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Sorry, I got bored.

My sig is from one of the books of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series. That's gonna be my new sig. Something random to do with astromomy or astrophysics. :yes:
dianepm said:
I love random facts.....

I really must read that series one of these days....
It's SO funny. And you really don't have to know anything about space to get the funny. It's just strange and funny.

I found out something funny you can do with Einstein's Theory of Relativity.
dianepm said:

what?? Like I say, I love any and all facts and information.
I think I posted it before.

Fun with Einsteinian physics: Synchronise two clocks. Leave one stationary, then take a walk with the other one and bring it back. The one that travelled will be slower than the one that stayed stationary. You could use this excuse for being late to work. Special relativity. :lol: The work clock stayed stationary, but your watch travelled, therefore, your watch was slower than the work clock and you were late. You can't argue with Einstein! :up:
dianepm said:
:scratch: would that work with a digital watch???
I'm not sure. I know it works with analog clocks (the ones with hands). I think as long as the timepiece's readout is not regulated by the Naval Observatory (which sets the time for cell phone clocks 'n' such) it should work. :yes:
I take that back, you CAN argue with Einstein. His theories on quantum mechanics were a bit dodgy. But that has been improved upon and now we understand the possibilities of wormholes and Einstein-Rosen bridges a lot more. plus there's String theory thrown is as well...:scratch: I wonder if that has anything to do with the cosmic web...:hmm:

Dark matter, exoplanets, the Twin Paradox, time-travel, nebulae, supernovae, neutron stars, pulsars, Hawking radiation...These are all things that I am interested in. :shifty: And I have favourite astrophysicists. :reject:

I think I'm going to change my rank...
RegularBonoFan said:
Dark matter, exoplanets, the Twin Paradox, time-travel, nebulae, supernovae, neutron stars, pulsars, Hawking radiation...These are all things that I am interested in. :shifty: And I have favourite astrophysicists. :reject:

I think I'm going to change my rank...
When I bought that "word maze" t-shirt off, I had no idea what the writing said... I nearly died of geek:love: when I saw it was all about the big bang and dark matter and stuff!! :nerd: :hyper:

Hi Weldy, Frankie, Diane, Z, Carlos, VP, whoever's still around :wave:
Science :drool:

I used to have loads of kids science books when I was... well, a kid. :giggle:

I dunno how accessible things like "A Brief History of Time" are... not read that one myself yet. There are "popular science" books out there... but I dunno which ones. So I'm not really helping at all. :der: :reject:
dianepm said:
If you were to suggest a book for beginners....what would you recommend?

I find science facinating, but am a little over-whelmed when trying to read about it.
I would start with something more for the masses like Astronomy Magazine. Hell, even I haven't read A Brief History of Time. Or go to history .com and watch an online episode of "The Universe".
haven't read that one.

If you want just awesome pcitures of galaxies and nebulae and proto-planetary disks: Sky & Telescope, FTW. I'm convinced that Edge's home planet is somewhere in the dark nebula called "Barnard's E," :giggle:
Alisaura said:

When I bought that "word maze" t-shirt off, I had no idea what the writing said... I nearly died of geek:love: when I saw it was all about the big bang and dark matter and stuff!! :nerd: :hyper:
OMG *wantz*
Did edge design it? :wink:
RegularBonoFan said:
haven't read that one.

If you want just awesome pcitures of galaxies and nebulae and proto-planetary disks: Sky & Telescope, FTW. I'm convinced that Edge's home planet is somewhere in the dark nebula called "Barnard's E," :giggle:

RegularBonoFan said:
OMG *wantz*
Did edge design it? :wink:
Well, I found out later that the same design is in that little "art" book that came with the limited edition HTDAAB... so it's possible. It was one of them, anyway, I guess! I don't have an example of Edge's handwriting to compare it to, though... :hmm:

Would be so cool if it was him :D
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