PLEBA Girls (and guys!) Picture Thread II

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Babydoll said:
:hyper: a new pic of me! yes, ME.

Okay, Babydoll talked me into posting a second pic of myself.. ready? READY FOR IT?!?!


Drumroll please.. :bonodrum:



Okay, passing someone else's photo off as your own is not cool, but neither is ganging up on people. But you know, if that's how you get your kicks, wheee. :rolleyes: It's really no different than kids tearing into each other on a playground. Seriously. Cut it out.

Babydoll - You're fine the way you are :blahblah: please don't be so hard on yourself :sigh: :hug:
See, those are perfectly beautiful photos. :)

And Kafrun, I don't believe anyone was ganging up. But you have to understand that this was the second time that this has happened. I think I speak for more than a few people when I say that stunts like those are rather insulting to the intelligence of the board and frankly, very unwelcomed.

Enough said about the subject. Back to pics. :)
Miroslava said:
And Kafrun, I don't believe anyone was ganging up. But you have to understand that this was the second time that this has happened. I think I speak for more than a few people when I say that stunts like those are rather insulting to the intelligence of the board and frankly, very unwelcomed.
Well the same members have undeniably been ganging up on other members in other threads. I personally find it more obnoxious than whatever else(chatting in threads, TMI posts..) people have been complaining about. Just wanted to point it out, though admittedly I may have been a bit touchy.

As I said, I completely agree with people's frustrations over fake pics being posted. I'm right there with you on that.

I am done. :p Internet drama is lame. Let's all get back to posting pics of our gorgeous selves ;) :)
Miro, the reason why I did that twice ( I apologize tho - feel like an idiot each time I did it) is because I'm reluctant to post actual pics of me cuz my bf just broke up with me a few days saying I was too fat. That totally crushed my self esteem, which is why I try to put pics of ppl who I think are much more beautiful that I could ever be. But then I I feel stupid and end putting my own instead...
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