and i've got one *snarly grin*

Bono: Well thank you MTV for coming to our crib. Now FOAD as Lardence would say!

The end. Sorry this one is so short but that's all I can come up with today
Thanks :hug: Most of last night I spent crying my eyes out..this morning I feel naucious and dizzy...I guess it's just the shock but like i've said stories help me go to another happy place :)
Mullen-Girl said:
Thanks :hug: Most of last night I spent crying my eyes out..this morning I feel naucious and dizzy...I guess it's just the shock but like i've said stories help me go to another happy place :)

Yes. It's good to have a place to escape to. :). The story was nice, don't worry. I like Bono and Larry's rooms. :p.

I'm sorry to hear about your grandfather. :( :hug:.

Aww, I'm very sorry MG. :( :hug:

But the story was very good! This bit is soooo funny!

Mullen-Girl said:
Bono: This is where all the magic happens. *claps* I even have the clapper! *grins* *Jumps on bed and accidentally falls off* WOops! *gets up quickly* I love leather. Even my sheets are leather. It does cause a bit of chafing but hey i'm cool! *smiles* Let's head into Adam's room.

Mullen-Girl said:
Well I had a horrible day yesterday. I spoke with my mother and she told me that my grandfather is dying :( I almost didn't write this story this morning but I thought I would cos maybe it would cheer me up. So here goes..


Edge: *starts crying* PLease get out of my room!


Bono: This is where all the magic happens. *claps* I even have the clapper! *grins* *Jumps on bed and accidentally falls off* WOops! *gets up quickly* I love leather. Even my sheets are leather. It does cause a bit of chafing but hey i'm cool! *smiles* Let's head into Adam's room.
:hug: So sorry to hear about your grandmother. :(

Poor Edge! :laugh:

I love the leather sheets! What a funny idea! :lol:
Mullen-Girl said:
Bono: This is where all the magic happens. *claps* I even have the clapper! *grins* *Jumps on bed and accidentally falls off* Woops!


bono's leather sheets are the best invention ever *will get those at some point*


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