Pitchfork's Top 200 Albums of the 2000s

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If I had to bet on the top 5, I would judge it as follows:

5. Turn on the Bright Lights
4. Person Pitch
3. Funeral
2. Merriweather
1. Kid A

I really have a hard time seeing how Strawberry Jam, Merriweather, and Person Pitch will all be judged superior to In Rainbows, but, having said that, the heavy presence of AC and AC associates in the top 20 was expected.
My prediction of the top 5:

1. Kid A
2. Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
3. Stankonia
4. Is This It
5. Turn On The Bright Lights

I can't think of any logical reason for an album that came out in 2009, one that didn't even receive a 10, to be ranked in the top 5 for the decade. Then again, they have their collective head so far up Animal Collective's ass that anything is possible.
Yoshmi Battles The Pink Robots should have been much higher(lower? you know what I mean) than 67. I dare say it's a top 20 record this decade.

Surprised no one's brought up Coldplay...Pitchfork aren't the biggest Coldplay lovers but they don't totally freeze them out either. If nothing else, A Rush Of Blood To The Head could pop up in the top 20.

Two records that won't make the list but that imo should: Norah Jones' Come Away With Me(which nabbed eight grammies and is a beautiful record) and Green Day's American Idiot.
Yoshmi Battles The Pink Robots should have been much higher(lower? you know what I mean) than 67. I dare say it's a top 20 record this decade.

Surprised no one's brought up Coldplay...Pitchfork aren't the biggest Coldplay lovers but they don't totally freeze them out either. If nothing else, A Rush Of Blood To The Head could pop up in the top 20.

Two records that won't make the list but that imo should: Norah Jones' Come Away With Me(which nabbed eight grammies and is a beautiful record) and Green Day's American Idiot.

It got a 5.1 rating, so unless they do an Andrew WK like flip-flop, A Rush of Blood has no chance.

American Idiot? Really?
It got a 5.1 rating, so unless they do an Andrew WK like flip-flop, A Rush of Blood has no chance.

American Idiot? Really?

Yes, American Idiot...I don't mean necessarily top 20, I just mean it should've in the top 200. There are some catchy-as-hell rock songs on there, imo.

More importantly, I just realized that there is not yet any Muse on this list. Absolution should be a top 20 record.
I'm not sure you have a very good grasp of this whole Pitchfork thing if you think a Coldplay album has a chance of popping up on the Top 20. And Muse? Are you saying you think Muse's Absolution deserves to be in the Top 20, or that it has a shot at making the Top 20?
I'm not sure you have a very good grasp of this whole Pitchfork thing if you think a Coldplay album has a chance of popping up on the Top 20. And Muse? Are you saying you think Muse's Absolution deserves to be in the Top 20, or that it has a shot at making the Top 20?

Deserve's got nothing to do with it.

Yeah, going by Pitchfork's ratings, those albums have no chance on their list.

However, you'll see A Rush Of Blood and American Idiot on quite a few other best of decade lists as more of these come out.
I'm not sure you have a very good grasp of this whole Pitchfork thing if you think a Coldplay album has a chance of popping up on the Top 20. And Muse? Are you saying you think Muse's Absolution deserves to be in the Top 20, or that it has a shot at making the Top 20?

Yeah, Pitchfork does not hold Muse in high esteem. The reviews for both Absolution and Black Holes were considerably more vitriolic than the raw scores suggested.
When their list is finally completed, I will likely return to the thread and write something like "Decent list of albums, though I don't agree with the order", as I will probably write about most all arbitrary "best of 2000's" lists we're all sure to see later this year.
Well, unless it's your own order, you're likely to disagree with it, no? The question is whether they make some boneheaded, inflated placement. We've already seen some boneheaded deflated ones.
My kneejerk comments:

Haha, fuck Interpol. And HAR-DEE-FUCKING-HAR at Yankoff Motel Cocktrot not even cracking the Top 3!! Bwahahahaha!!

Also, I'll never understand the notion of Kill the Moonlight being Spoon's best.

No way is Is This It a greater accomplishment than White Blood Cells, I don't care what the hell movement it started.

The Blueprint: NICE.

And I'm very, very pleased about Funeral.

I asked this before and received no response: was Hold On Now, Youngster ANYWHERE on this whole list? If not, Pitchfork should be killed. All of them.
I am almost entirely certain that Hold On Now, Youngster... was nowhere on said list. I also don't seem to recall spotting ATD-I's Relationship of Command, which is unspeakable.
So, I've heard 90 of the 200. Not too bad, though I expected at least half.

Good ending to the list, although Stankonia was too low and Discovery was too high.
Fleet Foxes... #1 of 2008, but #32 of the decade? 2008 must've been a bad year for music for the 00s. :huh:
Fleet Foxes... #1 of 2008, but #32 of the decade? 2008 must've been a bad year for music for the 00s. :huh:

Ya, this is why Pitchfork can eat a bag of dicks (the kind that are squashed like chicken cutlets into a plastic bag, not the ones arranged like baguettes in a brown paper bag). Revisionist asshats
We actually hit a lot of that top twenty on the head. Ágætis Byrjun included (GFY, Laz). Moon & Antarctica was a shoo in, don't know how it slipped my mind.

Nice end to the list, anyway. Have never heard the Ghostface record. And I never heard the Avalanches one in its entirety. Heard the other 18 though.

At least some entity agrees with my unabashed Kill the Moonlight love.
I don't think I've listened to Is This It since 2003. Maybe that needs to change.

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