PGP: We're Hatching Some Plots & Scheming Some Schemes To Meet POur U2 Boys On Tour!

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Seems we all had U2 dreams last night :shifty :

I didn't. :sad:

I did have a rather lovely one about another Irishman earlier this week though. :shifty:

Wild, we have to get Anji to Toronto next summer :wink :

There's a pressure session happening on her FB right now :lol:


It must have been! :lol: I remembered mine when I was making coffee this morning, and thought "how weird, man purse-carrying, American cigarette-smoking Bono in a karaoke bar, wtf?" And then I came on here and read yours and Kristen's.

Your dream is cracking me up. :lmao::love:

Don't worry i'll work on her :evil:

She is so like me and how could she not come with Louanne , Jem & I ?:shrug :

I mean i'm always telling her about you girls

Yeah i saw it and joined in :lol :

I'll help work on her. :evil::hyper:
:lol: Man purse.
That reminds me of that episode of Friends when Joey had the man purse.

I enjoyed my dream but I acted like a complete idiot shouting at Bono and waving my arms around trying to get him to pick me :lol:

Totally!! :lol: It was like a messenger-type bag.

My usual Bono dreams tend to be emmm more "action packed" :sexywink:

I blame Edge for my bad dream, i watched his skype inyerview yesterday :madwife:

How is everyone?

Ha! I've had a few "action" type dreams, but mostly mine are just weird and very, very random.

Jam!! :hug: :kiss:
Ha! I've had a few "action" type dreams, but mostly mine are just weird and very, very random.

Jam!! :hug : :kiss:

Weird and random are good. :up: They can be a combination of everything. :drool:

VP. Jam has missed you. :kiss:


WHich one??


Mr Gary Lightbody. :shifty: I blame being excited about Glasgow on 12th June. :hyper::hyper::drool::reject:

:hi5: Team work ftw.
I had a dream about Bono, too. Mine was a lot less pleasant than Wild's and it had nothing to do with the Daleks or his injury. :uhoh: I worry about my imagination sometimes...
She is

As am i :lol:

Yep you're awesome!

I'll help work on her. :evil::hyper:

Yay! Operation Get Anji to Toronto :wink:

Totally!! :lol: It was like a messenger-type bag.

Ha! I've had a few "action" type dreams, but mostly mine are just weird and very, very random.

Jam!! :hug: :kiss:

Haha the image of Bono with a man purse is hilarious :lol: I can't stop giggling.

I've had a few "Action" dreams myself :shifty:

VP - I'm just a total pervert :lol:

Which reminds me new BP is 99% ready :shh:

Jess.:hug: :lmao: Now you got me all curious. What happened?
oh, just the usual kidnapping and torture. An episode of Criminal Minds in my head. Nothing to report, though I woke up before the FBI rescued him...:hmm: I never did see who the unsub was.
I'm severely shocked too. :shocked:


Neither can I. :lmao::lmao:

I wonder if Sicy can photoshop that. :hmm:

Omg that would be so funny :lol:

You were all going to get a copy in Toronto :lol:

That reminds me. You owe me one juicy meeting Larry story since July Toronto isn't happening.

Ok Step1 -Get Bono there

Is it a shiny one?? :lol:

Good first step :wink:

Hmm a little shiny

Let's just say it involved a certain drummer and a hardwood floor. :shifty:
I had a dream about Bono, too. Mine was a lot less pleasant than Wild's and it had nothing to do with the Daleks or his injury. :uhoh: I worry about my imagination sometimes...

oh, just the usual kidnapping and torture. An episode of Criminal Minds in my head. Nothing to report, though I woke up before the FBI rescued him...:hmm: I never did see who the unsub was.

Criminal Minds :drool:

It wasn't me Jess :shifty:
oh, just the usual kidnapping and torture. An episode of Criminal Minds in my head. Nothing to report, though I woke up before the FBI rescued him...:hmm: I never did see who the unsub was.

:giggle: Sounds like it was definately interesting.

That reminds me. You owe me one juicy meeting Larry story since July Toronto isn't happening.

:drool::shifty::combust: What a day. :drool:
:lmao: Between that and your dream I'm hysterically laughing. Like nearly crying. :lol:

:( At the 3 hours sleep though. :hug:

I'm laughing at the typo, can't believe I did that. :lmao: I type better when I'm drunk.



Yeah i know your not , don't forget i've seen VampPunk in action :sexywink:

Me? :shifty: :angel:

The man bag in my dream was like a canvas one. It was on the floor beside him. I leaned over, and that's when my piece of paper dropped into it. Then I had to be all stealthy to get it out. Cause I'm apparently 14, and I leave the house with Bono doodled all over paper. :huh:

My creepiest Bono dream involved Ali being like this evil dentist figure, and pulling my teeth out. :yikes:
I'm laughing at the typo, can't believe I did that. :lmao: I type better when I'm drunk.

Me? :shifty: :angel:

The man bag in my dream was like a canvas one. It was on the floor beside him. I leaned over, and that's when my piece of paper dropped into it. Then I had to be all stealthy to get it out. Cause I'm apparently 14, and I leave the house with Bono doodled all over paper. :huh:

My creepiest Bono dream involved Ali being like this evil dentist figure, and pulling my teeth out. :yikes:

That paper incident reminds me of that little film "Sightings of Bono." You know at the end when she puts the diary of all the places she saw him in the bag :wink:

Omg that's creepy :ohmy:
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