Pleba Girls Like Exotic Salad

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Mucca said:

Aww :hug:
We practically are clones now aren't we? :yes::hug:

You did a great job with him! I hope it wasn't too much trouble changing him? I have the hardest time trying to get the clothes back on him :wink:

I wasn't able to bring my guitar to calgary with me so I played for 2 hours at 3:00 am the night before I left. :lol:

Practically, yeah. :yes:

Thank you so much! It wasn't too hard. I told him you were home and he has to look his best in clean jeans and a clean t-shirt. So naturally he was agreeable.

Ooohhh. That's my biggest worry. Going to Detroit without my guitar cause they won't let me take it on board. (I have a hsc, but really, I don't trust someone not to walk off with it. Most people don't care about clothes, but a guitar can at least be sold.. makes me paranoid..)
Russty Cat said:

Thank you! I knew you'd like it. :hug: I missed you. :giggle: I'm actually thinking of adding some stuff to it. Doing possiblely a whole sleeve of tattoos on that arm. I'm currently working on a dragon with a fairy riding it for my thigh. And then I want to do my own version of a sacred heart on my chest with wings of course. hehe And then, and and and :laugh: I swear its going to take forever and a lot of cash to get it all done. We are getting our house refinanced hopefully and when I was talking to my broker today he wanted to know what my goals were for the next year. I was like um, get my website going for my business....and get lots and lots of tattoos.

Here is the cross. Its on my left leg. It hurt more to put on, but amazingly its healing much faster and isn't even sore anymore. My arm feels like someone beat the hell out of it.

Wow you really have alot in mind!! :giggle: The dragon one sounds great! I love all that medieval stuff! I see a major wings theme going on here! :lol: The look on your brokers face must've been great :laugh:

The cross looks great! :D Hope your arm feels better soon :hug:

Speaking of dragons...I can't wait till the next harry potter movie comes out, I'm really excited to see how they did the dragon and the huge maze! :hyper:
daygloeyes2 said:

Do they sell these near the massage parlor? :lmao:

I need a pen to enhance though :sad:

I remember when we could sleep on stones.
Now we lie together in whispers and moans.
When I was all messed up and I heard opera in my head
Your love was a light bulb hanging over my bed.


I'm sure Marilyn can recommend a good one, eh VP? :laugh:

I took the money
I spiked your drink
You miss too much these days if you stop to think
You lead me on with those innocent eyes
You know I love the element of surprise
In the garden I was playing the tart
I kissed your lips

U2MaNaIcWeIdO said:

a bit :yawn: from sleeping all day...but I'm fine...trying to read the last thread...most of this thread...and some of the thread where I left off.

And I'm going to see the 9pm Fantasic Four at the movie theater I work at (Thank god for the freebie tickets).

I just looked at the archive page....I dont even think I'm going to attempt catching up. The whole page is basically all of you girls :huh:

Oh tell me how it goes! I finally watched War of the Worlds a couple days ago. The build up was awesome but the ending was so disappointing! :madspit:
Mucca said:

I just looked at the archive page....I dont even think I'm going to attempt catching up. The whole page is basically all of you girls :huh:

Oh tell me how it goes! I finally watched War of the Worlds a couple days ago. The build up was awesome but the ending was so disappointing! :madspit:

I'll try...but I make no promises. Yea...I also saw the ending to War of the Worlds when I was ushering....:madspit:
~BrightestStar~ said:

I'm sure Marilyn can recommend a good one, eh VP? :laugh:

I took the money
I spiked your drink
You miss too much these days if you stop to think
You lead me on with those innocent eyes
You know I love the element of surprise
In the garden I was playing the tart
I kissed your lips


Touch me, take me to that other place
Teach me, I know I’m not a hopeless case

:flirt: :combust:

Night Jemma! :hug:

Diane! :hug:
CeeCee said:

Practically, yeah. :yes:

Thank you so much! It wasn't too hard. I told him you were home and he has to look his best in clean jeans and a clean t-shirt. So naturally he was agreeable.

Ooohhh. That's my biggest worry. Going to Detroit without my guitar cause they won't let me take it on board. (I have a hsc, but really, I don't trust someone not to walk off with it. Most people don't care about clothes, but a guitar can at least be sold.. makes me paranoid..)

Cindy I feel for ya! Last time I flew I had my carry on bag with all my gear in it. $5,000 worth of cds, cameras, and material. The guy doing security told me that I couldn't take it on the plane that it would have to be checked. I informed him that if it didn't walk on the plane with me, I would not be getting on the plane! There was no way I was letting it out of my site. They lost one of my bags before that had my clothes and one of my cameras in it. It took them 3 fucking days to find it!

It took me 30 minutes of fighting with the guy to convince him that I had to have the bag with me. He finally let me on with it, but said that if it wouldn't fit in the overhead bin they would have to take it. I was like yeah just try it buddy and your gonna loose a hand! :mad: :lol:
CeeCee said:

Mmm. I was hoping for a close up of his face. But those pictures can do me anytime LOL

The blusish tinted one no good?

How's about this then?

Close enough?:wink:



CeeCee said:

Practically, yeah. :yes:

Thank you so much! It wasn't too hard. I told him you were home and he has to look his best in clean jeans and a clean t-shirt. So naturally he was agreeable.

Ooohhh. That's my biggest worry. Going to Detroit without my guitar cause they won't let me take it on board. (I have a hsc, but really, I don't trust someone not to walk off with it. Most people don't care about clothes, but a guitar can at least be sold.. makes me paranoid..)

Now if he'd be as agreeable to follow me home in real life....:drool::drool:

Oh no :( Well I guess it is far better to be safe than sorry! Too bad guitars can't be taken apart and reassembled. It'd make travelling with it so much easier!
Mucca said:

Wow you really have alot in mind!! :giggle: The dragon one sounds great! I love all that medieval stuff! I see a major wings theme going on here! :lol: The look on your brokers face must've been great :laugh:

The cross looks great! :D Hope your arm feels better soon :hug:

Speaking of dragons...I can't wait till the next harry potter movie comes out, I'm really excited to see how they did the dragon and the huge maze! :hyper:

Funny thing is my broker and I have been conference calling for the last few weeks, but he hasn't seen me since last year when I was pregnant. The poor man has never actually seen me without me being really grumpy and pregnant. When he called today he said his assistant said an interesting gal came in yesterday to drop off papers for him. Then she gave him my paperwork. When he saw the name he said he laughed and asked her what was so interesting. She said its not often you see someone in our small town with flame red hair, piercings, and tattoos with sweet little kids. He asked me if there was something I wanted to tell him about. :laugh: I had to explain to him that when he saw me last year I wasn't allowed to color my hair or do anything to my body because of being pregnant. Not to mention I was 60 lbs heavier. He is in for a real shock on Tuesday when he sees me. :lol:

I've always had a thing for wings. They are prevelant in my work as well as music. You stand around long enough and I'm gonna slap a pair of wings on ya! :wink:
daygloeyes2 said:

Touch me, take me to that other place
Teach me, I know I’m not a hopeless case

:flirt: :combust:

Night Jemma! :hug:

Diane! :hug:

And you can swallow
Or you can spit
You can throw it up
Or choke on it
...and I can love, yes I can love


Night Jemma :hug:

Welcome Back Diane! :)

when you're trying to eat finger food at the same time as type...damn this place moves fast! :lol:
One finger typing :drool:
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