PGP: We're Hatching Some Plots & Scheming Some Schemes To Meet POur U2 Boys On Tour!

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I don't follow any ST people, but I was reading that Levar Burton accidentally posted his phone number on twitter - twice. He did it once, had to get a new number, and then did it again. :lmao: And then Will Wheaton and Brent Spiner were giving him a hard time about it. I thought of that last night when I saw Lillywhite's tweet.
That kind of double epic fail deserves a follow :lmao:
Happy (belated) Birthday Drea!!!! :hug::heart:

Also, I haven't forgotten about sponsoring you hun, will do so soon, I promise!

Oh, also in funny twitter news? I follow Steve Lillywhite. Last night, he tweeted a phone number. It was up there for a good 10 minutes, till he must have realized and took the tweet down. :lol: He must have intended to direct message it to someone. called it, right? Who was it? Bono? Edge? :angel: called it, right? Who was it? Bono? Edge? :angel:

Twitter has become more entertaining than failblog with all the tweetbaggery and celeb failtweets. And because I have yet to find a sane celeb using twitter. Leonard Nimoy is almost there. Until he gets chatting with Bill Shatner. Then it all goes out the window. Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson. PhD in astronomy. Batcrap crazy. called it, right? Who was it? Bono? Edge? :angel:

I didn't, I behaved. :angel: But I did google the number. Said it belonged to Nat Turner. I then googled Nat Turner. Said he was a slave rebellion leader circa 1820. I think that's not the right Nat Turner. ;)

Twitter has become more entertaining than failblog with all the tweetbaggery and celeb failtweets. And because I have yet to find a sane celeb using twitter. Leonard Nimoy is almost there. Until he gets chatting with Bill Shatner. Then it all goes out the window. Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson. PhD in astronomy. Batcrap crazy.

I just thought of another one for my "I hate you now because of Twitter" files. Sarah LOVED Neil Gaiman. Followed his blog for ages, then his twitter after she got it. Knew everything about him. He started blogging and tweeting all the time about Amanda Palmer when he was working with her on that project. In fact, she said to me "I totally think they're doing it." Then one day she was all "AHHHHHH, I was right, I knew it, he just announced they're together!" And then he'd go on and on and on about her, constantly. Sarah thought it was cute at first, but then it got to be a little much after a while, and then she became eyerolly about it. Finally, they got to be sort of like those high school couples who are SOOOOOO in love that they constantly have to talk about/display/show evidence of their love, because it's just too great and transcendent to keep to themselves, you know? Not to mention that Amanda Palmer is the most annoying attention whore ever (I read something where someone described her in a funny way as a high school girl for whom everything is just Oh. So. Dramatic and Hipster, in a very unironic way - and it's so true).

Anyway, Sarah unfollowed him on twitter, no longer follows his blog, and pretty much has gone from loving him to thinking he's the biggest idiot ever.
:lol: Oh dear. That's too bad. I can't stand that mushy gushy stuff - I would have unfollowed too.

So it's currently 9:40pm, and I've been yawning for an hour. I think I'm just going to go to bed. :reject: :lol: :wildFridaynightatThora's:

G'night! :hug:
I can't find him on twitter, though that's likely my phone's fault. I follow Spock, Captain Kirk, Wil Wheaton...pretty much everyone I follow has something to do with my sci-fi nerd side.

I think my geekiest area of following is Grant, Adam and the main MythBusters account *g* Especially funny following Grant while he was building Geoff Peterson, Craig Ferguson's robotic sidekick :lol: Needless to say there were a couple Terminator related jokes during that time :wink: Plus getting teases of stuff from set is fun *G*
Sane celebrities on Twitter (at least that I follow) - the Mythbusters guys (see previous post), Gavin Friday (but he's damn cryptic at times :lol:), Steve Nash (basketball player)... Jian Ghomeshi (Cdn, not overly well known unless you were a Moxy Fruvous fan or listen to the CBC - and nearly as much of a smartass as he was before the CBC owned his soul *snerk*)
Vlad is lurking in PLEBA? : ohmy: Get out of here before you start wanting to gouge your eyes out! : wink:

Morning, girls. Woke up without a voice this morning. Should make the conference call interesting later.

He was!? *L*

Oh bugger. Could you make it a video call and do sign language or something?

Yep, we can squish. Zooey will just have to leave her clothes at home : lol:


: D thanks for the good luck wishes guys! It went so much better than I expected. Though I forgot a couple of formulas I still did ok.

:shifty : Tonight I'm invited to play old skool Nintendo games at a certain very hot girl's place. Who happens to be single again.

Well done! :applaud:

And are more good luck wishes in order? :shifty:

That resort is only an hour and a half from me, so there's room for 3 more in the back seat of my car!

(some clothing required for anyone riding in my car - it's just a silly rule i have)

Pfft... although if you have vinyl seats, I can understand that.

: D I can certainly recommend them!

:yippie : I'll be seeing them three weeks and one day from now!

