PGP- We Love DG!!!

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bonoishot said:
i've not gone yet girls :shifty:

i was just typing an essay of an email to poor Dg


How much are the cleveland tixs VP? :ohmy:

I looked on E-bay earlier and they're insane. :sad:

And Buffalo doesn't even have that many listed, so that's not a good sign...

Night Susan :hug:
But before I go...


VintagePunk said:

I looked on E-bay earlier and they're insane. :sad :

And Buffalo doesn't even have that many listed, so that's not a good sign...

:yikes::sad: :| that sucks :angry:

im lookin into cleveland with wils now, it depends on 1) if our airline will let us change the fligt from boston home (with v little or no cost) 2) if i can get time of 3)the tickets would have to be cheap GA's (not going all that way for seats) and no way i can afford anymore ETS tickets so cant be those

not looking good :uhoh:

maybe ruff know someone with spare tickets? :hug:

night VP, night susan:hug:

^above edgey gif
Hi for a minute Pleba girls :wave: Just catching up on the thread.

I love being a bad influence. :evil:

I'm going to wait for a ticket drop at the box office for Cleveland--no way am i paying scalper prices or ETS. It's risky but it works more times than it doesn't. We'll just all have to drink excessively or take xanax so we don't get stressed out :crazy:

that Edge gif drives me insane. It's is it? :drool:
ruffian said:
Hi for a minute Pleba girls :wave: Just catching up on the thread.

I love being a bad influence. :evil:

I'm going to wait for a ticket drop at the box office for Cleveland--no way am i paying scalper prices or ETS. It's risky but it works more times than it doesn't. We'll just all have to drink excessively or take xanax so we don't get stressed out :crazy:

that Edge gif drives me insane. It's is it? :drool:

Hot! :combust:

:hug: Hi Ruff :D
It *is* hot but I don't typically find him hot. But he's got such a passionate expression on his face. Looks like he could be involved in something other than playing guitar :ohmy:

Hi SG!
I'm ba-ack!! :hug: :wave:

I'm listening to POP. I can't find my copy, which is probably buried under a pile of magazines, books, etc., etc., so I borrowed a copy from the library and am now copying it onto my iTunes library.

Do you feel love? Do you fee-eeel? Do you fee-eeel??
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