Protecting my eyes ARRRR!!!
Seems we all had U2 dreams last night :shifty :
I didn't.
I did have a rather lovely one about another Irishman earlier this week though.
Wild, we have to get Anji to Toronto next summer :wink :
There's a pressure session happening on her FB right now
It must have been! I remembered mine when I was making coffee this morning, and thought "how weird, man purse-carrying, American cigarette-smoking Bono in a karaoke bar, wtf?" And then I came on here and read yours and Kristen's.
Your dream is cracking me up.
Don't worry i'll work on her
She is so like me and how could she not come with Louanne , Jem & I ?:shrug :
I mean i'm always telling her about you girls
Yeah i saw it and joined in :lol :
I'll help work on her.