Pleba Girls Party - gathering for support and a little cheer

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What's this meeting thing all about Wild? Did you send my stuff away today?
greeneyedgirl said:

*spits into her hankercheff, wipes a little bit of make-up off of her face*
I thought we said you had to wait till your 21 before you wear any of that paint, young lady. :wink:


You're wiping my skin off mum! I'm not a make-up wearing girl! :giggle:

I'm all allergic :wink:
Howcome you've never mentioned it before you two? Weren't you going to come to Scotland too GG???? :scratch: :confused:
I feel left out of this conversation all of a sudden so i reckon i'll be off......
susanp6 said:
Howcome you've never mentioned it before you two? Weren't you going to come to Scotland too GG???? :scratch: :confused:

I'm gonna do it all. (except France, my money is no good there, and their dirt aint fit for me to walk upon)

Ok, now ya know how I feel about France.
I'll be going to leave for my mums soon anyway, but ok i luvs ya too Becky! :wink:

I remember GG mentioned Scotland a while back, but it's just that i'm wondering how all of this sounds so planned between you two so suddenly! :shrug:
ya, Susan.
wanted to go this year, but other stuff happened.

can't decide whether to go for 2 wks or 3.
want to be able to see it all, as will not be able to go back again for many years.

Everyone, keep your fingers crossed this wk. My boss is looking into another job, so I'm next in line for her position. Might know by next wk sometime. :yes: :hyper: :hyper:
susanp6 said:
I'll be going to leave for my mums soon anyway, but ok i luvs ya too Becky! :wink:

I remember GG mentioned Scotland a while back, but it's just that i'm wondering how all of this sounds so planned between you two so suddenly! :shrug:

I ain't planned . Just excites about adding another pleban to my list of meets. Don't think GG knows when she's even coming yet?? We've just said that we'll meet in London one day.
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