I'm so annoyed that I became a Muse fan just after their last tour here... Bad timing! This time for sure. :D

I give up, I'm jealous of everyone. :lol:

Wanna come? :flirt :

I'm sure I could be persuaded! Don't you already have a travel partner though? Wouldn't want to be a third wheel or anything :wink:

I'm in!!

I don't think I've ever ridden in a car in just my bathing suit or whatever. : lol: Maybe when I was a kid, but I kinda like to be clothed while driving. : wink:

I'm pretty sure my parents had a compulsory clothes policy in the car when I was a kid... and that car did have vinyl seats, so we'd always sit on our towels when we were coming back from the pool. Hot vinyl on bare skin is not fun... :no:

So this morning as I was driving into work, I was listening to my tunes, and the song "Barbara Ann" by the Beach Boys came on. It reminded me of when I was a kid and I'd listen to that record, and I was always so confused why the guy just couldn't pick between Bob or Ann. :lmao: I mean, who cares who you pick, just pick one of them, for crying out loud! :lol: Gotta love misheard lyrics! :wink:

I always thought it was "Barberanne", and I thought it was such a weird name/word to be singing about. Poor enunciantion... :tsk:
Hey ladies. :hug:

Dazzled, Sarah's therapy went fairly well, thanks for asking. :hug: Her range of motion is very limited, although the therapist said she's seen worse, and the strength is really poor. The therapist said what she wants to work toward first is either weaning her off of the crutches, or weaning her off the cast. She had her walking yesterday with the cast on but with only one crutch. Sarah continued that last night at home, and today, she tried walking a bit with no crutches. :) I think the reassurance from the therapist that she wasn't going to injure it again by pushing herself a little helped a lot. She also has exercises to do at home for strength and motion.

Hope you're able to get the computer working so that you can access the net on it!

Best of luck for Sarah's speedy recovery! :hug:
That, and a few other things on there (typical celebrity trainwrecks, but also normal, likable celebrities who just say stupid, controversial things) have made me wonder about the wisdom of celebrities keeping in such close contact with ordinary people. For some of them, the result of talking without the filter of a PR person just isn't going to be good. :lol:

I wonder if some of those celebrities will end up with PR-controlled Twitter accounts, so they can pay someone to tweet things that will make them look smart and/or funny, or at least not like idiots. *L*
Given my friend Tracy was describing her apt as a "sauna" last night, I assume you could flood Memorial Ave with the Ice Capps you've sold by now? :lol:
Don't remind me. I'm ready to "accidently" break that machine :shifty:

I was secretly enjoying last night a little bit though because we had to clean the machine and when you do that it has to sit for a few hours after and you can't use it. I was laughing hearing people freak out that we didn't have ice caps :lol:
Don't remind me. I'm ready to "accidently" break that machine :shifty:

I was secretly enjoying last night a little bit though because we had to clean the machine and when you do that it has to sit for a few hours after and you can't use it. I was laughing hearing people freak out that we didn't have ice caps :lol:

Good thing I didn't drive through last night then...I almost did! I love Ice Capps :lol:
Good morning Kristen! :wave: At the mall they know Sean so well that when he ordered just a coffee, they said "No Ice Capp with a butter caramel shot?" That is bad! :laugh:
Good morning Kristen! :wave: At the mall they know Sean so well that when he ordered just a coffee, they said "No Ice Capp with a butter caramel shot?" That is bad! :laugh:


I love ice caps but I HATE making them :angry:

orly? :eyebrow:

I need a new bra to properly wear my cute new top. :angry: I HATE bra shopping.

I swear I didn't mean for it to come out like that :shifty:

Ya bra shopping can be very annoying, especially when you ain't got nothing to put in a bra :lol:

I love ice caps but I HATE making them :angry:

I swear I didn't mean for it to come out like that :shifty:

Ya bra shopping can be very annoying, especially when you ain't got nothing to put in a bra :lol:

^eh, I've got the other end of that problem, esp when I'm 8 lbs heavier than I'd like to be [/girlywhine]

What are you up to this weekend? Anything fun?
^eh, I've got the other end of that problem, esp when I'm 8 lbs heavier than I'd like to be [/girlywhine]

What are you up to this weekend? Anything fun?

Uh just scrap the bra shopping and we'll have some drinks and whine about our boobs :lol:

Nope nothing fun this weekend for me. Just working. Apparently I have to pay for my U2 trips all over again next summer so I have to start saving now :wink:

What are you up to?
I know what you mean about a 2nd u2 trip. I'm going to have to use my former u2 airfare for something else, unless they play in CA before May 9th. :shrug:

I've got no plans really -Memorial Day weekend here so hubby has a 3 day weekend - we were going to go camping but everyone and their brother will be camping this weekend. We've got 2 bbq's (one to attend, one to host) on Monday. Swim practice tomorrow. Other than that I have NO idea. :shrug: Kinda weird, after such a busy spring.
With school done it must feel nice to not be busy all the time.

I was going to keep my airfare credits too but I figured out that with all the change and cancellation fees, taking the trips still would be cheaper. I'll just bust my butt at Tim Hortons all winter to pay for the trips again :wink:
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