PLEBA Girls Party: Welcome to the Hotel PLEBA

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
WildHoney said:

No just sorting some very important out. Gotta go and shower now and go to work :madspit:

I'd rather stay here but that would mean keeping all of you up all night :giggle:

Not that i've ever done that before :angel:

See ya later girls :wave:

VP :hug:

Thanks again!! :hug: :hug: Talk to you tomorrow!
Me for a while. It's been hot here--90 to 95. We are usually upper 80's. Last time we had record breaking heat in the summer (1992) we had a blizzard that winter-26 inches of snow. We usually don't even get snow. Hope this is not a bad omen. :eyebrow:
Just dropping in for a second.:) I'm going on a run for the 1st time in 2 weeks! :hyper: It'll only be a short one though. Then I have to go get my inspection sticker updated for my car and run a few other errands. :madspit:

Be back later! :wave: :hug:
I'm still drooling over B in his robe. I thought about that all night last night. I kept seeing it kind of dropping off his shoulders. :drool:
Good afternoon girls! :D Lunch time here. :drool: hehe

Man everyone is not allowed to get lives all of the sudden! That is just not cool! :wink:
Just have to say how much I love Pearl Jam. There was a bit of a ticket fiasco in the past couple of days. It wasn't pretty and it was similar to the U2 tix debacle. We started a petition on the board yesterday and today they come back with a love letter to all the fan club members! That right there is why I'm still a member! They can't really fix what has already happened, but they are working on new stuff. And the letter said how much they love us and appreciate us. And that we are getting a "big, beautiful, and free" surprise coming next year to conicide with the new album.

I just have so much respect for the people who work for the 10c, its a much smaller set up then U2 has and they do an amazing job to take care of us. :hyper: Only 30 days till the shows. :dance:
BG :hug: Drea :hug:

Is it so wrong that I'm seriously crying over the whole damn letter thing! :giggle: It just makes it so much sweeter that we will be seeing everyone soon. Its not only about the band, its about the people who work for them as well. They are such a class act! *girly sigh*
Bono's Doll said:
What's wrong?

You mean about people getting lives on us or the ticket fuck up? :giggle:

Alot of people seem to be out doing things in real life today so its a bit sad and quiet in here. If they don't come back soon we might have to start sending out goat porn spam emails! :evil:
Will B be involved in the GP? I guess I don't have much of a life or I wouldnt be here either. Here is my daily routine--oh I'm sorry--I'm getting boring now. You all are great!
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